~Pegang anjing~
Saya malas nak ambik port dalam hal ni sebenarnya, sebab ini adalah fitnah akhir zaman. Lagi dilayan, lagi merebak.
Setiap hari Islam terus dihina dan dihina, umat semakin berpecah dan berpecah...
Slogan yang dibawa macam biasa:
"Islam itu mudah"
Islam memang mudah, tapi ia bukan permainan orang-orang bodoh untuk dipermudah-mudahkan mengikut nafsu.
Selama ratusan tahun Islam bertapak di bumi bertuah Tanah Melayu, isu-isu kerosakan umat ini tak pernah berlaku.
Adakah kerana orang zaman dulu tidak mempunyai akal?
Atau orang dulu tahap taatnya tinggi?
Antara "orang bodoh tapi mahu mengkaji" dengan "ahli taat", Allah lebih
suka dan memuji "ahli taat" sehingga manusia-manusia yang taat tanpa
soal seperti para Sahabat Nabi dipuji dalam al-quran sehingga Allah
menyebut-nyebut laungan mereka iaitu:
"Kami dengar dan kami taat."
Untuk orang jahil pula, Allah perintahkan mereka bertaqlid (mengikut) orang yang alim:
"dan tanyalah kepada orang yang mengetahui jika kamu tidak mengetahui."
Bukannya Allah suruh pandai-pandai buat "kajian sendiri" ke, "minda
tajdid" ke, "menimbulkan keraguan" ke, "mengkaji semula keputusan ulama
terdahulu" ke...
Sebab Allah maha tahu, jika itu yang berlaku, umat akan hancur.
Natijahnya, orang bodoh di jalanan yang tak reti alif ba ta pun akan
mengaku diri mufti dan keluarkan macam-macam fatwa berdasarkan pembacaan
di internet dan laungkan "islam itu mudah".
Bila kita suruh serahkan soal hukum hakam pada ulama, mereka melenting:
"agama bukan hak ekslusif para ulama!"
Padahal kalau ustaz-ustaz nak menyibuk pasal dunia perubatan, pasal
vaksin, pasal kebaikan susu kambing, pasal keharaman ubatan dadah dan
lain-lain, orang ramai pulak melenting:
"serahkan urusan perubatan kepada pakarnya iaitu para doktor!!! itu bukan urusan ustaz-ustaz!!!"
begitu juga kalau ustaz-ustaz menyibuk hal kejuruteraan, orang ramai akan melenting!!!
begitu juga kalau ustaz-ustaz sibuk hal kimia, masakan, biologi,
matematik dan lain-lain, orang ramai akan melenting supaya serahkan pada
Tapi bila bab agama, dari sepandai-pandai manusia sampai sebodoh-bodoh manusia, semua pakat nak bagi pendapat.
Bila kita marah, mereka melenting kononnya agama itu bukan hak ekslusif ulama.
Kalian menganggap agama semurah itu, maka aku khuatir sekiranya
Allah menjadi murka lalu mencabut agama yang termulia dan lebih mulia
dari yang kalian hinakan itu dari dada-dada kalian!
Allah haramkan kita semua memandai-mandai dalam hal agama. Tapi kita diperintahkan Allah untuk taat pada keputusan ahli agama.
Para ahli agama bukannya seorang, tapi ada ratusan ribuan yang telah
bersepakat dalam hal tertentu maka kita yang jahil ni perlu TAAT
bukannya pertikai.
Kalau nak pertikai jugak, Boleh!
Tapi dengan syarat, kalian mesti setaraf dengan mujtahid.
Ok, saya malas nak membebel, membuak-buak dada geram bila saban hari
melihat agama dipermainkan di zaman Dajjal sambil melaungkan slogan
"islam itu mudah"....
Sebelum datangnya zaman dajjal, kita tak
pernah dengar kecelaruan ini semua. Semuanya taat dan harmoni. Kerana
mereka taat perintah Allah iaitu "taat pada keputusan ulama". Sekarang,
bila semua nak memandai-mandai, maka bala menimpa kita satu demi satu.
Berkenaan sentuh anjing.
Apa itu najis:
"Segala kotoran yang menghalangi sahnya solat yang dikerjakan." (rujukan kitab Fathul Mu'in, bab najis)
Pembahagian najis:
Najis ada 3 jenis, mukhafafah (ringan), mutawasit (pertengahan), mughalazah (berat).
Babi dan anjing adalah termasuk dalam najis mughalazah iaitu najis BERAT.
Disisi Islam, anjing dan babi lebih kotor dan berat najisnya berbanding
darah, nanah, taik, kencing, bangkai, arak dan lain-lain najis.
Cara menyucikan:
Najis yang berat, tidak boleh disucikan secara biasa. Tapi mesti
dilakukan "sertu" iaitu basuh 7 kali dan air yang ke 7 tu perlu dicampur
tanah suci.
Berkenaan sabun sertu, saya tak tahu apa
kandungannya, kita diajar Rasulullah untuk pakai tanah bumi, bukan sabun
perisa tanah. Yang itu saya serahkan pada majlis fatwa apa keputusan
mereka, apakah sabun tu sama 100% seperti tanah bumi atau tidak.
Hukum menyentuh najis:
Ada dua keadaan yang perlu dilihat, keadaan pertama;
1) Terpaksa/mempunyai sebab.
Contohnya polis K9 pemburu yang menggunakan anjing dan terpaksa pegang anjing.
Contoh lain, doktor haiwan yang terpaksa merawat anjing/babi atau untuk
proses pembelajaran. Contoh lain, anjing yang dalam kesusahan dan kita
Hukum: Harus. Tapi wajib sertu selepas menyentuhnya.
2) Tidak ada sebab/suka-suka.
Contohnya sengaja memeluk anjing dan berselfie. Sengaja menyentuh tanpa
sebab seperti di acara "i want to touch dog" dan berselfie. Walaupun
dia doktor haiwan, tapi sengaja sentuh untuk selfie (bukan untuk
rawatan/pembelajaran). Dan apa-apa sahaja sentuhan yang tidak bersebab.
Hukum: Haram dan wajib sertu selepas menyentuhnya.
Dalil kitab:
"Tidak diwajibkan menyingkiri najis (dari badan) ketika di luar solat.
Hukum tidak wajib ini adalah selama mana najis itu tidak sengaja
dilumurkan pada badan atau pakaiannya. Oleh sebab itu, SENGAJA
MELUMURKAN NAJIS (samada najis ringan, pertengahan, atau berat) pada
badan adalah HARAM."
(RUJUKAN: Kitab Fathul Mu'in, Imam Zainudin Malibari, bab najis)
Allah memuliakan manusia sebagai makhluk yang suci
dan Islam menitikberatkan kesucian. Anjing dan babi diciptakan Allah
sebagai ujian buat manusia untuk menguji siapa yang akan taat pada Allah
akan hal kenajisan dan keharaman untuk memakannya. Babi dan anjing
dikategorikan sebagai najis berat dan sengaja
melumurkan/meramas/memeluk/menyentuh mana-mana kategori najis secara
sengaja dan tidak bersebab, hukumnya adalah haram. Jika meramas taik
sendiri pun kita jijik dan dicela syarak (sedangkan ia najis
mutawasitah), apatah lagi kita meramas dan memeluk najis mughalazah
sambil berselfie dan berbangga?
Hal ini merupakan keputusan muktamad di dalam mazhab Syafi'e yang digunapakai di Malaysia.
Nak pertikai?
Dalam mazhab Syafi'e, ada ratusan ribu ulama hebat yang ribuan antara
mereka telah mencapai tahap mujtahid. Beberapa di kalangan mereka pula
telah mencapai tahap mujtahid mutlak.
Kata Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal,
untuk mencapai tahap mujtahid mutlak, anda perlu menghafal paling
kurang 400 ribu hadith secara bersanad. Belum lagi qualification yang
Sekiranya anda melepasi tahap ini, silakan buat mazhab sendiri dan suka hati andalah nak buat fatwa macam mana.
Tapi sekiranya anda sedar bahawa diri anda bodoh, sepertimana saya
sedar diri saya bodoh. Maka perintah untuk orang bodoh seperti kita
ialah taat pada ijmak (kesepakatan) ulama.
Sekiranya anda tidak
mahu lagi taat pada mazhab Syafi'e dan mahu berpindah ke mazhab lain
yang membenarkan anjing disentuh seperti mazhab Maliki, silakan....
mazhab Maliki pun ahli sunnah juga.
Tapi anda mesti amalkan
mazhab Maliki secara keseluruhan dari wudhuk, solat, najis, halal haram ,
zakat, puasa dan saya tak tahu pula di Malaysia ni ada kelas mazhab
Maliki ataupun kitab-kitab mazhab Maliki yang sudah diterjemah ke bahasa
Jadi anda perlu ke negara bermazhab Maliki seperti
Algeria untuk bertalaqqi ataupun anda upah tok guru dari sana untuk
mengajar anda di Malaysia.
Dan jika semua ini anda tak mahu
lakukan dan tetap mahu berselfie dengan najis sambil meramas-ramasnya
dan tunjukkan pada public seolah-olah mahu mencabar hukum Allah.
Maka ketahuilah bahawa anda adalah perosak agama yang ditipu dengan
fitnah dajjal untuk membawa ke hulu ke hilir slogan "islam itu mudah."
Anda juga telah jatuh fasik (kerana mengisytiharkan dosa secara
terang-terangan) dan tidak boleh menjadi imam solat, wali nikah, sumpah
tidak valid, tidak boleh menjadi hakim/qadhi/bendahari dan lain-lain hal
yang dilarang untuk orang fasik selagi anda tidak bertaubat.
Note: Nanti anjurkan pulak acara "i want to touch shit" (saya mahu
sentuh taik) dan canang slogan "islam itu mudah". Jangan lupa buat
tutorial macam mana nak bersihkan tangan lepas ramas taik. Its ok, najis
mutawasitah je kan....
Check this out!
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Contact us when you need someone to proof read or translate some documents.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Isu pegang anjing: Ulasan Menarik dari Ustaz Ibnu Batoota
serious issues
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Coin Deposit Machine
I just knew that there's a Coin Deposit Machine now at some branches of some major banks. So, go and find your piggy bank and it's time to deposit all of your coins. I'm going to deposit mine too since, I always keep the small change in a container. At least I can turn those coins into my rainy days saving. This kind of machine is not so popular yet as we can't find any in some states.
Here's a list where you can find Coin Deposit Machine:

