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Friday, December 28, 2012

Kerja sendiri, jadi bos senang? Kisah permulaan TADIKA ANAK ASPIRASI/ASPIRING KIDS KINDY (BM entry)


Dah lama saya teringin nak membuka tadika sendiri. Bila dapat peluang skrg, mmg saya tak tolak walaupun dah banyak berkorban duit, masa dan tenaga. Yang penting, puas hati sebab dapat buat apa yang kita minat. Cabaran-cabaran tu banyak.......................Bila dah ada semangat nak teruskan, saya tetap teruskan sebab tak guna buat kerja separuh jalan kan.

Ada ramai yang ingat jadi bos ni senang. Arahkan je pekerja-pekerja kita. Bolehla main arah tapi lepas tu kalau terlingkup, siapa yang susah? Sebenarnya bila nak jadi bos ni, kitalah bos kita juga jadi pekerja. Hah? Betul ke? Kalau yang baru bermula macam saya, memang tak boleh elak kena buat sendiri macam-macam kerja. Urusan2 penting, lebih baik buat sendiri sebab kita boleh tahu sendiri selok-belok perniagaan kita.

Setakat ni, kami dah dapat sambutan juga dari ibu bapa yang berminat dengan konsep kami "Learning through play". Secara ringkasnya, kami inginkan konsep yang seimbang dari segi segala rohani dan jasmani untuk kanak-kanak pra-sekolah. Jadi mereka bukan lah duduk di kerusi dan belajar saja. Kami akan pastikan ada pelbagai aktiviti yang boleh meransang pemikiran mereka.

Tinggal beberapa hari saja lagi sebelum sekolah bermula. Saya dah kecut perut memikirkan banyak lagi yang perlu kami buat sebelum kami bersedia di hari pertama persekolahan. Minta-mintaklah semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar. Doakan ye.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The acceptable & unacceptable time to sleep.


I reckon most of us have heard about some acceptable and unacceptable time to sleep. But we still sleep during the unacceptable time especially after Fajr, right? I have to admit I'm also as guilty as charged. I hope to change the bad habit very soon when our kindy is officially open next week.

So, let's see this chart:

As good muslim, in shaa allah we need to follow this advice because it's good for us. There are some explanations why we can't sleep at certain time like after Asr, we'll feel disoriented, dizzy and weak when we wake up especially during Maghrib.  I think most of you know the other explanations as well, right?

Monday, December 24, 2012

C.P. has no mercy.


When Hafizah was infected with C.P. , her condition was not so bad. Then, Fathini was also infected with C.P. She got it worse than Hafizah. I thought Husna won't be infected as I'm exclusively breastfeeding her. But I was wrong. Now, Husna has gotten the C.P. and she suffered the most. Almost the whole body has been covered with boils and she looks so uncomfortable with that condition.

What is C.P. that I'm referring to?


This is latest Husna's photo:

I've done my best to ease her itchiness by using Calamine lotion all over her body. As she also suffers from mild fever, I've given Paracetamol according to the instructed dose by the doctor. At the end of the day, I know that C.P. is something normal and it's good that all of my daughters got it while they are still small and it happen during school holiday.

Have you ever taking care of your children when they have Chicken Pox? What do you do to ease the pain?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Introducing....................Aspiring Kids Kindergarten.


I've shared in some entries before that I'm busy with a new project. The new project is actually a project of opening a new kindergarten. It's been one of my dreams to open a place where I can educate children and at the same time let them learn through play.

At the moment, we've started to take in registration of kids from 4 years old to 6 years old. Our goal is to get kids from various cultural and backgrounds. We've equipped the kindergarten with appropriate furniture and educational tools.Our teachers are all experienced teachers who have at least 10 years experience dealing with kindergarten kids.

Here are some of the photos of the kindergarten that I can share now. If you are residing in Kelana Jaya especially near SS5 and interested to know more about our kindy, please feel free to contact us at 019-2764595 and talk to our principal Mrs. Chong.

Reading & Story telling corner

Classroom for 4 years old

Special cupboard for educational tools

Eating corner

 Main entrance to the building


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Middle Child Syndrome: Is Hafizah facing it now?


What is a Middle Child?

A middle child is someone who is born in between two or more siblings. Being born in the middle, as you’ll soon find out is not that simple. The middle child, unlike the eldest or youngest child, does not get much attention. Middle children are also usually considered outcasts in their families and often develop a condition called Middle Child Syndrome.

              Hafizah  is 5 years old and YES she is our middle child. We thought that the huge age gap (5 years) between her and her younger sister will help her to come to the term of having younger sibling since she is kind of whiny little girl. Only after 6 months of having Husna, Hafizah has shown some regression and acting out when I can't give the attention to her. I didn't realize I was abandoning her somehow because I was busy taking care of Husna who needs more attention. When my hubby told me to give more attention to Hafizah too when I'm free, I became so defensive and denying his claim. 

I don't want Hafizah to have the low self-esteem just because she feels unwanted or unloved. So, I'm trying my best now to juggle my time between the three of them and always be aware of their special needs. Sometimes we take our so called "normal" kids for granted that we never think they also have their own special needs.

Now, if any other parents out there are facing the same problem or faced this problem before, would you care to share your opinion about this?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Lawak: Petikan kata-kata Ustaz Azhar Idrus (BM entry)


Hari ni tak sempat nak taip2 panjang-panjang. Jd saya nak kongsikan kata2 UAI yg mmg terkenal tu.

Sepasang suami isteri sedang berebut remote tv.suami die suke tngk bola...manakala isteri die suka tengok masak2...Gaduh punya gaduh sampai Channel tv asik bertukar-tukar...kejap bola kejap cite masak-masak... bunyi tv tu jadi tak menentu mcm ni..

" satu kilo daging ayam DI TENDANG RONALDO MASUK GOL...5 ulas bawang pu
tih BERDIRI OFSIDE....daging di rebus oleh REFREE sampai empuk....masukkan jintan manis dan YELLOW CARD ke dalam periuk..BOLA DIBAWA LALU di rebus separuh masak....GOAL KEEPER ditusuk jadi sate... PENJAGA GARISAN MENGANGKAT BENDERA tanda sate dah masak.... "

*Jiran sebelah: Ape ke bende yg diorang tonton tu...pelik bebenor bunyinya...dunia2. haha :D

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ibu bapa selalu menipu anak-anak? (BM entry)


Kita sebagai ibu bapa selalu berniat untuk mendidik anak-anak. Tapi kita tak sedar dalam kita nak mendidik tu, ada banyak kesilapan kecil yang tidak disengajakan. Bukan nak kata pada orang lain, saya dan suami juga ada buat kesilapan-kesilapan kecil tu.

