I might be left so far behind or I'm so ill-informed about this till my students in the class told me about some social networks are banned in some countries like China, Vietnam, Iran, UAE and Pakistan. Some have temporarily banned certain sites like You Tube but some have permanently banned those sites. We actually were discussing about one of the possible topics that in the final exam this coming Wednesday. The topic was about "How to register a Facebook account". It's a directional process writing. They are level 2 students and their vocabulary is till limited. That's why they couldn't really explain to me why are some social networks are banned in their countries. (I have many Iranian, Saudis and Chinese students in that class).
Based on my quick research from Google.com, I found out that the ban was lifted in Iran in May 2009. While the other countries like China and Vietnam banned some sites like FB and other social networks forever. If you want to know more, I got this information from a website called Social Media Trader.
The reasons for Iran and Pakistan banned some social networks are strongly related to religious issues and also some claimed about the political interest. While in China, the banning started after the deadly riots in Xianjiang, China. I can't find any information about why Vietnam's government banned FB and other social networks.
My personal opinion is just that the more we try to stop and ban something, people will find it more intriguing and they want to find out why. So, they actually are giving the free promotion to the social networks. And I know that in FB, there have been a lot of controversies that have been purposely set by some people and also a lot of defaming acts plus anti-islam groups that have been created. BUT.....................if we totally didn't counter it back by giving the explanation and do something to counter their false claims, THEN WHO ARE GOING TO DEFEND US THE MUSLIMS AND HOW ARE WE GOING TO SPREAD THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM IF WE DON'T USE THE MOST POPULAR SOCIAL NETWORKS? Now..................................................as usual, my question is WHAT SAY YOU?
betullah, nur..byk cons drp pro rasanya utk semua org..dok perati byk student leka dgn benda ni semua..study hampeh..
huhuuu.. tak leh nak bg point of view... tp mana2 laman sosial pun jika digunakan dengan betul & dimanafaat kan oleh kumpulan yang betul, pasti ade faedahnya..
x silap ade laman yg seumpama FB, asalnya di create dr Pakistan.. lupa tah apa nama lamannya..
even mesia pun ade laman sosial.. again tak ingat namanya.. sbb x sempat kan join segala mcm ni...
aiyo!!! berat la ini macam.
ofis ktorg pun ban jugak. so, nak kata apa lagi?
ahh,..i agree with u kak. Org suka benda2 banned ni, itu la yg diaorg lagi cari.
Nur, org banyak abuse the internet that some countries mmg take strict measures to control what their people can or cannot use. I rasa ada pro and cons jugak...like, in Msia there's still way for our kids to easily access sites yg boleh bring more damage than good. Salah satu faktor why crimes meningkat...as people jadi lagi creative with the help from internet. Just my 2sen thoughts....:))
Miza: susah juga nak sekat benda2 ni kan.
kyong- mmg ada terlalu banyak laman sosial skrg ni. mmg kita kena guna dg betullah. jgn salah gunakan.
Belle-kat ofis knur pun dah kena ban.
Nia- itula. yg dilarang lg dibuat kan.
Ica- benda2 ni kira masih baru. mcm TV mula2 ada dulua, org tak tahu nak kawal lg. rasanya lama2 keadaan lebih terkawal sikit. harap2nya.
Kat universiti sy mmg dh lama di ban laman2 yg K.Nur tulis ni...so klu nk buka fb ke you tube kat rumah lah...takpun guna broadband...
self-control itu yg penting.. i treat these things (fb. blogs, e-forum etc) as an escapism tools when stressed out at work..
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