Bila cuti sekolah je ramai yang ambil cuti dan bawa anak-anak balik kampung kan. Seronoklah datuk & nenek kat kampung bila dapat main dengan cucu. Riuh rendah kejap rumah kat kampung.
Dulu masa saya kecil2, kami tak perlu tunggu cuti sekolah baru nak balik kampung sebab kadang-kadang 2 mg sekali pun akan balik kampung di hujung minggu. Yelah kami duduk di Kbg Kerian dan kampung pulak kat Tumpat (sebelah arwah ma) dan Wakaf Bharu(sebelah abah). Bila cuti sekolah siap memang ditinggalkan di kampung dan kena belajar mengaji dari moyang.
Saya pun teringin nak buat macam tu. Kadang-kadang anak-anak pun selalu bertanya "Bila nak balik Kelantan?". Diaorg selalu jumpa opah dan tok sebelah papa diaorg (maklumlah kami masih menumpang di rumah mertua ni sampai rumah kami siap hjg thn ni). Tapi sebelah keluarga saya, kami jarang-jarang dapat jumpa kecuali masa raya. Kalau dulu, sewaktu arwah ma saya masih ada, saya memang seronok dan sengaja ambil cuti sebab nak balik Kelantan.
Sekarang keadaan dah berlainan. Oleh kerana saya dah tak seronok sangat nak balik. Memang nak jenguk abah tapi tak seronok nak jumpa dengan isteri abah. Di rumah nenek dan tok saya di Tumpat, masih ada pakcik bongsu yang tinggal dengan isteri dan anak-anaknya. Saya tak suka menyusahkan dia dan isterinya. Jadi memang bila raya jelah, baru kami balik.
Sekarang adik-adik saya dan makcik saya balik ke kampung dan mereka ada berkumpul di kampung. Cuti kali ni, saya pula dah sarat dan rasanya tak larat nak duduk dalam kereta lebih kurang 10 jam untuk sampai di Kelantan. Jadi, terlepas lagilah nak berkumpul dengan sanak saudara di kampung.
Untuk yang lain, bergembiralah dengan anak-anak di waktu cuti sekolah ni di kampung. Gembirakan hati ibubapa yang nak bermain dengan cucu-cucu mereka.
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Cuti sekolah nak balik kampung tapi......... (BM entry)
my ramblings
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Spend 5 minutes to read this and then reflect.
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'
DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.
SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'
The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.
'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $25 you asked for.'
The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you daddy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.
'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.
Taken from a FB page.
Have you ever read the story before? How do you feel now after you finished reading the story?
Sometimes we tend to overlook on our children and often think about what they need only on the material things. The truth is they also need us just to be there beside them and spend some quality time and show them that they mean the world to us.
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'
DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.
SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'
The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.
'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $25 you asked for.'
The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you daddy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.
'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.
Taken from a FB page.
Have you ever read the story before? How do you feel now after you finished reading the story?
Sometimes we tend to overlook on our children and often think about what they need only on the material things. The truth is they also need us just to be there beside them and spend some quality time and show them that they mean the world to us.
good advice
Monday, May 28, 2012
Which magazines is worth buying?
I'm hibernating right now. the polar bears during winter, I'm in my hibernation period. hehe. Well, actually I'm waiting for the delivery time. The due date is on 20th June but I've decided to take the leave early.
Just now, I came back from the regular check-up at UMMC (PPUM). While I was waiting for my turn, I bought a magazine (in BM) to fill up my time by reading. I finished reading in less than 1/2 hour! After a quick flicking through the pages, it was such a waste of money because I paid RM10 for a magazine that had less than 10 articles. The rest of the pages only contain advertisements! In short, I didn't gain any new information nor learn anything new!
To tell you the truth, it was not the first time I discovered that I wasted some money buying a magazine. I don't really subscribe any magazine or an avid reader of any magazine. I just buy some magazines once in a while especially when I feel like reading one. Most of the time, the content of the magazines are only 1/3 and the other 2/3 contain pages of advertisements. This is not just for magazines in English but also magazines in BM as well.