Apa yang selalu kita tipu? Jom kita fikir-fikirkan semula situasi-situasi yang saya hendak kongsikan di bawah:

1. "Mama tak de duitlah kakak". 
   Padahal mama tu baru beli beg tangan Coach, tu yang tak de duit tu. Patutnya cakaplah, "Mama tak cukup duit untuk beli barang yang kakak nak tu sekarang. Nanti bila cukup duit, mama belikan ye".

2.  "Papa sibuklah hujung minggu ni".
    Kesian anak-anak nak keluar berjalan-jalan tak boleh sebab papa lagi sibuk keluar jumpa kawan-kawan dia dan lepak main snooker ke, golf ke. Patutnya lebihkanlah masa dengan anak-anak. Nanti anak-anak dah besar, anak-anak pulak cakap, "Adam sibuklah papa. Tak boleh nak jumpa papa hujung minggu ni."

3. "Mama tak pandailah nak masak lauk tu, kakak. Makan jelah telur goreng tu.
     Anak-anak tak kisah pun kalau mak diaorg masak macammana sekali pun sebab air tangan ibu tu sebenarnya ada perisa asli yang tak dapat dibeli di mana-mana kedai. Cubalah cari resipi makanan kegemaran anak-anak. Dah besar nanti, mesti diaorang akan teringat-ingat masakan ibu mereka.

4. "Papa dulu selalu dapat A. Mana ada dapat E atau F ni".
     Nak marahkan anak sampai cakap macam tu . Iye ke papa tu tak pernah dapat E atau F? Janganlah jatuhkan semangat anak. Patut bagi semangat nak dapatkan A.

5. "Mama dulu selalu rajin tolong nenek masak tau".
   Iyelah rajin lepas dah kena bebel 44 kali kan. hehehe. Kalau nenek tak bising-bising, mama tu bukannya nak turun ke dapur. Lagi seronok dok berlingkar atas katil dan berangan.

6. "Papa dulu juara main bola ni".
   Memanglah juara kampung je pun. Itu pun nak menunjuk-nunjuk sangat pada anak macam pernah jadi pemain kebangsaan. hehe.

Betul tak situasi-situasi tadi? Ada tak yang terkena batang hidung? Saya sekali bukan nak menunding pada orang lain tapi nak mengingatkan diri sendiri supaya selalu jujur dengan anak-anak. Kalau kita selalu menipu anak-anak, jangan salahkan mereka kalau mereka pun menipu kita.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Simple Rules of Happiness.


Jumaah mubarakah to all. Just want to share this today:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nothing special for our Anniversary.


Yesterday was our 9th wedding anniversary and also my hubby's birthday. We didn't celebrate it. WHY? Right now we are still busy with our biggest project this year. This project is not an easy project and it requires a lot of money, energy, time and our focus.

In Shaa Allah when everything is ready, our special project is going to be the perfect present for our anniversary this year. Hopefully we can do our best to realizing our dream.

How do you celebrate your wedding anniversary? Do you always have something special?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ask Mr. Google.


Nowadays if you don't know about things what do you do?

Ask Mr. Google

If you forget some recipes, what do you do?

Ask Mr. Google

If you don't know some places, what do you do?

Ask Mr. Google

If your children ask some tough questions, what do you do?

Ask Mr. Google too?

We depend so much on technology that we tend to forget what do we do before Google was invented. We used to be fine and happily find the answers from other resources and we survive.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Role play: being princesses


Today we did a simple art of making crowns using cardboard. Then we decorated the crowns using coloured pens. We enjoyed telling stories of princesses and acted like them. What an enjoyable activity!

Princess Fathini &Princess Husna

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Keajaiban di Gaza. (BM entry)


Kita semua memang sedih apabila melihat kesengsaraan rakyat Palestin yang tidak habis-habis diserang oleh Israel yg-tak-de-hati-perut tu. Tapi hari ni saya nak berkongsi peristiwa-peristiwa aneh yang berlaku di Gaza yang boleh dikatakan ajaib. Bagi saya semua peristiwa itu adalah tanda adanya pertolongan dari Allah S.W.T. Kita jangan berhenti berdoa dan menderma untuk mereka. Semoga mereka akan memperolehi kemenangan yang besar dan moga-moga hancurlah negara Israel yang tidak patut diiktiraf itu.

Al-Kisah yang telah diceritakan oleh al-fadhil Ustaz Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahma, Pengerusi Ekskutif Aman Palestin dan juga merangkap Presiden Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia yang telah pergi ke Gaza pada 20-31 Januari yang lalu.Berikut adalah beberapa kisah benar dan pengalaman beliau di Gaza:

Peristiwa 1

Seorang Ketua Mujahid Gaza berkata pada Ustaz Zaik bahawa, ketika satu pertempuran, komander mujahidin menyuruh pejuang tidak menembak kereta kebal Yahudi yang memasuki kawasan mereka. Dengan berbekalkan baki 6 RPG, tiba-tiba senjata ini menembak ke arah kereta kebal tersebut dan
memusnahkan ia. Komander itu menjerit agar tidak menembak dan para pejuang berkata mereka tidak melakukannya. Mereka berkata tiba-tiba senjata mereka berfungsi dan menembak sasaran. Setelah habis adegan aneh itu, para pejuang mendapati baki 6 RPG itu masih tidak digunakan! Dan siapakah
yang menembak tentera laknatullah itu??? Allahu Akhbar!

Peristiwa 2

Temuramah bersama tentera Yahudi laknatullah oleh TV Israel yang cedera mengatakan bahawa mereka melihat pejuang Gaza kesemuanya berpakaian putih sedangakan uniform pejuang Hamas bewarna hijau! Siapakah yang berbaju putih itu???

Peristiwa 3

Tentera Yahudi yang buta setelah serangan berkata mereka tiba-tiba dibaling pasir ke mata mereka dan tidak tahu siapakah yang melakukannya.

Peristiwa 4

Peluru berpandu yang pertama di lancarkan oleh Israel ke Gaza mengenai sasarannya iaitu anggota tentera mereka sendiri! Ia berpatah balik!
Allahu Akhbar!

Peristiwa 5

Pada permulaan perang, roket-roket Hamas yang hendak dilancarkan, tiba-tiba salah satu roket itu meluncur laju ke udara tanpa ada sesiapa yang mengaktifkan ia. Dan roket itu mengenai sasaran di Israel !

Peristiwa 6

Yang paling menakjubkan, seorang ulama Syria telah bermimpi bertemu dengan Rasulullah SAW dan kelihatan baginda sedang mengeluarkan pedang dari sarungnya. Ulama itu berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, ke mana kamu mahu pergi?", lalu baginda menjawab, "Aku mahu berperang di Gaza !!!".
MasyaAllah, Rasulullah sendiri mahu berperang di Gaza , di manakah kita?

