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Thursday, January 5, 2012

No school fees BUT we still have to pay for other kinds of fees.


On Tuesday 3rd Jan. 2012, our elder daughter was enrolled in Year One in the nearest primary school. We thought that we didn't have to pay that much since it was abolished. BUT we were quite surprised to see that we still have to pay for the other kinds of fees. They changed the name of the fees to PTA (Parents Teachers Association) fees. Thus, we ended up paying more than one hundred ringgit. We still think it's okay to pay for that amount because we had paid for more than one thousands per year for our daughters' kindergarten's fees for almost 2 years now. We are wondering what happen to some parents who can't really afford to pay the fees? They were promised that there's no more school fees but why are there so many other kinds of fees? On top of that, the amount that we had to pay for all kinds of books; compulsory exercise books, writing books and so many other additional books is quite expensive too. A year one student needs more than 20 exercise books! I'm not sure how the teachers are going to fully utilize those books. I really hope that they don't just ask us to buy the books and at the end of the year, they don't use some of the books. I wonder about other parents who have other children who are also at schools. How much do they spend for their children.

Would you like to tell me if you have any experience regarding this? Do you think that some of the fees are ridiculous? What about the books that you have to buy for your children? 


yatie chomeyl said...

buku teks sekolah buke free ko kalu jame kito dulu?

Wan Anie said...

Anak sekolah mana ni Nur?

Memang gitu kan? walaupun kata FREE tapi sebenarnya byk kos tersembunyi...

Diyana said...

kak, mmg yuran sekolah yg berjumlah below rm50 tu sahaja di kos2 lain utk kelangsungan kecermelangan skolah..pihak sekolah terpaksa amik cnth mcm buku aktiviti tmbhn and so on..tak kan itu semua nak free jg. mcm kdg ada sekolah minta rm5-rm10 utk sukan sekolah, ini adalah realiti. bkn senang nak running2 satu2 program sukan,program motivasi etc..semua perlukan kos tambahan. Kos peruntukan yg kerajaan peruntukan utk setiap sekolah..kdg tu tak cukup pun. itu yg sekolah nak tak nak kene minta belas ihsan parents yang berada.

utk parents yg kurang berkemampuan..jgn risau..kebykannye lagi 'mewah' dr parents yg ada duit..ada skim pelajar miskin,skim KWAMP utk anak2 derang..kdg tu ada yg dtg sponsor mcm2 kat sekolah.

PIBG di sek kebangsaan selalu mndpt tentangan parents tmbh2 dlm hal ehwal kewangan ni..sangat berbeza dgn PIBG sekolah cina. sekolah cina sebelah skolah saya..siap tolong buatkn dewan sekolah guna duit sumbangan ibubapa semata2..clap for them.

Abam Kie said...


Sending your kids to school is not quite costly as compared to other developed countries as the government has abolished the school fees. Yes, nothing is free nowadays. PTA fees are still needed to run the school esp for extra classes. As for my school, we charge RM350 annually for the extra class and seminars. I think it's still low if u compare to private tuition. we teachers conduct extra classes in the afternoon and evening (after maghrib prayer). Normally the primary school kids pay in time but their older counterparts keep on procrastinating until the day when they come to collect their PMR or SPM result slips. I hope it's clear now. Thanks...

transformed housewife said...

Thanks Diyana & Cikgu Zuki on your lengthy explanations.

Lizan said...

tiba2 jer tini dah sekolah..terharunyaa... takut dengar mcm2 kena bayar,..

cikdee said...

buku teks skrg smua free.. yang kerajaan announce kata free hanya la yuran yang rm31.50 (insuran, mssd etc)...tapi bayaran tambahan still ada lagi utk alat tulis, bj sukan, kertas2 fotosatat utk latihan, kem bestari solat ....sbb sekolah x ada peruntukkan utk semua itu...satu lagi berkaitan dengan buku....kadang2 x cukup yang dibeli..kena tambah lagi...lagi2 year 1...skrg lg la dgn kssr....sepatutnya kerajaan kena cakap dengan detail..yuran di mansuhkan, tapi masih lagi ada bayaran keperluan mengikut kehendak sekolah, baru la parents x keliru..