So, I would like to ask other people's opinion today, which magazines would you suggest worth buying now? Which magazines really can give us lots of information and valuable tips?
I'm hibernating right now. the polar bears during winter, I'm in my hibernation period. hehe. Well, actually I'm waiting for the delivery time. The due date is on 20th June but I've decided to take the leave early.
Just now, I came back from the regular check-up at UMMC (PPUM). While I was waiting for my turn, I bought a magazine (in BM) to fill up my time by reading. I finished reading in less than 1/2 hour! After a quick flicking through the pages, it was such a waste of money because I paid RM10 for a magazine that had less than 10 articles. The rest of the pages only contain advertisements! In short, I didn't gain any new information nor learn anything new!
To tell you the truth, it was not the first time I discovered that I wasted some money buying a magazine. I don't really subscribe any magazine or an avid reader of any magazine. I just buy some magazines once in a while especially when I feel like reading one. Most of the time, the content of the magazines are only 1/3 and the other 2/3 contain pages of advertisements. This is not just for magazines in English but also magazines in BM as well.
So, I would like to ask other people's opinion today, which magazines would you suggest worth buying now? Which magazines really can give us lots of information and valuable tips?
seeking opinion
Saturday, May 26, 2012
6 cara mudah untuk membuat anak rasa disayangi. (BM entry)
Semalam tak sempat nak buat entri sbb rasa mcm penat sangat walaupun dah mula bercuti. Pagi-pagi lagi bersemangat sungguh membersihkan bilik, membasuh cadar dan selimut. Lepas tu apa lagi, memang kepenatan dan berehat kat atas katil jelah. Bila tghr dah kena jemput anak-anak kat sekolah. Lepas jemput diaorg, kami keluar makan. (Saya dah malas nak masak bila untuk makan bertiga je.)
Hari ini saya rasa nak berkongsi artikel mengenai cara-cara paling mudah untuk membuat anak rasa disayangi. Selalunya kita selalu nak anak-anak menyanyangi kita kan? Tapi pernah tak kita terfikir kasih sayang sebenarnya bukanlah patut diminta atau diperintahkan tapi sesuatu yang perlu lahir dari hati mereka sendiri. Tindak tanduk dan perlakuan kita ada kaitannya dengan bagaimana kita hendak menyuburkan kasih sayang itu sendiri.
Cara-caranya: (eh...macam resipi pulak. hehe)
1. Ucapkan kata-kata sayang terutama di kala dia sedih.
Ini bukannya sebab kita nak memujuk bila kita baru memarahi anak tetapi bila kita tengok anak tengah bersedih, kita kenala ambil berat dan bertanya. Kalau selalu bertanya, barulah anak terasa rapat dengan kita dan bila dah remaja, anak takkan cari kawan-kawan untuk meluahkan perasaan.
2. Tunjukkan yang anda gembira apabila berjumpa dengannya.
Bila baru balik dari kerja, sekurang-kurangnya senyum dulu pada anak-anak dan berbuallah tentang apa yang berlaku di sekolah. Kalau boleh peluk dan cium anak-anak lagi baik.
3. Perhati dan akui perkara-perkara baik yang dilakukannya.
Anak-anak akan suka jika ibubapa memuji perbuatan baik yang dilakukan. Kalau kita pun nak anak-anak berakhlak mulia, selalulah katakan, "Baguslah anak Mama hari ini tolong Mama". (contoh je tu).
4. Dengarkan kata-katanya.
Anak-anak (biasanya yang masih kecil) suka bercerita tentang apa yang berlaku di sekolah. Walaupun kita penat, dengarkan sajalah. Kadang-kadang cerita tu tak penting sangat tapi
perhatian kita tu yang paling penting.