Itulah serba sedikit dari kisah takjub yang sempat diceritakan oleh al-fadhil Ustaz Abdullah Zaik setelah berada lebih seminggu di Gaza atas misi kemanusiaan. Ia kisah benar yang perlu umat Islam ketahui.
Allahu Akbar!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Homemade Puppet Theater


Are your kids feeling bored staying at home and just watch tv all day? Do they complain and keep bothering you? If your answer is YES, then I would like to suggest a simple solution for it.

Yesterday, my daughters and their cousin had a simple project of making our own Puppet Theater. Of course I helped them when we had to use a knife to cut things but most of the jobs were done by the kids.

Here are the things that we used to make the Puppet Theater:
A big box
Some coloured papers
White tape
Black tape
A piece of shawl

How did we do it?
1- Draw a rectangular shape to make the screen. Make sure it is only taking 1/4 of the whole box.
2- Cut the the shape and you can see that you have the screen.
3- Draw a simple door at the back to have an easy access.
4- Decorate the front with some coloured paper. You can use your imagination to decorate it. My daughters decorated the theater with a house, some tall grass, the sky, some clouds, flowers and the sun.
5- Tape a shawl at both sides to cover the screen.



Please excuse the other things behind the box.

There's a dinasour walking to find some food.

When there's a theater, my kids and their cousin had an endless fun and they used their imagination to tell their stories using their soft toys and some figurines. Why don't you try this with your kids.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A quick visit to see baby Muhammad.


Have you ever made any decision to go somewhere without a proper planning? What happened then? Was your journey a smooth one?

Two days ago, we decided to go to Balok, Pahang to visit my brother and his wife who just delivered a newborn baby boy. We decided to go there only at 10 a.m. and by 11, we went out. I didn't pack that much since we it was only a day trip. Normally we would stay for few days there but this time we didn't want to bother my brother that much. We had our lunch in the rest stop area at Temerloh before we arrived at our destination by 3 p.m.

My brother and his wife were so happy to see us even though they both looked so tired. Their elder daughter was also happy to see her cousins even though she was a bit shy at first. My brother went out to buy some food like fried bananas for us even after I told him not to.

Here are some photos of us at his in-laws house:

Husna was so excited and there were many times she tried to touch the newborn baby. She made so much noise. Luckily the baby was not disturbed by Husna's noise. The baby is her second cousin who is born in the same year. By next year, I bet they are going to run around need to be carefully watched.

Fathini and Hafizah were busy playing with Hana (the elder sister for the baby). Hana was the boss when Fathini and Hafizah took turn to push her on her rider.

By 5.30  after my daughters took a bath, we had to leave the house and went back to KJ. Fathini and Hafizah wanted to stay but we told them that we would spend the night some other time. Before we left, I took a photo with baby Muhammad. (supposedly the baby will have another name after Muhammad but my brother didn't want to reveal yet). I secretly prayed that one day I will have a baby boy too when I held my nephew.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

No concert for Hafizah this year.


At the end of school term most kindergarten will organize a concert & graduation for their students. Reading some of the other blogs where they shared the sweet moments of their kids during their concert, has made me feeling sad for Hafizah. She's 5 and she was supposed to have a concert too if her kindy didn't have problems. I can't really share what really happened to Hafizah's kindy. All I can tell is they have to close the kindy due to financial restraints since October. We decided not to send her to other kindergarten because there were only about 5 weeks left for schooling days this year. So, I stayed at home teaching her by using lots of books. Yes, I haven't gone back to work since I gave birth to Husna.

Teaching your own kid is really different from teaching other people's kids. Sometimes I find it so hard to use the reinforcement and become so firm with your kid. Maybe it's just me. I can be quite lenient when it comes to my kids. My hubby is firmer in teaching our kids.

Ok, getting back to the topic, I'm sharing this because I reckon a concert is a good way to promote self-confidence in kids. They will feel proud to be able to present something and showcase their hidden talents to their parents and others. That's why I reckon most kindergarten like to organize this event as a yearly event.

Hopefully next year, she'll be able to graduate as she's going to 6 years old and finishing her kindergarten's level.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Doa lembutkan hati anak. (BM entry)


Kita selalu mengeluh bila anak2 tidak mendengar cakap dan kadang-kadang mereka memberontak kan? Selalunya kita akan mudah naik angin dan akan memarahi anak2. Saya sendiri pun selalu juga hilang sabar dengan karenah anak2. Bila mereka sudah tak mendengar nasihat kita, apa yang kita akan buat?

Hari ni saya nak berkongsi doa yang boleh kita amalkan untuk melembutkan hati anak. Jom sama-sama kita amalkan. Harap-harap lepas ni, lebih mudah anak2 nak mendengar cakap kita.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gaining weight = accumulating information?


Read this and tell me what do you think about it.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Excited with the new project.


This is just a very short entry to share my excitement about our new project. Right now, we (my hubby and I) are doing some paperwork and also some other work before we can realize our dream. Yesterday, I've started to attend a course which is related to our project. I can't reveal what's the project yet but hopefully by Dec, we are going to get some clients and by January it'll be fully operated.

Please pray for us. This project means a lot to us and it's part of my dream.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Bila hujan: Contoh-contoh macammana kita kurang bersyukur. (BM entry)


Sekarang memang hampir setiap hari hujan akan turun. Memang kebiasaannya di akhir tahun, hujan lebat yang kadang-kadang membawa bersama banjir. Apa yang saya nak kongsi hari ni ialah apa yang selalu terlintas di fikiran kita dan mungkin juga kita akan cakap BILA HUJAN.

Alamak hujan pulak. Habislah baju di jemuran tak kering-kering lagi. Dah banyak hari ni.

Kuatnya matahari hari ni. Habislah pudar warna baju kalau sidai lama-lama.

Macammana nak keluar ke pasar malam ni? Hujan lebat sangat. Mesti tak banyak pun gerai kat pasar malam.

 Susah jugak nak buat aktiviti kat luar kalau panas terik sangat. Nanti budak-budak demam pulak.

Tak sukanya bila hujan sebab mesti jalan akan sesak sangat-sangat. Orang akan pandu kereta perlahan sebab jalan jadi licin.

Hoi...tak nampak orang ke. Main nak langgar je. Ni yang susah kalau matahari terik sangat, jadi silau pulak.

Kat kampung sebelah air dah naik. Kita kena simpan barang-barang. Kot-kot nanti kat sini pun naik air. Habislah sayur-sayur yang baru ditanam tu. Mesti rosak.

Kering sangatlah sekarang. Bilalah hujan nak turun. Tanam apa pun tak subur ni.

Susah kan untuk kita betul-betul menerima semua keadaan dan bersyukur? Ada saja yang fikiran negatif yang kita terfikir. Cuba kita tukar semua yang negatif tu dan tengok dari sudut positif. Saya bukan cakap pasal orang lain, saya merujuk pada diri sendiri juga sebab kadang-kadang saya pun sama selalu terfikir perkara-perkara negatif saja bila asyik hujan. 