Here's a list where you can find Coin Deposit Machine:

special news
Sunday, September 21, 2014
On Foot from Bosnia to Makkah.
Here is an inspiring story that we must read:
From Bosnia to Makkah to do Hajj on foot...
A Bosnian Muslim pilgrim who left last December 2011 on pilgrimage to Makkah by foot told AFP on Monday that he has arrived after passing through seven countries including war-torn Syria.
From Bosnia to Makkah to do Hajj on foot...
A Bosnian Muslim pilgrim who left last December 2011 on pilgrimage to Makkah by foot told AFP on Monday that he has arrived after passing through seven countries including war-torn Syria.
“I arrived Saturday in Makkah. I am not tired, these are the best days
of my life,” Senad Hadzic, 47, said when reached by phone on a Saudi
mobile number.
He said he had covered some 5,700 kilometres (3,540 miles) in 314 days of walking through Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria and Jordan to the Muslim holy city in south-western Saudi Arabia, with a backpack weighing 20 kilos (44 pounds).
He charted his progress on his Facebook page, where he posted a picture apparently of an entry/exit card for foreigners issued by the Syrian interior ministry.
“I passed through Syria in April. I walked some 500 kilometres in 11 days. I went through Aleppo and Damascus and passed dozens of check-points held by pro-government and rebel forces alike, but I was never detained,” Hadzic said.
“At a check-point held by (President Bashar) al-Assad’s forces the soldier ordered me to empty my backpack... When I showed them my Quran and explained I was making the pilgrimage on foot, they let me go,” he told AFP.
“I walked in the name of Allah, for Islam, for Bosnia-Hercegovina, for my parents and my sister,” he added.
On his Facebook page he said God had shown him the way in dreams, including to go through Syria instead of Iraq.
During the pilgrimage, Hadzic faced temperatures ranging from minus 35 Celsius in Bulgaria to plus 44 Celsius in Jordan.
He said he had to wait in Istanbul for several weeks to get permission to cross the Bosphorus Bridge on foot and two months at the border between Jordan and Saudi Arabia to obtain an entry visa.
The hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and must be undertaken at least once in a lifetime by all Muslims who are able to
Don't forget to share this great story Ma'sha'Allah...
He said he had covered some 5,700 kilometres (3,540 miles) in 314 days of walking through Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria and Jordan to the Muslim holy city in south-western Saudi Arabia, with a backpack weighing 20 kilos (44 pounds).
He charted his progress on his Facebook page, where he posted a picture apparently of an entry/exit card for foreigners issued by the Syrian interior ministry.
“I passed through Syria in April. I walked some 500 kilometres in 11 days. I went through Aleppo and Damascus and passed dozens of check-points held by pro-government and rebel forces alike, but I was never detained,” Hadzic said.
“At a check-point held by (President Bashar) al-Assad’s forces the soldier ordered me to empty my backpack... When I showed them my Quran and explained I was making the pilgrimage on foot, they let me go,” he told AFP.
“I walked in the name of Allah, for Islam, for Bosnia-Hercegovina, for my parents and my sister,” he added.
On his Facebook page he said God had shown him the way in dreams, including to go through Syria instead of Iraq.
During the pilgrimage, Hadzic faced temperatures ranging from minus 35 Celsius in Bulgaria to plus 44 Celsius in Jordan.
He said he had to wait in Istanbul for several weeks to get permission to cross the Bosphorus Bridge on foot and two months at the border between Jordan and Saudi Arabia to obtain an entry visa.
The hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and must be undertaken at least once in a lifetime by all Muslims who are able to
Don't forget to share this great story Ma'sha'Allah...
special news
Friday, September 19, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
About to explode!!!!
What do you do when you feel like exploding? Where do you go to release your tension? How do you wind off? With whom do you confide?
Who says that when you are the boss, it's easy. You won't have the stress. You decide most of the things. You have the freedom.
There's always stress no matter what you do. You can't even escape from it. Even you only stay at home, taking care of your own children.
YES! I know, it's how you manage your own feeling. How you choose to channel your anger and frustration. It's also show why you need good friends. I haven't had the chance to spend some quality time with my friends nowadays.
I really need girls day out.
Who says that when you are the boss, it's easy. You won't have the stress. You decide most of the things. You have the freedom.
There's always stress no matter what you do. You can't even escape from it. Even you only stay at home, taking care of your own children.
YES! I know, it's how you manage your own feeling. How you choose to channel your anger and frustration. It's also show why you need good friends. I haven't had the chance to spend some quality time with my friends nowadays.
I really need girls day out.
my ramblings
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Perkembangan terbaru adik saya yg terlibat dlm kebakaran. (BM entry)
Ada entri sebelum ini mengenai kejadian yang menimpa adik saya Mohd Rashdan. Secara ringkasnya dia telah terlibat dalam kebakaran yg memusnahkan rumah yg didiaminya dan isterinya. Rumah tersebut adalah rumah kayu yang telah lama dibina. Punca kebakaran adalah litar pintas dari peti sejuk. Sewaktu kejadian, adik saya cuba memadamkan api dengan menyimbah air. Jadi dia tercedera teruk. Isterinya sempat keluar rumah dan tidak mendapat apa-apa kecedaraan.
Sehingga ke hari ini, Rashdan masih dirawat di Hospital Besar Kota Bharu. Dia mengalami kecedaraan kebakaran tahap 2 di mana belakang, lengan kanan dan mukanya disambar api. Ambulans pada mulanya menghantarnya ke Hospital Tumpat kerana itu yang terdekat dengan lokasi. Tetapi pihak Hospital Tumpat mengatakan kesnya perlu dirujuk ke Hospital Besar Kota Bharu yang mempunya pakar.
Adik saya ni sebenarnya OKU. Begitu juga isterinya. Selama ini dia telah berusaha untuk hidup atas hasil titik peluh sendiri. Kami adik-beradik sangat bangga dengannya. Sebab itulah bila dia telah ditimpa musibah sebegini, rezekinya masih ada. Ramai juga bersimpati dan menderma sedikit untuk meringankan bebannya.
Hari ini atau mungkin esok, insha allah doktor akan menjalankan pembedahan menggantikan sedikit kulit yang teruk tercedera di lengan kanan dengan mengambil sedikit kulit di pehanya. Minta sesiapa yang membaca entri ini mendoakan semoga semuanya berjalan lancar.
Selepas ini kami adik beradik akan cuba merancang dan membantunya untuk bekerja semula selepas sembuh. Bukan mudah rasanya kerana dia tidak akan cergas dan sihat sepenuhnya seperti dulu. Tapi kami percaya Allah akan menggantikan dengan yang lebih baik untuknya. Ini ujian bukan hanya untuk dia dan isteri tapi untuk kami semua yang ada kaitan dengan mereka. Oleh kerana itulah, kami pun turut terkesan dengan kejadian tersebut. Rasanya yang lain, ada pelbagai ujian dalam bentuk lain kan. Yang penting bagaimana kita mahu bangkit selepas itu.
2 gambar adik saya di hospital. Gambar pertama sewaktu hari kedua kejadian.
Gambar kedua selepas 2 minggu di hospital bila luka makin pulih.

Sehingga ke hari ini, Rashdan masih dirawat di Hospital Besar Kota Bharu. Dia mengalami kecedaraan kebakaran tahap 2 di mana belakang, lengan kanan dan mukanya disambar api. Ambulans pada mulanya menghantarnya ke Hospital Tumpat kerana itu yang terdekat dengan lokasi. Tetapi pihak Hospital Tumpat mengatakan kesnya perlu dirujuk ke Hospital Besar Kota Bharu yang mempunya pakar.
Adik saya ni sebenarnya OKU. Begitu juga isterinya. Selama ini dia telah berusaha untuk hidup atas hasil titik peluh sendiri. Kami adik-beradik sangat bangga dengannya. Sebab itulah bila dia telah ditimpa musibah sebegini, rezekinya masih ada. Ramai juga bersimpati dan menderma sedikit untuk meringankan bebannya.
Hari ini atau mungkin esok, insha allah doktor akan menjalankan pembedahan menggantikan sedikit kulit yang teruk tercedera di lengan kanan dengan mengambil sedikit kulit di pehanya. Minta sesiapa yang membaca entri ini mendoakan semoga semuanya berjalan lancar.
Selepas ini kami adik beradik akan cuba merancang dan membantunya untuk bekerja semula selepas sembuh. Bukan mudah rasanya kerana dia tidak akan cergas dan sihat sepenuhnya seperti dulu. Tapi kami percaya Allah akan menggantikan dengan yang lebih baik untuknya. Ini ujian bukan hanya untuk dia dan isteri tapi untuk kami semua yang ada kaitan dengan mereka. Oleh kerana itulah, kami pun turut terkesan dengan kejadian tersebut. Rasanya yang lain, ada pelbagai ujian dalam bentuk lain kan. Yang penting bagaimana kita mahu bangkit selepas itu.
2 gambar adik saya di hospital. Gambar pertama sewaktu hari kedua kejadian.
Gambar kedua selepas 2 minggu di hospital bila luka makin pulih.