5. Luangkan masa untuk melakukan apa yang diingininya.
Kita tentu tahu apa yang anak-anak kita minat kan? Jadi bila ada kesempatan tu, luangkanlah masa melakukan apa yang anak-anak suka. Untuk ibubapa yang berkemampuan, biasanya mereka akan hantar anak-anak ke kelas muzik, taekwondo dan sebagainya. Untuk yang kurang berkemampuan, jangan risau, ada banyak lagi aktiviti yang boleh dilakukan tanpa mengeluarkan wang yang banyak. Aktiviti memasak, bermain bersama adik beradik dan melukis di rumah boleh dilakukan di waktu lapang.
6. Tunjukkan minat terhadap apa yang diusahakannya.
Anak-anak tentu ada kepandaian masing-masing. Jadi bila anak-anak berkongsi apa yang disuahakannya, tunjukkanlah minat. Katakan, "Mama rasa kakak cuba melukis rumah kan?". (contohnya). Anak-anak akan seronok bila ibubapa memberi perhatian atas apa yang mereka cuba buat walaupun tidak begitu sempurna.
Semalam tak sempat nak buat entri sbb rasa mcm penat sangat walaupun dah mula bercuti. Pagi-pagi lagi bersemangat sungguh membersihkan bilik, membasuh cadar dan selimut. Lepas tu apa lagi, memang kepenatan dan berehat kat atas katil jelah. Bila tghr dah kena jemput anak-anak kat sekolah. Lepas jemput diaorg, kami keluar makan. (Saya dah malas nak masak bila untuk makan bertiga je.)
Hari ini saya rasa nak berkongsi artikel mengenai cara-cara paling mudah untuk membuat anak rasa disayangi. Selalunya kita selalu nak anak-anak menyanyangi kita kan? Tapi pernah tak kita terfikir kasih sayang sebenarnya bukanlah patut diminta atau diperintahkan tapi sesuatu yang perlu lahir dari hati mereka sendiri. Tindak tanduk dan perlakuan kita ada kaitannya dengan bagaimana kita hendak menyuburkan kasih sayang itu sendiri.
Cara-caranya: (eh...macam resipi pulak. hehe)
1. Ucapkan kata-kata sayang terutama di kala dia sedih.
Ini bukannya sebab kita nak memujuk bila kita baru memarahi anak tetapi bila kita tengok anak tengah bersedih, kita kenala ambil berat dan bertanya. Kalau selalu bertanya, barulah anak terasa rapat dengan kita dan bila dah remaja, anak takkan cari kawan-kawan untuk meluahkan perasaan.
2. Tunjukkan yang anda gembira apabila berjumpa dengannya.
Bila baru balik dari kerja, sekurang-kurangnya senyum dulu pada anak-anak dan berbuallah tentang apa yang berlaku di sekolah. Kalau boleh peluk dan cium anak-anak lagi baik.
3. Perhati dan akui perkara-perkara baik yang dilakukannya.
Anak-anak akan suka jika ibubapa memuji perbuatan baik yang dilakukan. Kalau kita pun nak anak-anak berakhlak mulia, selalulah katakan, "Baguslah anak Mama hari ini tolong Mama". (contoh je tu).
4. Dengarkan kata-katanya.
Anak-anak (biasanya yang masih kecil) suka bercerita tentang apa yang berlaku di sekolah. Walaupun kita penat, dengarkan sajalah. Kadang-kadang cerita tu tak penting sangat tapi
perhatian kita tu yang paling penting.
5. Luangkan masa untuk melakukan apa yang diingininya.
Kita tentu tahu apa yang anak-anak kita minat kan? Jadi bila ada kesempatan tu, luangkanlah masa melakukan apa yang anak-anak suka. Untuk ibubapa yang berkemampuan, biasanya mereka akan hantar anak-anak ke kelas muzik, taekwondo dan sebagainya. Untuk yang kurang berkemampuan, jangan risau, ada banyak lagi aktiviti yang boleh dilakukan tanpa mengeluarkan wang yang banyak. Aktiviti memasak, bermain bersama adik beradik dan melukis di rumah boleh dilakukan di waktu lapang.