P/S: hujan-hujan ni teringat dulu-dulu arwah nenek suka rebus ubi kayu dan jering lepas tu makan cicah dengan kelapa parut. Ermmm sedapnya.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Without kids VS With kids.


Let's see these pictures and then tell me if you agree with those situations.

Monday, October 29, 2012

A non-qualified psychologist?


Have you ever give or share your thoughts when other people ask your opinion on their problem? Have you been a good listener to your friends? What about giving some suggestions on how to solve some problems?
If your answer to all of those questions is YES, then you are actually a non-qualified psychologist.

Most of us think that we always know how or what to say when our family members or friends ask us to share our opinion. Sometimes we think if we have the same problem, we would this and that. However, how many of us realize each problem in life is unique. Although there might be some similarities with some problems, we can't just suggest one way of dealing with them. When our friends make some mistakes in solving their problems, we turn our back and think that they deserve to suffer.

I've been one of the non-qualified psychologist too. I've learned my mistake several times now. It's better to lend our ears to the problems and then maybe suggest some possible solutions. But at the end, the person need to weigh the pros and cons of their own decision. There's no such thing as THE BEST solution in life. We learn the part and parcel of life through our own decision and like or not, we have to deal with the consequences every day. 

SO, if next time you want to give advice, don't forget to say that, "Your own decision is the best for you".

Thursday, October 25, 2012

7 dangerous acts after meal.



1. Don’t smoke —- Experiments from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher)

2. Don’t eat fruits immediately — Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruits 1 -2 hours after meal or 1 hour before meal.

3. Don’t drink tea—— Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hundred thus difficult to digest.

4. Don’t loosen your belt———- Loosening the belt after meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted and blocked.

5. Don’t bathe———- ——- Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease, this will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6. Don’t walk about———- — People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

7. Don’t sleep immediately—- ——– The food we intake will not be to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric and infection in our intestine.

Have you ever done some of the acts before? Have you ever heard some warnings about those before? I have to admit that I've done some of the acts before and didn't realize how dangerous the acts can be. I reckon after this, we better avoid doing those acts. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

From Curve NX to The Curve,IPC & IKEA.


Do you hate exercise? But you love shopping or doing window shopping? THEN.......................a perfect place to go is MUTIARA DAMANSARA. WHY?'s simple. You can walk to those places as they are just next to each other while you are doing your window shopping. As walking is one of the best exercise, you won't realize that you are burning the fat while doing your favourite activity during weekend. 

Last Sunday, we didn't really plan our walkathon trip. My SIL was the one who asked us to drop Fathini & Hafizah at Kidzania in Curve NX so that they can accompany their cousin to play there. In order to fill up our time waiting for our daughters, we decided to walk and check out the other buildings near Curve NX. I've been to The Curve & eCurve before but I've never enter IKEA. That's why I asked my hubby to go there and see what's so great about that place. It was quite convenience to walk around there because they have built the bridges that connect the buildings around the area.

We began our walkathon from Curve NX to The Curve. A lot of shop lots were not opened yet and there were not so many people too. We spent some time in The Curve before my hubby decided to sit down and have some tea. Then, we went to RASA food court. We wanted to check out the stalls at the street in front of eCurve but then most of them were not opened yet. So, we proceeded to IPC. 

In IPC, there were a sale from Popular Book Store. They are selling books at a very crazy prices. I checked out some books but I didn't buy any. I love buying books but right now we don't have enough space to store our books. We also checked out other shops before we proceeded to IKEA.

There were so many people in IKEA. We can't really walk without the stroller bumping into other people's feet. Some people dropped their kids at the play area with a guardian so that they can shop peacefully. Most people are just stealing some ideas for their homes. Some love the furniture or other stuffs. We walked around to be inspired too. By 1 o'clock, we were starving and decided to eat in IKEA's food court. However, it was so crowded that we couldn't find any empty seat.

At last we had our lunch in RASA food court before we went back to Curve NX. By 2 o'clock, we were so tired and thought that Fathini and Hafizah were ready to go home. But when I called my SIL, she said that they were still waiting to go into some rooms in Kidzania. She asked us to go home and she would sent our daughters home.

Our walkathon was a kind of something that we haven't done for such a long time. We were there for 4 hours and we only stop walking when we had a drink and also our lunch. Maybe we should do this more often. my

Friday, October 19, 2012

Cabaran 36 Jam. (BM entry)


Sempena hari Jumaat yang mulia ini, saya nak berkongsi peluang untuk kita semua bersedekah setakat yang termampu. Rasanya ramai yang sudah terbaca tentang penderitaan seorang bekas pemain bila sepak Ezmi Md. Jan yang menderita penyakit barah hidung tahap 4. (kritikal) Kalau tidak silap, malam semalam pun ada kisah Ezmi ni di TV3.

Ini yang saya dapat daripada FB:

Jika inginj menderma, anda boleh masukkan ke akaun ini:
1222 7000 0646 100

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I admire her: Tawakul Karman


I admire this woman for her bravery and boldness when people asked her about her hijab. This is what the best answer so far to the question "Why do Muslim women need to wear hijab?"

Another baby in the family!


I received a good news this morning. There's another baby in our family. Whose baby is it? Nope, definitely not mine because I just delivered Husna 4 months ago. It's my second nephew. My younger sister, Yatie delivered her second baby this morning at 10 something in one of the private hospital in Kota Bharu. The labour process was quite quick considering that she had the contractions at 3 a.m. and by 8 a.m. she went to the hospital. So, this is the photo of the new baby:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's exam season!


It's almost at the end of the year. How time flies! (yup, quite a cliche' to say that). As UPSR & PMR were over, SPM & STPM  candidates are waiting for their exams to start. My daughter, Fathini is also having her final year exam this week.

Yesterday, when we asked her "How was the exam?". She smiled and said, "It was easy peasy, mama". I was relieved to hear that. My hubby and I have decided even before she went to primary school that we don't want to force her to study or expect her to excel by giving her the high expectation. We don't want to feel stressed as it's better if she wants to do things on her own will. It also can boost her self confidence when she excel at her own expectations. We are trying (very hard sometimes) not to be so KIASU. It's not really good to compare our kids with other people's kids as they unique and they must have their own sense of accomplishments even though it might not be as great as others.

I used to feel so stressed up whenever I had to sit for any exam. I wanted to achieved excellent result but I forgot that it wasn't just in my hand. Thus, I felt so frustrated when I wasn't able to achieve my target. I blamed myself and at the end I couldn't change a thing after that. That's why I don't want my kids to feel what I've gone through. I know that they need to learn the ups and downs in life. However, if we can reduce the unnecessary stress, it will be better for them.

How did you feel when you had to sit for an exam when you were small?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fathini's latest art piece.


Here's Fathini's latest art piece. My daughters love to use "Paint" program on the laptop to create their own masterpiece. I love to see their imagination and creativity. It's also a better program rather letting them to play other computer games the whole day.