my siblings
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Alhamdulillah....War has officially stopped (for now).

serious issues
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Something that parents should ponder
I found this on FB and I couldn't agree more on her insights about the reality that we are facing now. Somehow all of us need to change our mind set and not to pressure our kids just because we are so narrow minded. I always believe that when you have the passion, you'll succeed in whatever field you want to venture in. It's not just about money anymore when you want to stay in the same job for a long period of time.
Take your time to read and ponder:
Me " So how was your A levels result? you did A levels right?"
My British friend "yeah. i got 4 As. it was the hardest test in my life".
Getting 4 As in A levels is no big deal, many Malaysians scored 4As or 3As in our Cambridge A levels or STPM examinations too. What shocked me back then, wasn't her excellent results, nor was her brainy conversation and immense knowledge on almost everything (We started our conversation on Utilitarianism). It was the choice of her course.
Take your time to read and ponder:
Me " So how was your A levels result? you did A levels right?"
My British friend "yeah. i got 4 As. it was the hardest test in my life".
Getting 4 As in A levels is no big deal, many Malaysians scored 4As or 3As in our Cambridge A levels or STPM examinations too. What shocked me back then, wasn't her excellent results, nor was her brainy conversation and immense knowledge on almost everything (We started our conversation on Utilitarianism). It was the choice of her course.
Unlike you and me, she didn't think that being intelligent is
automatically equated to doing law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy,
engineering, actuarial science. Despite her clinical result in her A
levels at the age of 16 (yes, she skipped hew years too) in Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, and Advance Mathematics, she went on to pursue her
BA in Classic Studies in Kings College London, (my Uni mate so to say).
CLASSIC STUDIES? whats that?
Like many of you, I don't even konw what was Classic studies at all. A classical studies degree embracing the study of all aspects of the cultures of Greece and Rome and their influence on later ages : literature, historical, archaeology and philosophy.
Just like everyone else, I proceeded to ask her the golden question. What do you want to become?
no. not investment banking. not lawyers, accountants, not teachers even.
Her dream was to become the Curator of the British Museum.
She went on to explain how she would chart her career path in the next 10 years, becoming a "lobbyist" for the museum, and how she was upset at how the Museum was run, and how she wanted to change the Museum, transforming it further. I saw passion in her eyes, and eyes don't lie.
And guess what, she wasn't the anomaly. Most who did well, who scored well, would end up pursuing either courses that they are really passionate at, or courses that are "traditional" in nature (as oppose to vocational). The most brilliant would pursue courses like Mathematics, Biology, Statistic, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Economics etc. I was told, that vocational courses like law, medicine, accountancy, engineering whatnot are for the second tier brilliant students.
It made me wonder, what was the whole idea behind Malaysians who scored well in exams, or certain Asian Countries for that matter, are always pressured to pursue professional courses as if they were the "right" and "only" way to go.
My first guess was due to this “ubah nasib miskin” mentality suffered by many elderly Malaysians. Malaysians who went through poverty in the 60s or 70s due to illiteracy and lack of education were adamant in ensuring that their children are educated and subsequently uplift the financial situation of the family. They arrived at the conclusion that being a professional was the way to go, based on what they see in the society during their time : Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers are “achieveable” professions with education (Unlike business which requires alot of soft skills, connections, and high barriers of entry). Little have they realized that appreciation level towards these professions has reduced gradually overtime due to massive influx of graduate entries.
These professions were undeniably highly sought after during the 70s, when the service and tertiary industries are beginning to catch up as a reflection of our economic boom. It ensures lucrative wages and salaries as compared to other non-professional career, mainly because of the lack of professional talent back then. This was caused by the difficulties for Malaysians back then to continue their studies to tertiary level. Now that almost 1 in 3 malaysians end up in university, the supply of professional talent is no longer insufficient : it has become an oversupply!
Many also didn’t realize that the demand of these professions were a result of better economy progression : There are more business and entreprenueral projects emerging, hence requiring the services of more Lawyers, Accountants ; ther eare more and more development project as a result of economical demand, hence requiring more engineers, quantity surveyors etc ; and to facilitate these business boom, there are more and more financial institutions emerged, hence raising the demand for financiers, Actuarial scientists etc. for Healthcare, people are more willing to “spend” to treat illness that they otherwise wouldn’t have if they’re poor. The Government is also “Rich” enough, compared to before, to spend more on the healthcare industry to ensure that those who are poor are taken care off.
Professionals, are “tertiary” industry, they are highly dependant on the spending power and economy power of those from the primary or secondary industry. If the overall business climate turns really bad, chances are that the demand for lawyers, accountants, engineers, actuarial scientists, etc will fall tremendously. If the Government or the People’s spending power is reduced, chances are that the service of sophisticated medicine will be disrupted too, causing a fall in the demand for medical officers. Blessed with relatively strong and healthy economy, the demand for professional services are stable at the very least. No, that was an understatement : the education system that we have also helped to ensure an “over-supply” of these professionals!
Moving forward, we would have to take either a step back to look at the chain of production that causes the over-supply, OR a step forward to see what should our future students diversify their career interest into.
A step back, and we realize that our graduates and students, as influenced by their parents, are more interested in indulging the “safety sense” of a professional career, with a professional paper. Once you’re Doctor, Once you’re an acocuntant, once you’re lawyer, youre ‘SAFE”. it can’t go wrong. you wont’ be broke. someone will definitely hire you. What they fail to realize is that this “HERD” mentality has deprived many young people from involving in entreprenural activities (or being groomed to excel in business) from the beginning to “CREATE WEALTH”. Professional bodies don’t normally “create wealth” through business or economical activities. They survive on the Wealth created by business man or entreprenuers who pay them for their services. People who create wealths has more economical and social stature and power, and they would help sustain and grow the demand for tertiary / professional services too!
A step forward, and you would see people joining my friend to pursue their passion. It’s time to move away from a “Career-that-promises-money-to-change-your-family-life-mentality”. Many of us are suffering from this mentality subconsciously without knowing it. Eveyrone wants to have their millions, etc. For what? for a better lifestyle they say. but is doing what they are doing now, give them a good lifestyle already? what if they are materially poorer, but spiritually or mentally richer?
It’s time for well to do middle class to encourage their kids to appreciate their talent and passion. This is how our society can grow stronger in the future.
Think, in the future when everyone is upper middle class, we would love to indulge in something mroe than just material. we want a good Art scene. We want Good museums, we want good railway system, we want good exercize coaches, we want good lecturers and professors, we want Good historians, we want good organic food etc. Why wouldn’t we prepare our future generation to undertake that sort of career which is going to be important to compliment our societal progresssion?
As responsible parent, we must STOP expecting our smart children with clinical results to confine their career choices to those that we were ‘envious of’ during our time, or during our parents time. Don’t vest your “grieve” or “hope” on your children based on your attributes. Help them to find their hope, help them to find their passion, and help them to achieve it. Don’t MOULD them into becoming doctors when they’re kid, and then tell them its “them” who wants to become doctor.
Whats wrong if a parent decided to bring their kids to DBKL and see how they do town planning? Whats wrong if a kid tells you he wants to run a museum? whats wrong if your child tells you he wants to build container?
don’t silence them off with your “doctor” choice. Malaysia is readied to move on. be prepared for that!
— P/S
this post is written in response to the situation where the application for medical placement in public universities outnumbered the seats offered by 1:3. 1000++ students with 4A in STPM or Matriculation applied for 400++ medical seats in public university : the reduction in seat offered was due to recommendation by the Malaysian Medical Association, claiming that there is an over-supply of doctors / housemen in Malaysia.
CLASSIC STUDIES? whats that?
Like many of you, I don't even konw what was Classic studies at all. A classical studies degree embracing the study of all aspects of the cultures of Greece and Rome and their influence on later ages : literature, historical, archaeology and philosophy.
Just like everyone else, I proceeded to ask her the golden question. What do you want to become?
no. not investment banking. not lawyers, accountants, not teachers even.
Her dream was to become the Curator of the British Museum.
She went on to explain how she would chart her career path in the next 10 years, becoming a "lobbyist" for the museum, and how she was upset at how the Museum was run, and how she wanted to change the Museum, transforming it further. I saw passion in her eyes, and eyes don't lie.
And guess what, she wasn't the anomaly. Most who did well, who scored well, would end up pursuing either courses that they are really passionate at, or courses that are "traditional" in nature (as oppose to vocational). The most brilliant would pursue courses like Mathematics, Biology, Statistic, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Economics etc. I was told, that vocational courses like law, medicine, accountancy, engineering whatnot are for the second tier brilliant students.
It made me wonder, what was the whole idea behind Malaysians who scored well in exams, or certain Asian Countries for that matter, are always pressured to pursue professional courses as if they were the "right" and "only" way to go.
My first guess was due to this “ubah nasib miskin” mentality suffered by many elderly Malaysians. Malaysians who went through poverty in the 60s or 70s due to illiteracy and lack of education were adamant in ensuring that their children are educated and subsequently uplift the financial situation of the family. They arrived at the conclusion that being a professional was the way to go, based on what they see in the society during their time : Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers are “achieveable” professions with education (Unlike business which requires alot of soft skills, connections, and high barriers of entry). Little have they realized that appreciation level towards these professions has reduced gradually overtime due to massive influx of graduate entries.
These professions were undeniably highly sought after during the 70s, when the service and tertiary industries are beginning to catch up as a reflection of our economic boom. It ensures lucrative wages and salaries as compared to other non-professional career, mainly because of the lack of professional talent back then. This was caused by the difficulties for Malaysians back then to continue their studies to tertiary level. Now that almost 1 in 3 malaysians end up in university, the supply of professional talent is no longer insufficient : it has become an oversupply!
Many also didn’t realize that the demand of these professions were a result of better economy progression : There are more business and entreprenueral projects emerging, hence requiring the services of more Lawyers, Accountants ; ther eare more and more development project as a result of economical demand, hence requiring more engineers, quantity surveyors etc ; and to facilitate these business boom, there are more and more financial institutions emerged, hence raising the demand for financiers, Actuarial scientists etc. for Healthcare, people are more willing to “spend” to treat illness that they otherwise wouldn’t have if they’re poor. The Government is also “Rich” enough, compared to before, to spend more on the healthcare industry to ensure that those who are poor are taken care off.
Professionals, are “tertiary” industry, they are highly dependant on the spending power and economy power of those from the primary or secondary industry. If the overall business climate turns really bad, chances are that the demand for lawyers, accountants, engineers, actuarial scientists, etc will fall tremendously. If the Government or the People’s spending power is reduced, chances are that the service of sophisticated medicine will be disrupted too, causing a fall in the demand for medical officers. Blessed with relatively strong and healthy economy, the demand for professional services are stable at the very least. No, that was an understatement : the education system that we have also helped to ensure an “over-supply” of these professionals!
Moving forward, we would have to take either a step back to look at the chain of production that causes the over-supply, OR a step forward to see what should our future students diversify their career interest into.
A step back, and we realize that our graduates and students, as influenced by their parents, are more interested in indulging the “safety sense” of a professional career, with a professional paper. Once you’re Doctor, Once you’re an acocuntant, once you’re lawyer, youre ‘SAFE”. it can’t go wrong. you wont’ be broke. someone will definitely hire you. What they fail to realize is that this “HERD” mentality has deprived many young people from involving in entreprenural activities (or being groomed to excel in business) from the beginning to “CREATE WEALTH”. Professional bodies don’t normally “create wealth” through business or economical activities. They survive on the Wealth created by business man or entreprenuers who pay them for their services. People who create wealths has more economical and social stature and power, and they would help sustain and grow the demand for tertiary / professional services too!
A step forward, and you would see people joining my friend to pursue their passion. It’s time to move away from a “Career-that-promises-money-to-change-your-family-life-mentality”. Many of us are suffering from this mentality subconsciously without knowing it. Eveyrone wants to have their millions, etc. For what? for a better lifestyle they say. but is doing what they are doing now, give them a good lifestyle already? what if they are materially poorer, but spiritually or mentally richer?
It’s time for well to do middle class to encourage their kids to appreciate their talent and passion. This is how our society can grow stronger in the future.
Think, in the future when everyone is upper middle class, we would love to indulge in something mroe than just material. we want a good Art scene. We want Good museums, we want good railway system, we want good exercize coaches, we want good lecturers and professors, we want Good historians, we want good organic food etc. Why wouldn’t we prepare our future generation to undertake that sort of career which is going to be important to compliment our societal progresssion?
As responsible parent, we must STOP expecting our smart children with clinical results to confine their career choices to those that we were ‘envious of’ during our time, or during our parents time. Don’t vest your “grieve” or “hope” on your children based on your attributes. Help them to find their hope, help them to find their passion, and help them to achieve it. Don’t MOULD them into becoming doctors when they’re kid, and then tell them its “them” who wants to become doctor.
Whats wrong if a parent decided to bring their kids to DBKL and see how they do town planning? Whats wrong if a kid tells you he wants to run a museum? whats wrong if your child tells you he wants to build container?
don’t silence them off with your “doctor” choice. Malaysia is readied to move on. be prepared for that!
— P/S
this post is written in response to the situation where the application for medical placement in public universities outnumbered the seats offered by 1:3. 1000++ students with 4A in STPM or Matriculation applied for 400++ medical seats in public university : the reduction in seat offered was due to recommendation by the Malaysian Medical Association, claiming that there is an over-supply of doctors / housemen in Malaysia.
good advice
Monday, August 18, 2014
Dugaan dan ujian buat kami.
![]() | ||||||
Keratan akhbar Harian Metro mengenai kejadian yg menimpa adik kandung saya dan isterinya. |
my siblings
Saturday, August 2, 2014
1995 VS 2014 (Our siblings photo and reshoot trial)