6. Tunjukkan minat terhadap apa yang diusahakannya.
Anak-anak tentu ada kepandaian masing-masing. Jadi bila anak-anak berkongsi apa yang disuahakannya, tunjukkanlah minat. Katakan, "Mama rasa kakak cuba melukis rumah kan?". (contohnya). Anak-anak akan seronok bila ibubapa memberi perhatian atas apa yang mereka cuba buat walaupun tidak begitu sempurna.
parenting skills
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Membuat perbandingan zaman dulu dan zaman sekarang dah tak releven? (BM entry)
Pernah tak terdengar orang-orang tua membuat perbandingan antara zaman dulu dan zaman sekarang? Selalunya perbandingan tu dibuat untuk menyedarkan kita tentang kesusahan yang ditanggung mereka dulu. Ianya juga untuk menyuruh kita berfikir dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang.
Abah saya selalu bercerita pada kami:
"Dulu abah ada sepasang je kasut sekolah". "Dulu abah pergi sekolah kena berjalan kaki sejauh 5 km (sebenarnya tak ingat berapa tapi hanya letak lebih kurangla)". "Dulu masa raya je baru nak merasa dapat baju baru". "Dulu susah nak rasa makan yang sedap-sedap". "Masa kenduri kawin atau raya je baru merasa makan sedap-sedap".
Kami anak-anak selalu dengar dan cuba memahami kesusahan abah dan rasanya kami biasanya tak akan meminta yang lebih-lebih. Malah kami akan berusaha menyimpan duit sendiri kalau kami teringin hendak membeli apa-apa barang yang kami kehendaki. Biasanya kami akan menyimpan duit saku sekolah di dalam tabung atau saya sendiri selalu juga berniaga di dalam kelas. Berniaga? Iye....saya pernah berniaga di dalam kelas semasa sekolah di sekolah rendah dan menengah dengan menjual jambu merah (yang dikutip dari pokok di halaman rumah), kad raya semasa bulan puasa dan alat tulis. Adik-adik pula setiap kali cuti sekolah atau cuti panjang semester, mereka akan bekerja di hotel atau kedai makan (sbg pelayan "waiter/waitress") ataupun di farmasi.
Sekarang saya selalu juga menceritakan pada anak-anak tentang apa yang saya pernah buat dulu. Niat saya pun sama, saya mahu mereka bersyukur dan tak mengeluh apabila mereka tidak dapat apa yang mereka kehendaki. Kami (saya dan suami) pun tidak mahu mereka mendapat semua barang-barang dengan terlalu mudah. Kami hendak mereka sedar yang tiada jalan mudah dalam hidup ini. Semuanya perlu diusahakan dengan titik peluh sendiri.
Soalan2 saya (mencabar minda semua. hehe) untuk hari ini:
1- Masih relevenkah menggunakan pendekatan bercerita dan menbandingkan zaman dulu dan zaman sekarang?
2- Perlukah diceritakan pada anak-anak tentang kesusahan hidup kita supaya mereka bersyukur dengan apa yang mereka ada?
3- Adakah anak-anak akan berfikir atau mereka hanya akan mendengar tanpa betul-betul berfikir?
4- Ada lagi yang lain menggunakan pendekatan ini dalam mendidik anak-anak?
Sila jawab soalan-soalan di atas. Setiap jawapan akan diteliti. (hahaha.poyo je). Setiap jawapan sebenarnya adalah perkongsian yang baik untuk ilmu menjadi ibubapa yang terbaik.
Pernah tak terdengar orang-orang tua membuat perbandingan antara zaman dulu dan zaman sekarang? Selalunya perbandingan tu dibuat untuk menyedarkan kita tentang kesusahan yang ditanggung mereka dulu. Ianya juga untuk menyuruh kita berfikir dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang.