My lovely family

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sedekah yang paling mudah . (BM entry)


Sekarang saya suka melihat Husna yang sudah pandai tersenyum bila ada orang bercakap dengannya. Bangun pagi-pagi pun dah senyum dan tak menangis. Memang senyum boleh membuatkan kita lebih tenang dan gembira. Ianya juga sedekah yang paling mudah untuk kita lakukan.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 ginger benefits.


Who love ginger? I normally use ginger in most of dishes I cook everyday. But sometimes I can't stand if there's too much ginger in a dish.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Should I blame GPS?


Last Saturday we were lost on the way to my cousin's wedding. It was somewhere in Ampang. As we are not so familiar with the place and we seldom drive into KL, we depended solely on our GPS to lead the way. We started off the journey at 12.30 p.m. However after about almost 3 hours of touring around Ampang, we still couldn't find the place. I called my sister, Yati to enquire about the location and she told me to find Tesco Hypermarket. We found Tesco but not one but two Tesco hypermarket. I regretted my decision of not following the others earlier but it was too late then. It was very hard when there was one hard-headed person who refused to get some help. So, by 3.30 p.m. I decided to call the searching off because we were starving. I asked my hubby to stop at Tesco Extra (I think it's in Cheras or hmmm). Instead of having good food from a wedding, we had some food in the food court in Tesco.

Have you ever lost even when you used GPS? Is it so reliable or you still need to have a rough idea about the location?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Silence is golden BUT....


Do you agree with this?

Right now I don't have to worry yet because Husna is just 4 months old. She just learned roll side to side. When Fathini and Hafizah were small, I remember that I couldn't let them out of my sight. Once Fathini drew and scribbled on some of the books that we borrowed from the local library when she was out of my sight. We had to purchased those books. Hafizah was always fascinated with food. If she was left alone in the kitchen, she would be found near the fridge. She also loved to help with the laundry. I had to redo the folding job or when I had to sort the laundry before they were put into the washing machine.

What about your kids? 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What children need most....


So, let's give them more of those because they need to be nurtured as good human being not a robot! If we really love them, we will try our best to provide and give them what they really need.
What say you?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Karnival Ko-kurikulum & Hari keluarga SKKJ1 (BM entry)


Ahd lepas sekolah Fathini menganjurkan Karnival Ko-kurikulum & Hari Keluarga. Karnival berlansung dari pukul 8-1 petang. Tetapi Fathini bersunggu-sungguh bagitahu kami yang budak-budak perlu ada di sekolah pukul 7.30 pagi. Terpaksalah papa Fathini bawa dia ke sekolah pagi-pagi lagi. Saya dan Hafizah pergi pukul 9 pagi. Husna ditinggalkan di rumah sebab hari tu nampak macam panas terik. Takut demam pulak kalau bawa dia ke tengah padang.

Acara pagi bermula dengan senamrobik. Fathini selalu cakap "senamrombik". hehe. Bila saya sampai memang saya nampak Fathini dan budak-budak darjah satu yang lain yang buat senamrobik tu. Papa Fathini pun ikut sama. Ada beberapa ibubapa yang lain pun ikut serta bersenamrobik. Saya tengok je sebab Hafizah asyik tarik baju saya dan suruh cari kakaknya.

Bila tamat senamrobik, Fathini sibuk ajak nak naik kuda. Sebelum Fathini dah ada beberapa orang budak menunggu giliran. Nak naik kuda kena bayar guna kupon RM5. Rupa-rupanya kupom RM20 yang dibeli sebelum karnival tu tak akan cukup kalau budak-budak nak main permainan dan beli makanan hari tu. Saya bagilah Fathini naik kuda sebab dia tak pernah merasa naik kuda. Memang seronok sangat bila dia dapat naik kuda tu. Bila orang yang pegang kuda suruh duduk tegak, bukan main tegak dia duduk. Hafizah pula, tak tahu kenapa takut sangat dan tak nak naik kuda.

Semasa Fathini sedang menaiki kuda, ada satu pertunjukan silat. Tak berapa pasti silat apa sebab sibuk perhatikan Fathini. Sempat jugak saya ambik gambar pertunjukan silat tu. Seronok jugak tengok demonstrasi silat tu. Teringat pulak demonstrasi taekwondo yang saya sendiri pernah sertai dulu masa belajar di PPP/ITM.

Kami sempat juga membeli beberapa jenis makanan dan minuman yang dijual di gerai-gerai yang ada. Kami beli laksa, dadih dan air kelapa. Tak banyak sangat gerai yang ada. Ada satu gerai yang menjual burger, ramai yang beratur nak membeli burger. Kemudian Fathini dan Hafizah mahu melihat pameran di dalam bas Pusat Sains Negara. Nasib baik pameran tu percuma je. Kalau tak kena guna  kupon lagi.

Ada satu lagi pameran yang anak-anak nak tengok iaitu Mini Zoo. Pameran tu di buat dalam salah sebuah kelas. Untuk masuk ke pameran tu kena bayar RM4 seorang. Jadi saya dan suami tunggu di luar kelas je. Saya ambik gambar anak-anak melalui celah-celah tingkap. Ada binatang kecik-kecik je macam ular, landak dan tikus belanda.

Kami tak tunggu sampai habis karnival sebab saya risaukan Husna yang ditinggalkan di rumah. Fathini merengek nak cuba naik "flying fox" tapi tak dapatlah dia nak merasa hari tu. Paintball pun ada dan barisan orang-orang beratur pun agak panjang. Mungkin kalau ada rezeki, lain kali anak-anak boleh mencuba aktiviti-aktiviti lasak tu.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A & N academic & scientific editing service


My hubby and I have established a new website to advertise our services to public. This is one of our projects. We've been editing, proof reading and translating some academic papers for our friends and family members for few years. That's why we reckon it's best to establish a legal and proper service. We've registered this service under the enterprise company. So, if any of you out there need help with academic paper or any kind of translating job from BM to English or vice versa, we're happy to help with reasonable price for the service.

If you want to know more, please visit this website:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kakitangan kerajaan dapat bonus- teringat dulu2. (BM entry)


Semalam riuh jugak di FB bila kawan-kawan seronok bila dapat bonus bulan Disember dan Januari nanti. Kalau dulu saya pun pernah bekerja dengan USM, jadi secara automatik merasa jugakla bonus bila bajet dibentangkan. Sekarang tak de dahla. Bagi saya memang dah tak de rezeki dah. Sekarang kena usaha lebih kalau nak dapat rezeki lebih. Kerja dengan syarikat swasta ni, tak pernah lagi merasa apa-apa bonus. Kena potong gaji adalah bila terpaksa ambik EL bila anak sakit.

