I got this article from my friend's FB. It's an interesting futuristic concept with out-of-a-box ideas. Let's see some photos first and if you want to read more and find out, please go HERE.
The see-through concept with the virtual reality entertainment sources sounds nice. BUT for some people who are Acrophobia (afraid of height) and also Aerophobia (afraid of flying), it's not going to be a wonderful experience. I'm also thinking about how much the ticket would be, is it a cost-effective airplane and what if something is going terribly wrong? Call me a Skeptic BUT if I'm flying in an airplane, my main intention is just to arrive to my destination safely. The other features and experiences are just the added BONUS. However, I know I can't afford additional luxury and comfort. Thus, I guess this kind of concept is going to be limited to people who can afford this. WHAT DO YOU RECKON? WOULD YOU LIKE TO FLY IN THIS KIND OF AIRPLANE IN THE FUTURE? (please read the article to understand the concept)
woohoo...this is soooo cool,nothing imposible if someday we'll have one la kan kak..
wohoooo... this is so cool
agak2nya kita ada lagi ke tahun 2050
Sure would! Giler hebat tu ...
2050 umo dah berapa tu? hehe... ntah sempat merasa ke tidak...
jika dibawa di zaman sekarang, bimbang perjalanan yang sepatutnya menyeronokkan menjadi riuh dengan tempikkan terutama semasa kapal hendak take off dan landing.... wah tak dapat dibayangkan!
though I'm a aeronautic eng. myself, I dont think i want to fly in this transparent plane. reason is, when there's turbulence..I can see it clearly and it might scare the hell out of me
waah canggih sungguh. bestnya kalu fly time mlm..tp mmg agak takut la kalu terlanggar awan ker...
dae ko dok nok naik ni? tiket mesti mahal dok?
menang contest duk ddapur tu... taqhniah
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