my siblings
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Butir Nangka
Kuih ini namanya "Butir Nangka". Kenapa namanya begitu? Tak pasti asal usul namanya. Yang pasti, kuih2 Kelantan ada nama-nama pelik. Anak sulung saya, Fathini bersemangat nak buat kuih ini semalam. Bukan susah pun.
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:
-2 cwn tepung beras pulut
-pewarna hijau (atau lagi sedap mesin daun pandan utk dptkan warna hijau)
-sedikit garam
-sedikit air suam
-sekotak santan (cairkan sikit jika terlalu pekat)
-biji halba (beberapa biji saja)
-sedikit gula putih (atau boleh juga guna gula melaka kalau nak bg lemak)
-2 helai daun pandan
Mula-mula masukkan tepung beras pulut ke dalam bekas. Ambil secubit garam. Masukkan beberapa titik pewarna. Kemudian masukkan air suam sedikit demi sedikit. Gaulkan adunan sehingga menjadi tidak terlalu lembik atau terlalu keras untuk diuli. Ambil secubit adunan dan buat bentuk bujur. Bila semua dah siap, panaskan air dalam periuk untuk merebus dulu butir2 nangka.
Untuk kuahnya:
Tuang santan ke dalam periuk. Masukkan sedikit garam dan gula. Masakkan santan sehingga mendidih dan masukkan butir2 nangka ke dalam kuahnya.
Selamat mencuba.
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:
-2 cwn tepung beras pulut
-pewarna hijau (atau lagi sedap mesin daun pandan utk dptkan warna hijau)
-sedikit garam
-sedikit air suam
-sekotak santan (cairkan sikit jika terlalu pekat)
-biji halba (beberapa biji saja)
-sedikit gula putih (atau boleh juga guna gula melaka kalau nak bg lemak)
-2 helai daun pandan
Mula-mula masukkan tepung beras pulut ke dalam bekas. Ambil secubit garam. Masukkan beberapa titik pewarna. Kemudian masukkan air suam sedikit demi sedikit. Gaulkan adunan sehingga menjadi tidak terlalu lembik atau terlalu keras untuk diuli. Ambil secubit adunan dan buat bentuk bujur. Bila semua dah siap, panaskan air dalam periuk untuk merebus dulu butir2 nangka.
Untuk kuahnya:
Tuang santan ke dalam periuk. Masukkan sedikit garam dan gula. Masakkan santan sehingga mendidih dan masukkan butir2 nangka ke dalam kuahnya.
Selamat mencuba.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Hampir2 jd perempuan gila mengamuk (mcm Kiki K.)
Ramai yg tahu pasal kes Kiki Kamaruddin yg mengamuk sakan bila kereta Peugot CDM25 dia kena langgar kan. Pagi ini rasanya saya pun hampir2 jd macam dia. Cuma saya tak sampai turun dr kereta bawa stereng lock. Apa yang berlaku?
Kisah saya hanya kerana saya tak dapat nak keluar dari tempat letak kereta sebab ada orang-orang yg cetek pemikiran main letak je kereta ditempat tak sepatutnya. Diaorg ni letak kereta tempat di belakang tempat letak kereta berbayar. Dahlah tak bayar tiket lepas tu menyusahkan orang lain pulak. Kereta saya pulak kereta lama yang agak besar dan panjang. Stereng tak de power dan memang kereta manual. Yelah kereta yg dah berusia lebih 30 tahun. Toyota Corona tahun 70 an. Kalau ingat tak sayangkan kereta dan kalau ikutkan hati panas, memang nak langgar je kereta-kereta yang tak reti nak letak tempat sepatutnya tu. Dah berpeluh2 saya masuk, keluar nak cuba keluarkan kereta juga tapi tak dapat sebab memang tak lepas. Jadi saya pun tekan je hon berpuluh2 kali sampaila ada sorang pakcik datang alihkan kereta dia. Nasib baik. Saya tak cakap apa pada pakcik tu. Cuma jeling dia dan terus keluarkan kereta saya dan pergi dari situ. Kiranya malas nak panjangkan cerita.
Rasanya kalau tak de yg dtg alihkan kereta, saya akan tekan je hon sambil cuba lg keluarkan kereta. Dalam kes Cik Kiki tu, saya dah malas nak ulas. Kenapa? Semua orang akan buat silap bila tengah tertekan. Setakat mana kita buat silap tu yang bezanya. Saya pun cuba sejukkan hati sendiri walaupun rasa dah nak menyumpah seranah. Tapi rasa macam orang gila pulak menyumpah sorang-sorang. Kurang pahala puasa tu tak yah cakaplah. Memang dah habis pahala puasa kot. huhu.
Kalau kita semua bertimbang rasa, fikirkan pasal orang lain, tak akan terjadi banyak perkara buruk. Memang kita suka ikutkan hati. Masa marah memang tak ingat apa. Yang penting, keluarkan dulu kemarahan tu kan. Padahal kita dah diajar supaya mengawal kemarahan. Orang yang paling bersabar akan dapat banyak ganjaran lebih-lebih lagi di bulan Ramadhan ni. Cakap je memang senang, tapi bila ada masalah lupa nak bersabar, lupa dosa pahala.
Ini tips mengawal kemarahan yg saya tahu.
Kisah saya hanya kerana saya tak dapat nak keluar dari tempat letak kereta sebab ada orang-orang yg cetek pemikiran main letak je kereta ditempat tak sepatutnya. Diaorg ni letak kereta tempat di belakang tempat letak kereta berbayar. Dahlah tak bayar tiket lepas tu menyusahkan orang lain pulak. Kereta saya pulak kereta lama yang agak besar dan panjang. Stereng tak de power dan memang kereta manual. Yelah kereta yg dah berusia lebih 30 tahun. Toyota Corona tahun 70 an. Kalau ingat tak sayangkan kereta dan kalau ikutkan hati panas, memang nak langgar je kereta-kereta yang tak reti nak letak tempat sepatutnya tu. Dah berpeluh2 saya masuk, keluar nak cuba keluarkan kereta juga tapi tak dapat sebab memang tak lepas. Jadi saya pun tekan je hon berpuluh2 kali sampaila ada sorang pakcik datang alihkan kereta dia. Nasib baik. Saya tak cakap apa pada pakcik tu. Cuma jeling dia dan terus keluarkan kereta saya dan pergi dari situ. Kiranya malas nak panjangkan cerita.
Rasanya kalau tak de yg dtg alihkan kereta, saya akan tekan je hon sambil cuba lg keluarkan kereta. Dalam kes Cik Kiki tu, saya dah malas nak ulas. Kenapa? Semua orang akan buat silap bila tengah tertekan. Setakat mana kita buat silap tu yang bezanya. Saya pun cuba sejukkan hati sendiri walaupun rasa dah nak menyumpah seranah. Tapi rasa macam orang gila pulak menyumpah sorang-sorang. Kurang pahala puasa tu tak yah cakaplah. Memang dah habis pahala puasa kot. huhu.
Kalau kita semua bertimbang rasa, fikirkan pasal orang lain, tak akan terjadi banyak perkara buruk. Memang kita suka ikutkan hati. Masa marah memang tak ingat apa. Yang penting, keluarkan dulu kemarahan tu kan. Padahal kita dah diajar supaya mengawal kemarahan. Orang yang paling bersabar akan dapat banyak ganjaran lebih-lebih lagi di bulan Ramadhan ni. Cakap je memang senang, tapi bila ada masalah lupa nak bersabar, lupa dosa pahala.
Ini tips mengawal kemarahan yg saya tahu.
- Beristighfar dulu. Kemudian sebutlah "Lahaulawalaquwwataillabillah".
- Kalau belum reda, ubah kedudukan. Kalau tengah berdiri, duduk. Lepas tu baring.
- Ambil wudhu' utk menyejukkan hati kalau masih terasa panas hati.
- Fikir apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan dan fikirkan perkara baik dan buruk yang akan berlaku jika kita masih marah.
my life experiences
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Big, fat Chocolate Chip Cookies.
It's 15th Ramadhan and my daughters were so excited to make some cookies this morning. Every year, Chocolate Chip cookies will be on the list as they love chocolate. I just helped them a bit and let them did the rest.
The cookies might not last until raya but they don't mind about it. They just love making cookies and having fun while making them. This tradition of making cookies is part of my childhood tradition too. When we were small, my late mum used to teach us making raya at least 5 to 6 types of cookies. Those cookies would be distributed among our poor relatives and neighbours. Helping her in the kitchen was one of the unforgettable bonding time between us.
I'm teaching my daughters to make cookies now as a reminiscent of my childhood memory. I miss those moments and it's also make me appreciate my late mum more. She taught me a lot and I want to create a lot of sweet memories with my daughters too. Hopefully they'll remember our sweet memories and treasure the bonding between them too.
The cookies might not last until raya but they don't mind about it. They just love making cookies and having fun while making them. This tradition of making cookies is part of my childhood tradition too. When we were small, my late mum used to teach us making raya at least 5 to 6 types of cookies. Those cookies would be distributed among our poor relatives and neighbours. Helping her in the kitchen was one of the unforgettable bonding time between us.
I'm teaching my daughters to make cookies now as a reminiscent of my childhood memory. I miss those moments and it's also make me appreciate my late mum more. She taught me a lot and I want to create a lot of sweet memories with my daughters too. Hopefully they'll remember our sweet memories and treasure the bonding between them too.
These are their big, fat chocolate chip cookies.