Harap-harap kawan-kawan yang dapat bonus akan  meningkatkan lagi mutu kerja masing-masing. Yelah ramai yang selalu mengeluh, asyik mintak naik gaji tapi mutu perkhidmatan masih di takuk lama. Tak baguslah kalau macam tu kan. Bila orang dah bagi ganjaran tu, biarlah setimpal dengan mutu kerja kita.

Untuk yang berkerja dengan syarikat swasta, insyallah adala rezeki kita yang lain. Tak payah kita nak dengki pun sebab siapa yang nak lebih, kena berusaha lebih kan. Kalau berangan je tak sudah-sudah memang tak dela hasilnya. Macam Mat Jenin yang dah berangan jadi kaya masa tengah memenjat pokok kelapa tu. Sekali terjatuh dari pokok.

Oklah, rasa nak ulas lagi panjang tapi sekarang sibuk dengan projek terbaru. Insyallah kalau menjadi projek ni, akan saya kongsikan di sini. Doakan ye semoga projek saya akan berjaya.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What You Can Do to Keep Your Child Illness-Free During the Rainy Season


The rainy season is always a wonderful time of the year because it cools everything down in the country. However, as much as people enjoy the weather, it can wreak havoc on your child’s health.

In 2007, there were 49,173 cases of dengue in Malaysia, with 181 cases happening for every 100,000 people. Most of the patients were children aged 0 to 15 years old, according to the Ministry of Health of Malaysia.  There are also specific strains of severe diarrhea that affect children the most in the country, according to a research done by Ch’ng, Lee, and Kirkwood published in 2011 in the journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases.  These are just a few of the illnesses that occur most during the rainy season.

What can you do? Here are some tips on how to protect your child from the illnesses and infections that the rain brings:

Dress you child up according to the season. Since it is rainy, your child needs protection. Get them a raincoat, a pair of rain boots, and teach them the right way to use an umbrella. You cannot risk your child soaking in the cold rain and floods. These are the ways on how your child can get in contact with harmful bacteria and viruses that are popular during the rainy season.

Drink clean water all the time. The best choice is distilled water so have an ample supply of it at home. You can also install a water purifier on your tap just to make sure that the water in your home is safe.

Talk to your doctor about vaccinations. There are some vaccines that can help build the immune system of your child against influenza and cholera. Your doctor can give you the right information on these and administer the shots on your child too. Get oriented on possible preventive measures that you can do for waterborne diseases like diarrhea and leptospirosis.

Teach your child the right way to wash hands. As a general rule, one must wash hands while singing two rounds of the happy birthday song while rubbing palms and fingers of both hands together with a generous amount of soap. Tell your kids to wash hands as much as they can to ensure cleanliness at all times.

Do not let water be stagnant around your home. If you see undisturbed water in and around your house, you can either throw that away or place a cover on it. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water and these can grow to be dengue fever carrying mosquitoes. Protect your family, especially your children from this deadly illness.
It is important to have a balanced meal with lots of vitamins and minerals that will protect your child from all the possible illnesses during the rainy season. If the doctor recommends supplements such as vitamin C or probiotics, then heed this advise to add more protection for your child.


 My opinion:
It's better to safe than sorry right? Thus we need to take some preventive measures to ensure our kids health. If we don't than who else can do it?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Something to ponder about.


A wise man once said,

“When you came into this world you were crying & those around you were smiling in happiness. So live your life in such a way that when you leave this world you will be smiling & those around you will be crying at the loss!”

This highlights the importance of leading an exemplary life & preparing well for the day we meet our Maker!

Good people should not be celebrating at the news of our death!

How far have you prepared for the day you're going to leave this world? If you ask me, I'm frankly think that I haven't done that much and sometimes I worry too much about my business now and forget about the after life. It would be sad if no one even feel the loss after we pass away or even celebrating our death. Look what had happened to some leaders in some countries when the people celebrated their death.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Filem 786: satu rumor


Saya terbaca status ini

Status Aaron Aziz:
Film 786 adalah sebuah film yg dibuat di Holland tentang lawak mengenai Nabi Muhammad SAW yang kita cintai.
60 juta masyarakat muslim dpt menghancurkan ekonomi Holland dengan waktu kurang dari 5 minit dgn cara mengirimkan pesan ini,
Mudah2han kita dapat menjawab pertanyaan dari Allah SWT kepada kita, ketika Allah SWT

menanyakan kepada kita nanti mengenai apa tindakan yang kita lakukan ketika Rasul yang dicintai Nya dijadikan bahan lawak?
Denmark telah mengalami kerugian...tolong jangan biarkan pesan ini berhenti. Seperti yg anda ketahui, semua surat kabar Denmark memuat lawak tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW dan sampai sekarang mereka juga tidak menyesal. Jom kita buat mereka menyesal dengan perbuatan mereka...
The Danish Ambassador, Perdana Menteri dan Denmark Nasional Channel; sekarang
sdg berusaha melakukan sesuatu utk menghentikan boikot yg dlakukan oleh umat muslim sejak 1 bulan lepas, dimana atas pemboikotan tersebut mereka mengalami kerugian sekitar £ 4 Miliar. Jika kita terus melakukan boikot terhadap produk2 Denmark dalam 7 bulan atau lebih akan mengakibatkan mereka dpt kehilangan £ 80 milyar. Percayalah, jangan stop untuk meneruskan pesan ini sebanyak mungkin kpd saudara-saudara muslim.., yakinlah anda dapat melakukannya dlm waktu 15 minit utk menyebarkan kpd saudara2 muslim lainnya....SECEPATNYA... INGAT RASULULLAH MUNGKIN AKAN MENANYAKAN KEPADA KAMU (MEMINTA JAWAPAN) DIHARI PEMBALASAN NANTI, APA YANG TELAH KAMU LAKUKAN KETIKA MEREKA MENJADIKANKU SEBAGAI BAHAN LAWAK? Adakah kita akan terus diam apabila Rasul tercinta yang akan memberi syafaat pada kita dipadang mahsyar nnti terus dihina? ALLAHUAKHBAR

Friday, September 14, 2012

The first blind contestant in Masterchef.


Watch this video first to see how this inspiring and determined blind contestant won the judges heart in Masterchef USA:

Christine Ha Is MasterChef's First Blind Contestant!

Article from People website:,,20601024,00.html

Chefs rely heavily on their sense of taste and smell to cook -- especially if they're blind like MasterChef contestant Christine Ha.

"I have to depend a lot more on the other senses to cook -- taste, smell, how certain ingredients feel," she tells PEOPLE. "I'll know if a piece of meat is close to being done by how it feels against my hand or utensils."

Christine, 33, has been diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), a condition of the central nervous system that affects the optic nerves and spinal cord.

"The very first bout I had was in 1999," she says of the condition. "It only happened in one eye then. It didn't recover completely so I learned to adjust to seeing out of one eye. In 2004, it decreased to the level where I could no longer drive. In 2007, it decreased to where I am now. I have to use a cane to walk around or take somebody's arm and be guided."

