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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Diet during Ramadhan (fasting month)

(Some food that might be tempting to us-from my own collections)

I came across this book "Ultimate Health Plan- the DIET programme that will keep you slim for life" when I went to Hillcrest library yesterday (31 August 2009). As we (Muslims) are in the fasting month, some of us will be thinking that it's a good idea to lose some weight. (including me but I have to ask some Ustaz if this intention will not be a good idea as we are supposed to fast because Allah commanded us and it's good to cleanse our body as well).

During Ramadhan, we are tempted to eat a variety of food. In Malaysia, we normally go to Bazaar Ramadhan and buy more food than what we need. (I did that. hehe). Normally we tend to lose by the most about 2 kilos after the fasting month. 2 kilos is not very minimum and we will easily go back to our previous weight during raya. (Eid). Thus, in order to help those who plan to lose some weight and this is actually a reminder my self to be careful when it comes to what we eat.

Dr Gillian McKeith suggested that we start off with keeping a seven-day-diary. When we have the diary, it's easier to monitor what we eat everyday. She also said that we have to be honest when we write the food diary. There are about 25 questions that we should ask ourselves once we start with the food diary.

  1. Do you eat more fresh food or non-fresh food?
  2. Are you eating your five portions of vegetables a day?
  3. Are you eating the same things everyday?
  4. Are you junking out?
  5. Are you a sugar junkie?
  6. Are you a salt junkie?
  7. Do you eat enough raw fruits and vegetables?
  8. Is there too much wheat in your diet? (it's good to go wheat-free)
  9. Are you drinking enough water?
  10. Do you eat too many "white"foods? (less white food is better)
  11. Do you take more good fats?
  12. Do you use herbs and spices? (well, Asians already use these)
  13. Are you a caffein addict?
  14. Are you eating organically?
  15. How much red meat do you eat? (make it occasionally)
  16. Where are you eating? (Choose restaurants with healthy food & don't eat in front of tv)
  17. Are you a non-veggie-eating vegetarian? (some vegetarian tend to eat crisps & junk food)
  18. Do you exercise more than three times weekly?(Exercise can boost energy in all kinds of way)
There are so many steps that we need to follow as losing weight is not easy as we are aging. But, when we have set some clear goals and follow the right way, we will be able to lose some weight. Our goals should be achievable, clear, precise and realistic. Here are examples of goals:

  • I want to be slim
  • I want to banish my daily headaches.
  • I want to wake up with energy.
  • I want to sleep peacefully through the night.
  • I want radiant skin.
  • I want to feel more relaxed
  • I want to be more energized in the afternoon
  • I want to stop slumping in front of the tv every night.
Rasullah(PBUH), only ate two dates and a glass of water to break his fast. I know we feel it hard to emulate him but we can always try to be moderate when it comes to eating. As for spiritual benefits: humbleness of heart, strength of understanding, lessening of lower desires, lessening of personal opinions and anger, while overeating induces the opposites of all of those. Al-Hassan Al-Basri said: "O, son of Adam, eat with one third of your stomach and drink with one third and leave one third of your stomach to breathe so that you may think." (I took this from the internet).

Okay, I hope this entry will somehow help those who want to lose some weight and those who want to watch their diet especially during the fasting month.


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