my family
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Feed a family this Ramadan.

Sunday, July 6, 2014
Sebaknya...Jom baca nukilan terakhir allahyarham Sharifah Aini (BM entry)
Sila Baca Nukilan Terakhir Allahyarham Datuk Sharifah Aini untuk Anak
tunggalnya Aliff :-
Hari ni saya ingin berkongsi cerita antara IBU & ANAK.
In Shaa ALLAH…..Dengan izin ALLAH Jika tiada aral melintang tidak lama lagi Aliff akan pulang bercuti selama 3 bulan…Bunyi nya lama tapi reality nya sekejap sangat setelah setahun tidak bertemu…kini masa dah hampir tiba untuk dia pulang..saya dah pun kemas kan bilik Aliff.
Saya tidak sabar duduk berbual, berbuka puasa bersama, solat jumaah besama…mendapat undangan berbuka puasa besama…kadang-kadan Aliff jadi Imam dirumah sahabat-sahabat saya…Setiap kali dia jadi Imam….Aliff sangat gemar membaca surah2 yang panjang…air mata saya dibelakang tidak berhenti menangis bangga….bacaan nya sedap sekali & nyaman didengar.
Kadang-kadang kami banyak berbual tentang Hukum – Kehidupan & Kematian tanpa rasa takut dan perbualan Ilmu yang sangat terbuka ..saya lebih banyak bertanya Aliff membawa saya dan kawan2 saya kefahaman yang lebih maxsima …..Banyak kali bila Aliff mengeluar kan Hadith, sebagai Ibu saya terpegun….Lidah nya dah jadi lidah Arab….11 tahun belajar diMadinah….Ma Shaa ALLAH. Ada juga perkara yang saya tanya, jika dia kurang pasti jawapan nya, dia tidak malu berterus terang mengaku apa yang dia kurang pasti dan baru merujuk kepada kitab2 beliau dan menyuruh saya membaca dan fahami…….routine kami di bulan Ramdhan ..selepas berbuka, Kami berterawih…Baca AlQuraan & tidur sekejap...jam 3.30 pagi kami bangun solat Tahajud….saya mendengar Aliff membaca AlQuraan sampai subuh……. Mi turun bersahur dan makan bersama-sama…Makanan Aliff sangat simple..In Shaa ALAH….Kami semua di rumah nak habis kan Khatam Quraan sebelum lagi berakhir nya bulan Ramadhan….Selalu nya malam ketiga Kiamulaii kami dah selesai Khatam AlQuraan.
3 bulan ini bulan yang sangat penting buat saya dan kami satu kelauarga….Nikmat saya sebagai IBU Memasti kan makanan nya terurus…Tukang masak saya sangat rapat dengan Aliff…
Dalam pada perbualan yang ringkas ….saya tidak lupa memesan kepada Aliff…jika ALLAH izin kan Mami ingin mati diPangkuan Aliff…Jika Aliff ada disamping Mami ketika Mami menghembus kan nafas yang terakhir…Mami ingin Aliff Jadi Imam untuk Solatkan Jenazah Mami…Mami akan tersenyum dan bangga. Jangan benar kan orang yang bukan family masuk melihat Jenazah mami dimandi….Hanya Aliff, anak2 angkat Mami - Best Friend Mami dan orang yang menguruskankan pemandian Jenazah….Jika Mami sakit dihospital….orang tidak kenal jangan dibiar kan masuk untuk mengambil sebarang gambar….Jaga Hijab Mami…sekarang zaman HP modern…saya tidak redha gambar saya sakit masuk ke dalam Internet. Jika mami sakit di hospital…Ambil 4 bilik penuhkan anak2 Tahfeez dan semua Ustaz2 Mami bacakan ayat2 AlQuraan dan Surah Yassin untuk Mami….baca perlahan2 supaya tidak mengganggu ketenteraman pesakit lain di Hospital.
Mami berkerja keras selama 45 tahun mencari rezeki dikelilingi dan bermandikan Fitnah untuk mendapat satu kehidupan kita pada hari ni.....Mami mahu kan Aliff hidup besederhana..Mami tidak kaya…..selebih apa yang kita ada kita wakaf kan untuk Anak2 Yatim Piatu….Orang2 Miskin dan Anak Tahfiz. Mami tidak pernah rosak kan Aliff selama ini dengan duit ringgit – Aliff pun anak yang baik bukan mata duitan…..In Shaa ALLAH…..
Sebagai IBU Mami sudah sedia kan keperluan untuk Kehidupan Aliff & Keluarga Aliff…….Mami tidak mahu Aliff berhutang. Beli apa yang kita mampu sahaja! Jangan sekali2 Membazir untuk Keduniaan. Mami sentiasa mendoakan Aliff ditemu kan jodoh dengan Muslimah Solehah yang dapat membimbing keturunan kita dengan baik nya!
Semoga allahyarhamah ditempatkan di sisi orang-orang yang beriman. Kita ni tak tahu lg untung nasib kita. Beruntung orang-orang yang meninggal di bulan Ramadhan ni. Saya teringat juga pada arwah moyang saya yang meninggal di bulan Ramadhan juga ketika arwah berumur 80 tahun lebih. Ketika itu saya baru berumur 10 tahun. Segala urusan jenazah berlaku amat cepat dan mudah. Ramai juga yang datang waktu solat jenazah. Yang saya ingat arwah seorang yang lemah lembut dan amat penyayang dengan anak-anak, cucu-cucu dan cicit-cicitnya. Byk juga kenangan dgn arwah yg saya tak dapat lupakan.
In Shaa ALLAH…..Dengan izin ALLAH Jika tiada aral melintang tidak lama lagi Aliff akan pulang bercuti selama 3 bulan…Bunyi nya lama tapi reality nya sekejap sangat setelah setahun tidak bertemu…kini masa dah hampir tiba untuk dia pulang..saya dah pun kemas kan bilik Aliff.
Saya tidak sabar duduk berbual, berbuka puasa bersama, solat jumaah besama…mendapat undangan berbuka puasa besama…kadang-kadan Aliff jadi Imam dirumah sahabat-sahabat saya…Setiap kali dia jadi Imam….Aliff sangat gemar membaca surah2 yang panjang…air mata saya dibelakang tidak berhenti menangis bangga….bacaan nya sedap sekali & nyaman didengar.
Kadang-kadang kami banyak berbual tentang Hukum – Kehidupan & Kematian tanpa rasa takut dan perbualan Ilmu yang sangat terbuka ..saya lebih banyak bertanya Aliff membawa saya dan kawan2 saya kefahaman yang lebih maxsima …..Banyak kali bila Aliff mengeluar kan Hadith, sebagai Ibu saya terpegun….Lidah nya dah jadi lidah Arab….11 tahun belajar diMadinah….Ma Shaa ALLAH. Ada juga perkara yang saya tanya, jika dia kurang pasti jawapan nya, dia tidak malu berterus terang mengaku apa yang dia kurang pasti dan baru merujuk kepada kitab2 beliau dan menyuruh saya membaca dan fahami…….routine kami di bulan Ramdhan ..selepas berbuka, Kami berterawih…Baca AlQuraan & tidur sekejap...jam 3.30 pagi kami bangun solat Tahajud….saya mendengar Aliff membaca AlQuraan sampai subuh……. Mi turun bersahur dan makan bersama-sama…Makanan Aliff sangat simple..In Shaa ALAH….Kami semua di rumah nak habis kan Khatam Quraan sebelum lagi berakhir nya bulan Ramadhan….Selalu nya malam ketiga Kiamulaii kami dah selesai Khatam AlQuraan.
3 bulan ini bulan yang sangat penting buat saya dan kami satu kelauarga….Nikmat saya sebagai IBU Memasti kan makanan nya terurus…Tukang masak saya sangat rapat dengan Aliff…
Dalam pada perbualan yang ringkas ….saya tidak lupa memesan kepada Aliff…jika ALLAH izin kan Mami ingin mati diPangkuan Aliff…Jika Aliff ada disamping Mami ketika Mami menghembus kan nafas yang terakhir…Mami ingin Aliff Jadi Imam untuk Solatkan Jenazah Mami…Mami akan tersenyum dan bangga. Jangan benar kan orang yang bukan family masuk melihat Jenazah mami dimandi….Hanya Aliff, anak2 angkat Mami - Best Friend Mami dan orang yang menguruskankan pemandian Jenazah….Jika Mami sakit dihospital….orang tidak kenal jangan dibiar kan masuk untuk mengambil sebarang gambar….Jaga Hijab Mami…sekarang zaman HP modern…saya tidak redha gambar saya sakit masuk ke dalam Internet. Jika mami sakit di hospital…Ambil 4 bilik penuhkan anak2 Tahfeez dan semua Ustaz2 Mami bacakan ayat2 AlQuraan dan Surah Yassin untuk Mami….baca perlahan2 supaya tidak mengganggu ketenteraman pesakit lain di Hospital.