Christine is ready to prove herself on the show, which premieres Monday (9 p.m. ET) on Fox. "It's hard to see ingredients," she says. "I have to figure out by smell and touch if an ingredient is fresh. Cutting with knives -- fortunately, I'm pretty careful and I have a proper knife technique. Since I've lost my vision, I've cut myself once. And it was minor. I've never had to get stitches. It's really about being organized, careful and using my other senses."

And she won't be getting any special help from the judges Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot and Joe Bastianich. "Joe, Gordon and Graham didn't treat me any differently," she says. "They told me what was wrong and right with my dish. There was constructive criticism. I feel like they judged fairly."

Still, nerves were a factor for Christine when she began the competition. "I had never been this nervous in my life -- even on my wedding day," she says. "It was the most anxiety I've felt in a day. It's already scary to be in an environment you can't soak up visually what's happening around you. It was challenging and scary."


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who love free gifts?


I love free gifts. Nope, I'm not giving any free gift here. Sorry but maybe next time when I win any contest. hehe. Where do you normally get free gifts? For me, I love to take the advantage of getting free gifts when I buying the household products from the supermarket. I'm sure most people love to do that too, right?

How do we know we are going to get the Free Gift? Well, that's easy as we can see the special sticker on the product telling us the free gift when we buy the product. Most of the time, we must buy 2 items of the same products to be entitled to the Free Gift.

Some of my favourite products that normally give away free gifts are Darlie, Colgate, Milo and Vitagen. The free gifts range from plate, mug, cup or toys for kids. The best thing about the free plates (for example), they can be used in the microwave oven and also quite tough. That's why I don't mind even if other people know that I have so many plates that I get from the FREE GIFTS. For me, the brand is meaningless.

What kind of free gifts do you like to get?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Jangan sibuk jaga tepi kain orang? (BM entry)


Sudah lama saya terfikir nak tulis mengenai tajuk ni tapi macam tak berapa yakin macammana nak ulas lebih panjang. Dalam masyarakat kita, kita disuruh supaya jaga tepi kain sendiri kan. Maksudnya jangan sibuk masuk campur hal orang lain. Oleh kerana itulah walaupun banyak anak-anak jiran yang melepak atau bila kita nampak anak-anak orang lain buat kerja tak elok pun, kita diam dan tak berani nak menegur. Sudahnya, generasi sekarang makin kurang ajar dan tak menghormati orang yang lebih tua. Takpelah sebab kita boleh salahkan mak bapak budak-budak tu yang tak pandai mengajar anak kan? Macammana kalau terkena batang hidung sendiri? Adakah kita akan melenting juga bila orang kata kita tak pandai mendidik anak sendiri?

Bagi saya kalau niat kita nak menegur untuk kebaikan tu elok. Yelah, kalau kita tak tegur, kita pun sama tanggung dosa atau kita pun akan dapat kesusahan. Contohnya, kalau kita ternampak anak dara jiran membonceng motosikal dengan lelaki yang tidak dikenali, cubalah bagi nasihat sikit. Kalau dia tak nak dengar terserahlah. Contoh yang lain, anak-anak jirang bermain dengan api dekat dengan rumah kita. Kalau kita tak tegur,, silap haribulan rumah kita boleh hangus terbakar.

Dalam keluarga sendiri, kadang-kadang mak ayah kita macam dah tak boleh bagi pendapat pulak. Ada yang akan melenting bila mak sendiri bagi pendapat dalam mendidik anak-anak. Bagi saya yang masih tinggal dengan mertua, saya memang akan dengar pendapat mak mertua sebab dia dah banyak pengalaman. Tapi yelah ada yang saya pakai ada yang tak dipakai pun. Tapi depan dia, kena tunjuk kita menghormati pendapatnya. Arwah ma saya pun berlainan pendapat dari saya dulu. Oleh kerana semasa generasinya, ramai ibu yang lebih suka mencampurkan susu ibu & susu formula, arwah pernah menyarankan pada saya supaya cepat-cepat memberi susu formula pada anak sulung saya. Tapi saya mempertahankan pendirian saya dan akhirnya arwah akur dengan pendirian saya.

Kalau adik beradik sendiri pun, sebagai kakak sulung, memang saya dah terbiasa menegur adik-adik kalau ada yang tak kena. Ada juga ketikanya adik-adik saya pula menegur saya sebab ada adik-adik yang dah berkeluarga dan dah matang. Cuma bila terkena adik-adik ipar, hmmm agak susah sikit sbb yelah saya ada pernah menegur tapi ada yang berkecil hati. Sejak dari itu, saya lebih berhati-hati dan lebih banyak memerhatikan saja.

Apa pengalaman anda sendiri dalam menjaga tepi kain orang?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It is hard to learn English?


I got this from FB and I don't agree with the statement because "if there's a will there's a way". The grammar of English is really challenging because there are always some exceptions that you need to know. But when you learn the grammar of other languages, there are a lot things that you need to know too. In my opinion, you just need to make more efforts to learn.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Baby talk.


She has started to make some noises. Most of the time, it's as if she is trying to say something to us. Her cooing is a melodious tune to my ears. Talking to her has become my passion surpass the other passion now. She makes me happy and when I use her language (sort of baby talk), she will become so excited.

Each and every noise is easy to be interpreted because I know the different sound for feeding time, changing nappy time, sleepy time or just the happy hour. Even her elder sisters know what she wants as she has the same routine that we have kind of set up for her.

Maybe after she is older, we would try the baby signing method. On that note, I have to ask the expert like a blogger friend that I know who is so passionate about this. For those who wants to know about her Natural approaches, why don't you visit here.

Do you still remember how did you communicate to your baby?


Friday, August 31, 2012

Merdeka tu apa? (BM entry)


Setiap tahun anak-anak saya akan bertanya, "Merdeka tu apa?". Setiap tahun juga saya perlu menerangkan secara ringkas tapi setiap tahun juga jawapan saya perlu lagi tepat. Apa jawapan saya? Jawapan ikut buku teks. "Merdeka tu laungan yang menandakan negara kita tak kena jajah oleh mana-mana kuasa lain". Anak-anak saya tak puas hati  lagi sebab mereka tak faham. Setiap tahun juga saya nak kena cerita sikit sejarah dulu-dulu. Masalahnya mak diaorg ni pun tahu apa itu "Merdeka" pun melalui buku Sejarah. Nasib baik minat jugak belajar subjek Sejarah dulu. Cuma sewaktu kecil saya sempat dengar cerita-cerita dari arwah tok dan nenek waktu zaman Jepun dan sebelum merdeka. Adalah dapat dengar pengalaman mereka sendiri. Cuma macam tak boleh nak bayangkan macammana  orang dulu-dulu hidup dalam ketakutan zaman Jepun dan juga zaman British memerintah.