Abah saya selalu bercerita pada kami:
"Dulu abah ada sepasang je kasut sekolah". "Dulu abah pergi sekolah kena berjalan kaki sejauh 5 km (sebenarnya tak ingat berapa tapi hanya letak lebih kurangla)". "Dulu masa raya je baru nak merasa dapat baju baru". "Dulu susah nak rasa makan yang sedap-sedap". "Masa kenduri kawin atau raya je baru merasa makan sedap-sedap".
Kami anak-anak selalu dengar dan cuba memahami kesusahan abah dan rasanya kami biasanya tak akan meminta yang lebih-lebih. Malah kami akan berusaha menyimpan duit sendiri kalau kami teringin hendak membeli apa-apa barang yang kami kehendaki. Biasanya kami akan menyimpan duit saku sekolah di dalam tabung atau saya sendiri selalu juga berniaga di dalam kelas. Berniaga? Iye....saya pernah berniaga di dalam kelas semasa sekolah di sekolah rendah dan menengah dengan menjual jambu merah (yang dikutip dari pokok di halaman rumah), kad raya semasa bulan puasa dan alat tulis. Adik-adik pula setiap kali cuti sekolah atau cuti panjang semester, mereka akan bekerja di hotel atau kedai makan (sbg pelayan "waiter/waitress") ataupun di farmasi.
Sekarang saya selalu juga menceritakan pada anak-anak tentang apa yang saya pernah buat dulu. Niat saya pun sama, saya mahu mereka bersyukur dan tak mengeluh apabila mereka tidak dapat apa yang mereka kehendaki. Kami (saya dan suami) pun tidak mahu mereka mendapat semua barang-barang dengan terlalu mudah. Kami hendak mereka sedar yang tiada jalan mudah dalam hidup ini. Semuanya perlu diusahakan dengan titik peluh sendiri.
Soalan2 saya (mencabar minda semua. hehe) untuk hari ini:
1- Masih relevenkah menggunakan pendekatan bercerita dan menbandingkan zaman dulu dan zaman sekarang?
2- Perlukah diceritakan pada anak-anak tentang kesusahan hidup kita supaya mereka bersyukur dengan apa yang mereka ada?
3- Adakah anak-anak akan berfikir atau mereka hanya akan mendengar tanpa betul-betul berfikir?
4- Ada lagi yang lain menggunakan pendekatan ini dalam mendidik anak-anak?
Sila jawab soalan-soalan di atas. Setiap jawapan akan diteliti. (hahaha.poyo je). Setiap jawapan sebenarnya adalah perkongsian yang baik untuk ilmu menjadi ibubapa yang terbaik.
parenting skills
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Genting's Trip (GVC's club & Strawberry's Park. (Part 2)
This is a continuation from yesterday's entry.
When we arrived at Genting View Resort, it was only 10 o'clock. So, we decided to chill out in the apartment first before we went to GVC' club. My brother in-laws told us that the swimming pool was nice if we wanted to bring the children and spend some time there. By 11, we went to there and we were lucky that there were no other people who were using the pool when we arrived there.
Most of us decided to swim or at least take a dip in the pool except for me. Honestly, I can't swim and there were times when I almost get drowning when I was younger. Plus with my huge belly, I just wanted to rest at the side of the pool while taking some photos of my family members. My hubby's niece and nephew were quite afraid of water. They were just playing near the stairs and sometimes dip their feet in the water. My daughters really enjoyed themselves because they used their floats to help them swim. My youngest sister in-law also joined in with the kids. We stayed there until it was already noon and most of us were starving. We were so eager to go back to the apartment as my MIL and the others were on the way. They brought us the lunch!
This is a continuation from yesterday's entry.
When we arrived at Genting View Resort, it was only 10 o'clock. So, we decided to chill out in the apartment first before we went to GVC' club. My brother in-laws told us that the swimming pool was nice if we wanted to bring the children and spend some time there. By 11, we went to there and we were lucky that there were no other people who were using the pool when we arrived there.