Mami berkerja keras selama 45 tahun mencari rezeki dikelilingi dan bermandikan Fitnah untuk mendapat satu kehidupan kita pada hari ni.....Mami mahu kan Aliff hidup besederhana..Mami tidak kaya…..selebih apa yang kita ada kita wakaf kan untuk Anak2 Yatim Piatu….Orang2 Miskin dan Anak Tahfiz. Mami tidak pernah rosak kan Aliff selama ini dengan duit ringgit – Aliff pun anak yang baik bukan mata duitan…..In Shaa ALLAH…..
Sebagai IBU Mami sudah sedia kan keperluan untuk Kehidupan Aliff & Keluarga Aliff…….Mami tidak mahu Aliff berhutang. Beli apa yang kita mampu sahaja! Jangan sekali2 Membazir untuk Keduniaan. Mami sentiasa mendoakan Aliff ditemu kan jodoh dengan Muslimah Solehah yang dapat membimbing keturunan kita dengan baik nya!
Semoga allahyarhamah ditempatkan di sisi orang-orang yang beriman. Kita ni tak tahu lg untung nasib kita. Beruntung orang-orang yang meninggal di bulan Ramadhan ni. Saya teringat juga pada arwah moyang saya yang meninggal di bulan Ramadhan juga ketika arwah berumur 80 tahun lebih. Ketika itu saya baru berumur 10 tahun. Segala urusan jenazah berlaku amat cepat dan mudah. Ramai juga yang datang waktu solat jenazah. Yang saya ingat arwah seorang yang lemah lembut dan amat penyayang dengan anak-anak, cucu-cucu dan cicit-cicitnya. Byk juga kenangan dgn arwah yg saya tak dapat lupakan.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Clean Air Begins At Home (with Ambi Pur & Febreeze).
Ambi Pur and Febreeze First Defense House Dust Reducer
Even though a home may look clean to the naked eye, allergens deposited in carpets, mattress, pillows, furniture stuffing and bedding could still be floating in the air. These allergens in turn may trigger asthmatic symptoms, an indicator of "bad" indoor air. With the new Ambi Pur and Febreze First Defense House Dust Reducer range added to your regular cleaning routine, your family and yourself can be assured of better protection against possible airborne allergens.
Designed to eliminate house dust and odours in homes, Ambi Pur First Defense Air Effects and Febreze First Defense Fabric Refresher go beyond creating a cleaner living space for families to breathe easier and happier. It makes housekeeping more efficient. With the help of Trap and Lock House Dust Reduction technology, inanimate particles such as dust mite, pollen, and pet dander matter that maybe present in fabric materials or in the air can easily be trapped, avoiding them from becoming airborne when there is an impact to the materials.
Spraying Febreze First Defense Fabric Refresher on soft fabric can reduce up to 95% of airborne allergens from fabric while still eliminating odours, leaving behind a light, fresh scent. When Ambi Pur First Defense Air Effects is sprayed to the air above the soft fabrics, malodours are trapped and eliminated, while trapping up to 75% of inanimate allergens from becoming airborne. A fine mist of scent is released leaving behind a subtle fragrance that lingers throughout the home.
For a clean breath of air at home, it is recommended to spray all fabric surfaces before cleaning takes place so that there will be less airborne inanimate allergens from fabric spreading to the air. Ambi Pur and Febreze works ideally when there are large movements around the house that may trigger allergens to become airborne, such as opening curtains wide open or having children running around the house and playing on the furniture.
Ambi Pur and Febreze First Defense Clean Air of Odour
While we cannot control the air outdoors especially the worrying haze situation, there are certain things we can do to help give our home a refreshing lift. For effective tough odours elimination, you can look out for the new Ambi Pur and Febreze Clean Air of Odour range products. Formulated with OdoShield technology that has 10 times more odour eliminating ingredients, it works well in knocking out powerful odours from the smoke,garbage and the acrid smell of haze, alleviating us from the discomfort of poor air quality.

Even though a home may look clean to the naked eye, allergens deposited in carpets, mattress, pillows, furniture stuffing and bedding could still be floating in the air. These allergens in turn may trigger asthmatic symptoms, an indicator of "bad" indoor air. With the new Ambi Pur and Febreze First Defense House Dust Reducer range added to your regular cleaning routine, your family and yourself can be assured of better protection against possible airborne allergens.
Designed to eliminate house dust and odours in homes, Ambi Pur First Defense Air Effects and Febreze First Defense Fabric Refresher go beyond creating a cleaner living space for families to breathe easier and happier. It makes housekeeping more efficient. With the help of Trap and Lock House Dust Reduction technology, inanimate particles such as dust mite, pollen, and pet dander matter that maybe present in fabric materials or in the air can easily be trapped, avoiding them from becoming airborne when there is an impact to the materials.
Spraying Febreze First Defense Fabric Refresher on soft fabric can reduce up to 95% of airborne allergens from fabric while still eliminating odours, leaving behind a light, fresh scent. When Ambi Pur First Defense Air Effects is sprayed to the air above the soft fabrics, malodours are trapped and eliminated, while trapping up to 75% of inanimate allergens from becoming airborne. A fine mist of scent is released leaving behind a subtle fragrance that lingers throughout the home.
For a clean breath of air at home, it is recommended to spray all fabric surfaces before cleaning takes place so that there will be less airborne inanimate allergens from fabric spreading to the air. Ambi Pur and Febreze works ideally when there are large movements around the house that may trigger allergens to become airborne, such as opening curtains wide open or having children running around the house and playing on the furniture.
Ambi Pur and Febreze First Defense Clean Air of Odour
While we cannot control the air outdoors especially the worrying haze situation, there are certain things we can do to help give our home a refreshing lift. For effective tough odours elimination, you can look out for the new Ambi Pur and Febreze Clean Air of Odour range products. Formulated with OdoShield technology that has 10 times more odour eliminating ingredients, it works well in knocking out powerful odours from the smoke,garbage and the acrid smell of haze, alleviating us from the discomfort of poor air quality.