Kita zaman ni merdeka dari apa ye? Minda kita memang merdeka ke? Nilai-nilai murni kita elok ke? Adab kita? Apa nilai2 merdeka yang kita nak ajarkan pada anak-anak kita?

Macam saya pun, anak-anak hanya tahu bila sambut Hari Kemerdekaan, pagi-pagi lagu bukak tv dan tengok perbarisan. Dapatlah tengok kereta-kereta berhias dan orang pakai pakaian pelik-pelik. (kan ada pertandingan baju terbaik untuk yang menyertai perbarisan tu). Kat rumah memanglah kami ada kibarkan Jalur Gemilang untuk buat anak-anak rasa bangga bila sambut merdeka. Hari ini pun, diaorg buat perbarisan sendiri dalam rumah sambil menyanyi dan mengibarkan bendera.

Kalau anak-anak anda tanya Merdeka tu apa, apa jawapan anda?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gangnam Style Phenomenon


What is Gangnam Style? I'm sure you've heard or watched the video on YOU TUBE. Why it has been a phenomenon? What's so great about it?

Let's ask WIKIPEDIA:

Gangnam Style is a 2012 K-Pop single by the South Korean rapper and K-Pop idol Psy. It has been featured in broadcasting networks such as CNN and Bloomberg, mentioned by numerous celebrities, and has also led to various user-generated parodies and reaction videos from all over the world. According to the German national daily newspaper Die Welt, Gangnam Style is spreading like a "Lauffeuer (wildfire)" [1] and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation writes that millions around the globe have become "obsessed"[2] Gangnam Style is widely praised for its humour, catchy rhythm as well as Psy's unusual dance moves that have introduced many people to K-Pop. First released on July 15, 2012, it entered the Gaon Chart singles chart at number one upon release.[3]

"Gangnam Style" is a Korean language colloquialism that refers to a luxurious lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district,[4] an affluent and trendy area of Seoul.[5] The music video depicts Psy dancing at various locations in Gangnam.[6] The song's theme is about "the perfect girlfriend who knows when to be refined and when to get wild."[7]
In Korean colloquialism, "오빤 강남 스타일 (Oppan Gangnam style)" may be translated as "I am (loving) the Gangnam style." or literally translated as "I am Gangnam style." or "A Gangnam-styled girl is my style." because the Korean word 오빠 (oppa), which is a noun meaning "a female's elder brother" but can be also used as a first-, second- or third-person masculine pronoun to designate a male who is elder or older than a female, is used as a first-person pronoun in this phrase and 오빤 (oppan) is an abbreviation of 오빠는 (oppaneun) which is translated as "I am" when 오빠 (oppa) is used as a first-person pronoun.
The lyrics are by Psy, music by Psy and Yoo Gun-hyung, and it was arranged by Yoo Gun-hyung, who is a well-known producer in South Korea and also collaborated with Psy in the past.

Now to those who haven't watched the video, why don't you watch it here and then you can share your opinion too:

My personal opinion:
 Just because this video is so silly with weird dancing movements, many people have been entertained. They love it so much and so many people also made some parodies on YOU TUBE. The video which is actually a satire about the latest lifestyle in Gangnam, Korea managed to become so popular. There's even a parody video made by a Malaysian's family to show how they celebrate Raya in Gangnam Style. I don't even like to see the dancing movements as they look so silly and not suitable for kids to view it. You can say I'm a n old school person but sorry I'm not a fan of ridiculous phenomenon.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Helpless but not Hopeless.


Have you ever felt that you are trapped in the middle of difficult situation? Have you ever felt helpless? Sometimes your loved ones don't really understand your feeling and they make things become so difficult. You don't want to hurt their feelings but then you yourself feel hurt.

It's a tricky and unavoidable problem that we might encounter from time to time. The best solution is to forget about what had happened and move on with your life. It's not worth for us to mourn over the spilled milk.

What am I blabbering here? Well, this is just to let go of my frustration over something that happened to me during Eid. I chose to forget and forgive because that's the best way to deal with the problem. Nobody was harmed physically. It only affect me emotionally and I don't want to have the negative vibe to linger on. Thus, I'm convincing myself to think positive and move on.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New header.


I've been meaning to change the header of this blog since I've delivered Husna in June. Only during first day of Eid, our small family managed to take a family photo. That's why, I've created the simplest header to show the latest addition of our family. I know that it's not so grand because I just used photoscape to make that header. Well, this header will just be fine for now.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Aidilfitri 1433H: Di KJ & KJB (BM entry)


Hari ini hari keenam raya. Masih ramai yang beraya di kampung dan ada juga yang telah pulang semula ke bandar. Tahun ini kami beraya di Kelana Jaya terlebih dahulu dengan keluarga mertua saya. Petang raya pertama baru kami bertolak pulang ke (Kg Jal Besar)Tumpat, Kelantan.

Di KJ, kami beraya secara sederhana tapi meriah juga dengan kehadiran semua melengkapkan ahli keluarga. Susah juga nak berkumpul semua dan dapat bergambar bersama. Jadi inilah hasilnya:

Dari kiri: adik ipar saya & keluarganya, berbaju ungu: adik ipar bongsu, ayah mertua, bertudung ungu: kakak ipar yg sulung & keluarganya, bertudung hijau: mak mertua, saya & suami berbaju sedondon biru, anak2 kami dan juga anak kakak ipar yg sulung.

Kami sempat juga bergambar untuk keluarga kecil kami. Tahun ini ada seorang pertambahan ahli iaitu anak ketiga kami yang baru berusia 2 bulan. Jadi tahun ni kami bergambar berlima. Inilah gambarnya:

*Hafizah anak kedua kami seorang yang nampak berlainan kerana dia tidak mahu lagi baju sedondon dan sama dengan kakak sulungnya. 

Bila sampai di Kelantan (mlm raya pertama), kami agak keletihan selepas berada di dalam kereta selama 11 jam! Jadi, raya di Kelantan bermula pada pagi raya kedua. Banyak juga rumah yang dikunjungi dan sempat juga kami makan-makan dan berjumpa sanak-saudara. Petang raya kedua, sebelum senja kami dapat berkumpul dengan 2 orang emak saudara, ayah saudara dan sepupu-sepupu untuk bergambar beramai-ramai. Inilah gambarnya yang telah saya ambil di FB sepupu saya:

Antara banyak-banyak gambar raya tahun ini, saya paling suka gambar nenek saya memegang anak bongsu saya. Gambar ini sunggun bermakna buat saya kerana susah juga nenek saya mahu bergambar dan susah juga untuk anak bongsu saya tu untuk tersenyum bila bergambar.

*ini sajalah cerita raya kami sebab saya rasa malas nak bercerita panjang sangat pasal raya. Yelah raya maknanya berjumpa sanak-saudara untuk bermaaf-maafan dan makan-makan. Asalkan kita jangan berlebihan sangat dan kembali kepada fitrah kita.