Most of us decided to swim or at least take a dip in the pool except for me. Honestly, I can't swim and there were times when I almost get drowning when I was younger. Plus with my huge belly, I just wanted to rest at the side of the pool while taking some photos of my family members. My hubby's niece and nephew were quite afraid of water. They were just playing near the stairs and sometimes dip their feet in the water. My daughters really enjoyed themselves because they used their floats to help them swim. My youngest sister in-law also joined in with the kids. We stayed there until it was already noon and most of us were starving. We were so eager to go back to the apartment as my MIL and the others were on the way. They brought us the lunch!
After a satisfying and delicious lunch (rice, chicken curry, fried vermicelli and fried vegetables) prepared by my MIL, we were quite sleepy. Most of us wanted to take a nap but my brother in-law suggested that we should check out the Strawberry Park in Gohtong Jaya. By 2 o'clock, most of us went to Strawberry Park (except for my MIL & FIL). It was about to rain when we left the apartment but we decided to go ahead with our plan because we found out that the park had a covered area.
When we arrived at Strawberry Park (not far from Seri Msia Hotel), it was raining like cats and dogs. Thankfully, they built up the park under the covered area and we could still pick up the strawberries under the heavy rain. We didn't need to pay for the admission as it was free. We only paid for the strawberries that we picked. Before we could go inside to pick, we were reminded (by the Bangladeshi's staff there) of certain rules:
1- Don't pick the green strawberries.
2- Cut only the ripen strawberries.
3- Don't pluck the strawberry's flowers.
Each basket was for three people. I shared the basket with my daughters. My daughters were the ones who were so excited in picking the strawberries. I became the quality control manager for them because I made the decision whether they should pick up the strawberry or not. My brother in-laws shared the basket with his wife and kids and my eldest SIL shared the basket with her younger daughter. My BIL's clan finished picking first and they had to pay less than RM20. When we went out to pay, I already knew that it would be quite expensive. We had to pay RM28.65. My eldest SIL was the winner (hehe) because she had to pay RM33.89.
After the picking, we proceeded to the other parts of the farm. However, we were quite surprised to see the never ending rows of shops along the way out. They purposely build up the shops starting with the eating place where people can buy strawberry ice cream, drink or strawberry and chocolate dip. We stopped for a while to eat ice creams and tried some hot drinks. The kids loved the ice creams and the adults loved the hot drinks. Well, actually I also bought the strawberry ice cream. I only tasted the hot strawberry chocolate that my hubby ordered.
Before we could find the actual exit, we stopped at several shops like the souvenir shop, vegetables shop and the mushroom shop. We tried very hard to resist the temptations (or was it just me?) but we failed because we bought a lot of other things at several shops. When we passed the mushroom farm just before the mushroom shop, we couldn't really bare the smell. It was the smell that came from the fertilizer. By the time we left the park, it was still raining. But I guess the experience that we had was priceless especially for our kids.
To be continued (hopefully tomorrow will be the last part. hehe)
weekend activities
Monday, May 21, 2012
The first (maybe also the last trip) to Genting Highlands. (Part 1)
It has been 2 days since I updated this blog. Why was I so busy? Well..............I joined my in-laws for a trip to Genting Highlands. My brother in-laws, his wife and kids with her sister went to the place on Friday afternoon. We (my hubby, kids and I) only joined them the next day. My father in-laws, my mum in-laws and also their eldest daughter (with her younger kid) joined us later on Saturday.
We stayed at Genting View Parks which was not so high and also not so expensive compared to other hotels like First World or the others. There were some apartments near the area and we were given Meranti apartments. The aparment was not so bad with three bedrooms, one large living plus dining area, a spacious kitchen (with the stove) and two bathrooms.
To be continued.......(tomorrow)
It has been 2 days since I updated this blog. Why was I so busy? Well..............I joined my in-laws for a trip to Genting Highlands. My brother in-laws, his wife and kids with her sister went to the place on Friday afternoon. We (my hubby, kids and I) only joined them the next day. My father in-laws, my mum in-laws and also their eldest daughter (with her younger kid) joined us later on Saturday.
