Communication through the latest gadgets like mobile phone or online networks sometimes bring a lot bad effects. I'm sure most of you have experienced or read the bad effects. I'm not writing an essay about the effects but to share my own experiences regarding the miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Written messages can be interpreted positively or negatively. It depends on how you read it. That's why there are some emoticons created to help the message to get across. Sadly, when I was in a hurry, I typed something and the person who received it thought that I was being disrespect just because she's older than me and she is related to me. I didn't have any intention of being disrespect but maybe the choice word was not suitable according to her. I forgot to address her with her "title" (of being older than me) and she ta ught that I was being rude.
I was so sad and at the same time also furious with her reaction when she told me in her reply to be more courteous in sending any text messages next time. I decided to throw away my ego and apologized to her even though I didn't think that I made any mistake. I guess it won't be so bad if it was a face to face communication where we can always explain and show our emotion and also demeanor.
Have you ever experienced any misunderstanding before in any written communication?
me too. feel bad right?
selalu kak..
tpi bial umur dah byk nih
ayu amik jln mintak maaf and explain
esp women la
since ayu ni women
yg sangka disakiti tu pmpuan jugak..
klu diikut..
peduli ape ko beso ke kecik
ko tua ke muda
but once bila kita makin dekat dengan DIA.
slowly kita akan selalu mengalah...
resultnya selalunya baik2 sahaja selepas itu even kita sangka kita terluka.
betul tu kak nur. melalui tulisan orang boleh salah faham. nadiah pun banyak berhati-hati kalau nak menulis (SMS, email, FB...bla bla bla) sebab takut orang salah faham
jangan sedih-sedih ye kak nur. kesian baby :)
now that was a very good move u made there.sebab xnak melarat dan menyebabkan parah,itu tindakan yang sangat matured! salute! :D
erm payoh jugop kan..pasni setiap kali send msg keno letok smiley emoticon la..baru xdop yg sero hati kot
Kalau nk cepat2 mmg kita xperasan...
Pernah jugak kut, tapi cite lama...
Ayat sama tapi dibaca dengan intonasi berbeza jadi lain maksudnya Nur...
Memang kena hati2 juga bila menulis :)
miss Nina: yup. felt so terrible.
Sidratul Muntaha: Akk pun tak nak pjgkan cerita jd mmg mintak maaf jelah.
NAdiah: ssb pregnant kot knur pun emo terlebih ni.
Mr. Clive: I decided it's best to solve it by avoiding any conflicts.
Tie: yelah kot. lps ni letok emoticon banyok2.
Affieza: mmg tak perasan lansung. bila baca balik rasa mcm tak de apa2 pun tapi dah org tu nak terasa.
Anie: aah. kena lebih hati2 lps ni.
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