Saturday, June 28, 2014
Welcome Ramdhan - Happy fasting

languages and cultures
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Dosa percuma di mukabuku (BM entry)
Mula-mula sekali nak mintak maaf kalau ada yang terasa dengan entri ni. Tapi memang niat nak bg terasa dan juga nak mengingatkan diri sendiri. Kita ni banyak sangat menghadap benda2 yang melalaikan skrg. Antara benda yg melalaikan yg wajib setiap hari kita tengok ialah MukaBuku (Facebook). Kan?
Bukan nak mengata orang lain, saya sendiri pun "lagha" dgn mukabuku ni. Seronok dok tengok macam-macam dan baca macam-macam. Ramai yg guna utk kebaikan dan tulis peringatan tapi ramai juga dok tumpang sekaki mengutuk-ngutuk, mencerca dan memaki orang-orang lain. Tak sedar yang apa yang kita buat tu sebenarnya fitnah.
Sebenarnya banyak lg benda-benda yang secara tak sedar, kita kutip dosa percuma di mukabuku. Sempena bulan Ramadhan yg makin hampir ni, jom kita muhasabah setiap perbuatan kita. Jom kita nilai dulu apa yang kita nak tulis, cakap atau buat pada orang lain. Saya bukan ustazah jauh lglah orang yg alim. Tapi bukankah setiap dari kita perlu menyampaikan perkara yang baik dengan cara kita sendiri walaupun kita sendiri jauh lg dari sempurna?
Mula-mula sekali nak mintak maaf kalau ada yang terasa dengan entri ni. Tapi memang niat nak bg terasa dan juga nak mengingatkan diri sendiri. Kita ni banyak sangat menghadap benda2 yang melalaikan skrg. Antara benda yg melalaikan yg wajib setiap hari kita tengok ialah MukaBuku (Facebook). Kan?
Bukan nak mengata orang lain, saya sendiri pun "lagha" dgn mukabuku ni. Seronok dok tengok macam-macam dan baca macam-macam. Ramai yg guna utk kebaikan dan tulis peringatan tapi ramai juga dok tumpang sekaki mengutuk-ngutuk, mencerca dan memaki orang-orang lain. Tak sedar yang apa yang kita buat tu sebenarnya fitnah.
Sebenarnya banyak lg benda-benda yang secara tak sedar, kita kutip dosa percuma di mukabuku. Sempena bulan Ramadhan yg makin hampir ni, jom kita muhasabah setiap perbuatan kita. Jom kita nilai dulu apa yang kita nak tulis, cakap atau buat pada orang lain. Saya bukan ustazah jauh lglah orang yg alim. Tapi bukankah setiap dari kita perlu menyampaikan perkara yang baik dengan cara kita sendiri walaupun kita sendiri jauh lg dari sempurna?
my ramblings
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Downy Parfum Collection- "Every rub is a different perfume experience"
Reignite Romance with NEW Downy Parfum Collection
-Scent Switcher ensures every rub is a different perfume experience.
Fall in love all over again with Downy Parfum Collection, a range of luxuriosly scented softeners developed according to fragrance trends and with the best perfumers in the world. As one of the world's leading fabric softener brands, Downy now brings to Malaysians a new innovation, the Scent Switcher - a technology that makes every rub a new experience!
Each variant in Downy Parfum Collection - Mystique, Passion, Innocence and new to the range, Happiness - now contains dual PMCs (Perfume Micro-Capsules)in each bottle. These tiny particles become activated with the natural movement of clothes, releasing different perfumes, resulting in a varying array of scents. The experience is akin to wearing two of your favourite perfumes and the scent will last until your next wash.
Commenting on the product, Ms Goh Seng Jone, Communications Manager of P&G Malaysia said, "Downy Parfum Collection caters to the fashion-conscious who want not only the best care for their clothes, but a luxurious scent that spice up the mood. Now that the range is enhanced with the new Scent Switcher technology, make your presence felt and get ready to be noticed as every rub of your clothing delivers a different perfume experience!"
To highlight the importance of scent on important social occasions, Downy Parfum Collection launched an online survey today in association with social networking and fashion portal Clozette to ask readers if it is true that men do not notice women as much as that first date experience. Are men clueless when it comes to noticing women after the first date? Head to www.clozette.co/downy to join in the survey. Also, join in the conversation on social media with #CluelessMan and #DownyMY.
Scent plays a key role in who we notice, and a good scent can enhance important social occasions, first date included. Downy enlisted one of the most popular actor couples in Malaysia, husband and wife duo Farid Kamil and Diana Danielle to share their thoughts on the importance of scent in reigniting romance between couples, bringing back the feeling of a "first date".
"First dates are all about getting to know each other and allowing the romance between each couple to develop and come to life", said Diana. "Sometimes I do reminisce about our first date and I love the idea of Downy Parfum Collection being able to give me this chance to bring back that "first date feeling" with my husband. I am sure he will be quite happy too!" she laughed.
What does Farid have to say? " I believe that a husband will never forget that first date with his wife, and while I appreciate Diana in my life every day, the notion of being able to relive that feeling of the first date is almost too good to be true. It is really an amazing experience to have, thanks to the new and enhanced Downy Parfum Collection,"he said.
The enhanced Downy Parfum Collection with Scent Switcher technology is available at all major retail outlets from April 2014. Recommended Retail Price is RM5.85 for 370ML, RM10.90 for 900ML and RM20.90 for 1.8L.
-Scent Switcher ensures every rub is a different perfume experience.
Fall in love all over again with Downy Parfum Collection, a range of luxuriosly scented softeners developed according to fragrance trends and with the best perfumers in the world. As one of the world's leading fabric softener brands, Downy now brings to Malaysians a new innovation, the Scent Switcher - a technology that makes every rub a new experience!
Each variant in Downy Parfum Collection - Mystique, Passion, Innocence and new to the range, Happiness - now contains dual PMCs (Perfume Micro-Capsules)in each bottle. These tiny particles become activated with the natural movement of clothes, releasing different perfumes, resulting in a varying array of scents. The experience is akin to wearing two of your favourite perfumes and the scent will last until your next wash.
Commenting on the product, Ms Goh Seng Jone, Communications Manager of P&G Malaysia said, "Downy Parfum Collection caters to the fashion-conscious who want not only the best care for their clothes, but a luxurious scent that spice up the mood. Now that the range is enhanced with the new Scent Switcher technology, make your presence felt and get ready to be noticed as every rub of your clothing delivers a different perfume experience!"
To highlight the importance of scent on important social occasions, Downy Parfum Collection launched an online survey today in association with social networking and fashion portal Clozette to ask readers if it is true that men do not notice women as much as that first date experience. Are men clueless when it comes to noticing women after the first date? Head to www.clozette.co/downy to join in the survey. Also, join in the conversation on social media with #CluelessMan and #DownyMY.
Scent plays a key role in who we notice, and a good scent can enhance important social occasions, first date included. Downy enlisted one of the most popular actor couples in Malaysia, husband and wife duo Farid Kamil and Diana Danielle to share their thoughts on the importance of scent in reigniting romance between couples, bringing back the feeling of a "first date".
"First dates are all about getting to know each other and allowing the romance between each couple to develop and come to life", said Diana. "Sometimes I do reminisce about our first date and I love the idea of Downy Parfum Collection being able to give me this chance to bring back that "first date feeling" with my husband. I am sure he will be quite happy too!" she laughed.
What does Farid have to say? " I believe that a husband will never forget that first date with his wife, and while I appreciate Diana in my life every day, the notion of being able to relive that feeling of the first date is almost too good to be true. It is really an amazing experience to have, thanks to the new and enhanced Downy Parfum Collection,"he said.
The enhanced Downy Parfum Collection with Scent Switcher technology is available at all major retail outlets from April 2014. Recommended Retail Price is RM5.85 for 370ML, RM10.90 for 900ML and RM20.90 for 1.8L.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Barakallah Hulakuma: Wafiy & Farah (BM entry)
Sabtu lepas kami balik ke Kelantan kerana hendak membantu Mak Ngah saya menguruskan majlis kesyukuran perkahwinan anaknya. Inilah kali pertama Mak Ngah dan Ayah Ngah saya hendak menerima menantu, jadi diaorang memang seronok dan juga bimbang. Bimbang dengan persiapan majlis yang hendak diadakan sehari selepas majlis di pihak perempuan.
Kami terlepas majlis akad nikah yang diadakan pd mlm Jumaat dan juga majlis di rumah pengantin perempuan pada hari Sabtu. Iyalah kami baru bertolak pg hari Sabtu pkl 10 pg dari Selangor. Perjalanan ke Kelantan, paling minimum 8 atau 9 jam. Kalau dengan anak-anak lagi banyak kali kena berhenti di tempat rehat dan rawat. Bila dah pukul 8 mlm barulah sampai di kampung saya di Tumpat.
Saudara-mara dah meriah kat rumah arwah tok di kampung. Bila sampai je, terus kami makan malam dan ada juga kek harijadi anak saudara saya yang baru sambut hari jadi beberapa sblm tu. Walaupun penat, kami makan juga kek dan nasi untuk alas perut.
Hari kenduri, Ahad 1 Jun, kami terbangun lambat sikit sebab masih kepenatan. Nasib baik sudah ramai yang tolong memasak dan mengemas di rumah Mak Ngah. Cuma Mak Ngah mintak saya, mak saudara sorang lg(adik dia), adik-adik perempuan saya untuk masak dan menghias lauk pauk untuk meja pengantin. Kami pun seronok dapat tugas khas walaupun bila bab hiasan sebenarnya tak berapa nak pandai. Siap bukak video-video di You Tube, belajar macam mana nak potong cili, tomato, lobak merah dan bawang untuk dibuat hiasan. Lauk yang perlu dibuat pula, Ikan Siakap 3 rasa, Udang Celup Tepung, Udang goreng mentega danCendawan goreng celup tepung. Adik-adik saya Yati & Awin tukang potong sayur-sayur untuk dibuat hiasan. Saya dan makcik saya menggoreng ikan, cendawan sebelum kami menghias. Hasilnya?
Lihatlah sendiri:

#gambar tak boleh tukar saiz sbb ada masalah dgn laptop.huhu
Rombongan pengantin perempuan sampai selepas pukul 2. Jadi penat juga menunggu pengantin. Rasanya lauk pauk dah sejuk bila pengantin mula makan. Kami siap masak pukul 12 tghr. Apapun lps ni sepupu-sepupu lain cakap nak tempah lg dari kami kalau buat majlis kawin diaorg. hehehe.
Ramai juga ahli keluarga pengantin perempuan. Jadi memang tak sempat sangat ahli keluarga sebelah pihak lelaki (sepupu saya) nak bergambar dengan pengantin. Yelah majlis kat kampung yang tak de deejay atau mak andam yang sibuk-sibuk mengarah itu dan ini. Kami pandai-pandai sendiri cari masa untuk bergambar. Dapatlah beberapa gambar ni:

#samping pengantin lelaki tu, saya yang tolong ikatkan. eh saja nak bagitahu jugak kat sini. eheh

Keesokan harinya pagi-pagi lg kami dah bertolak balik semula ke KJ. Memang tak sempat pergi membeli belah pun. Ingat nak singgah ke Wakaf Che Yeh tapi badan dah penat bila sehari suntuk tolong bagi door gift untuk tetamu dan buat itu ini. (eh macam sibuk giler). Dah susah sikit nak cuti lama-lama bila suami ada banyak kerja. Sampai tgh jln pun sibuk staf dia telefon tanya macam-macam sbb ada mesyuarat. (Mode: gerambilaorgtakretibahasaorgbercutini)
Kami terlepas majlis akad nikah yang diadakan pd mlm Jumaat dan juga majlis di rumah pengantin perempuan pada hari Sabtu. Iyalah kami baru bertolak pg hari Sabtu pkl 10 pg dari Selangor. Perjalanan ke Kelantan, paling minimum 8 atau 9 jam. Kalau dengan anak-anak lagi banyak kali kena berhenti di tempat rehat dan rawat. Bila dah pukul 8 mlm barulah sampai di kampung saya di Tumpat.
Saudara-mara dah meriah kat rumah arwah tok di kampung. Bila sampai je, terus kami makan malam dan ada juga kek harijadi anak saudara saya yang baru sambut hari jadi beberapa sblm tu. Walaupun penat, kami makan juga kek dan nasi untuk alas perut.
Hari kenduri, Ahad 1 Jun, kami terbangun lambat sikit sebab masih kepenatan. Nasib baik sudah ramai yang tolong memasak dan mengemas di rumah Mak Ngah. Cuma Mak Ngah mintak saya, mak saudara sorang lg(adik dia), adik-adik perempuan saya untuk masak dan menghias lauk pauk untuk meja pengantin. Kami pun seronok dapat tugas khas walaupun bila bab hiasan sebenarnya tak berapa nak pandai. Siap bukak video-video di You Tube, belajar macam mana nak potong cili, tomato, lobak merah dan bawang untuk dibuat hiasan. Lauk yang perlu dibuat pula, Ikan Siakap 3 rasa, Udang Celup Tepung, Udang goreng mentega danCendawan goreng celup tepung. Adik-adik saya Yati & Awin tukang potong sayur-sayur untuk dibuat hiasan. Saya dan makcik saya menggoreng ikan, cendawan sebelum kami menghias. Hasilnya?
Lihatlah sendiri:

#gambar tak boleh tukar saiz sbb ada masalah dgn laptop.huhu
Rombongan pengantin perempuan sampai selepas pukul 2. Jadi penat juga menunggu pengantin. Rasanya lauk pauk dah sejuk bila pengantin mula makan. Kami siap masak pukul 12 tghr. Apapun lps ni sepupu-sepupu lain cakap nak tempah lg dari kami kalau buat majlis kawin diaorg. hehehe.
Ramai juga ahli keluarga pengantin perempuan. Jadi memang tak sempat sangat ahli keluarga sebelah pihak lelaki (sepupu saya) nak bergambar dengan pengantin. Yelah majlis kat kampung yang tak de deejay atau mak andam yang sibuk-sibuk mengarah itu dan ini. Kami pandai-pandai sendiri cari masa untuk bergambar. Dapatlah beberapa gambar ni:

#samping pengantin lelaki tu, saya yang tolong ikatkan. eh saja nak bagitahu jugak kat sini. eheh

Keesokan harinya pagi-pagi lg kami dah bertolak balik semula ke KJ. Memang tak sempat pergi membeli belah pun. Ingat nak singgah ke Wakaf Che Yeh tapi badan dah penat bila sehari suntuk tolong bagi door gift untuk tetamu dan buat itu ini. (eh macam sibuk giler). Dah susah sikit nak cuti lama-lama bila suami ada banyak kerja. Sampai tgh jln pun sibuk staf dia telefon tanya macam-macam sbb ada mesyuarat. (Mode: gerambilaorgtakretibahasaorgbercutini)
weekend activities
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Panic Episode: Febrile Seizure
A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is a convulsion associated with a significant rise in body temperature. They most commonly occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years of age.[1] They are more common in boys than girls.[2]
Yesterday at 10 a.m. , I had a panic attack when my youngest daughter, Husna had a febrile seizure. I didn't realize that she had a fever until she lost her conscious, the eyes rolled up, her face was so pale, the whole body turned blue and she didn't really breathe! The attack lasted about few seconds. My helper in kindy helped me to carry Husna to the car and one of the teachers offered to send me to the nearest clinic or hospital. All I could think of was to call my husband and told him what had happened. Of course he also asked me to bring Husna quickly to an emergency room in the nearest hospital. We decided to go to the nearest government clinic where they have the emergency room.
In the emergency room, I asked a nurse to have a look at Husna and she called the doctor to check on Husna. The first thing that they said was, "This is a case of febrile seizure". The nurse took the temperature and it was 39.5! Then, the doctor put a blanket on her before asking me few questions. She asked how long did the seizure happened, whether she had the rolled eyes, bluish lips, pale face and foam from her mouth. After I confirmed all of the symptoms, she concluded that Husna had febrile seizure of clonic phase. So, the next thing that they did was to insert a paracetamol tablet in her rectum. The doctor also checked on the oxygen level and sugar level. Everything was normal and they asked me to sponge Husna on the body to reduce the temperature. We had to wait for the ambulance as Husna still need to be taken to a hospital for further check up. My hubby managed to arrive few minutes before Husna and I were taken to UMMC by the ambulance.
Inside the ambulance, I was bit dizzy as there was no air-conditioner plus all windows was closed. It was an old ambulance and the driver took the federal highway route at 11 a.m. where there were so many cars at that time. So, he had to honk a lot cars to give him the way.
Once we arrived in the Pediatric Emergency in UMMC, they did the normal check up of Husna' weight, blood pressure and took some blood samples. It was an agony waiting for the result of the blood test. Luckily Husna was sleeping as she was exhausted after the seizure. When the doctor on duty called us in for the consultation, she told us that all result show that she's fine except for the high fever that caused the seizure. She didn't need to be admitted unless we insisted for an overnight observation. We decided to take care of her at home first and promised the doctor if the temperature rise up, we'll bring her back to the hospital.
I've learned some valuable lessons from the panic episode. I'm sharing this info to all parents who have children between 6 months to 6 years old.
During the seizure, leave your child on the floor.
- You may want to slide a blanket under the child if the floor is hard.
- Move the child only if in a dangerous location.
- Remove objects that may cause injury.
- Loosen any tight clothing, especially around the neck. If possible, open or remove clothes from the waist up.
- If the child vomits, or if saliva and mucus build up in the mouth, turn the child to the side or on the stomach. This is also important if it looks like the tongue is getting in the way of breathing.
- Insert an acetaminophen suppository (if you have some) into the child's rectum.
- Do NOT try to give anything by mouth.
- Apply cool washcloths to the forehead and neck. Sponge the rest of the body with lukewarm (not cold) water. Cold water or alcohol may make the fever worse.
- After the seizure is over and your child is awake, give the normal dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
my life experiences
Friday, May 16, 2014
Happy Teacher's Day : Thank you children.
Thank you to all of the children in Aspiring Kids Kindy. We had a great time celebrating Teacher's Day today. During their break time, we ate chocolate cake (I bought it for my staffs and children) and a nice butter cake from one of the children. We also played some games together after we finished eating the cakes. Some of the children took all the trouble by giving us the teachers some presents. At the end of the day, I'm having a sugar rush as I'm not really a sweet tooth person. I'm not sure what time will I be able to sleep tonight but the children really put a smile on my face today.
Aspiring Kids Kindy
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