We stayed at Genting View Parks which was not so high and also not so expensive compared to other hotels like First World or the others. There were some apartments near the area and we were given Meranti apartments. The aparment was not so bad with three bedrooms, one large living plus dining area, a spacious kitchen (with the stove) and two bathrooms.
To be continued.......(tomorrow)
weekend activities
Friday, May 18, 2012
Kecik-kecik dah pandai jadi pembuli. (BM entry)
Sebelum ni saya pernah berkongsi mengenai ada beberapa rakan sekolah Fathini (anak sulung saya) yang meminta duit dari anak saya dan sehingga sekarang belum dibayar semula duit yang diminta tu. Saya dah suruh Fathini meminta semula duitnya dan nampaknya budak-budak tersebut tak de berniat untuk membayar balik. Fathini pun sudah mula belajar untuk menolak permintaan kawan-kawan sekolahnya yang hendak meminjam duit atau apa-apa barang. Bukan saya hendak mengajar Fathini supaya menjadi kedekut tetapi kalau kecik-kecik lagi budak-budak tu sudah menjadi pembuli, maknanya makin besar makin teruklah. Kami dah pun maklumkan hal ini pada guru kelas Fathini. Masalahnya ada ramai kanak-kanak di sekolah tersebut, cikgu pun tak sempat memantau semua murid-murid. Saya faham tentang kekangan tersebut.
Yang terbaru, rakan sekelas Fathini yang juga duduk bersebelahan dengan Fathini buat perangai lagi. Sebelum ini, memang budak tersebut selalu meminjam alat tulis Fathini dan kadang-kadang tidak dipulangkan sehinggalah Fathini meminta semula. Kali ini dia telah mengambil satu kotak pensil warna Fathini dan sudah 3 hari diambil tanpa dipulangkan semula. Bila Fathini mengadu pada kami, saya marahkan Fathini sebab dia membiarkan sahaja orang mengambil barangnya. Selepas itu, saya suruh dia meminta semula pensil warna tu dari kawannya. Bila dah beberapa belum dipulangkan, saya suruh Fathini mengadu pada guru kelas. Nampaknya guru kelas pun hanya bertanyakan pada budak tersebut tanpa membuat apa-apa tindakan lain.
Jadi apa tindakan kami selepas ini? Suami saya sudah menulis surat untuk diberikan pada guru kelas Fathini. Memang ramai yang akan berkata ini perkara remeh-temeh. Tetapi disebabkan perkara yang selalu kita terlepas pandang inilah, kita dah melahirkan pembuli-pembuli di sekolah. Ini baru sekolah rendah. Bila ke sekolah menengah, inilah budak-budak yang akan membuli budak-budak lain supaya membelikan mereka rokok dan sebagainya. Saya sendiri pernah melihat kejadian ini di sekolah saya. Saya telah melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada guru displin supaya diambil tindakan selanjutnya.
Bagi saya perkara ini sebenarnya hasil didikan ibu bapa. Kalau saya salah tolong betulkan ye. Tapi ini pandangan peribadi saya. Ada beberapa perkara yang akan menyebabkan kanak-kanak menjadi pembuli:
1- Mereka memerhatikan apa yang berlaku di rumah. Jika ada pembuli dalam rumah mereka seperti bapa yang selalu memarahi ibu mereka, mereka pun merasakan perkara tersebut tidak salah.
Sebelum ni saya pernah berkongsi mengenai ada beberapa rakan sekolah Fathini (anak sulung saya) yang meminta duit dari anak saya dan sehingga sekarang belum dibayar semula duit yang diminta tu. Saya dah suruh Fathini meminta semula duitnya dan nampaknya budak-budak tersebut tak de berniat untuk membayar balik. Fathini pun sudah mula belajar untuk menolak permintaan kawan-kawan sekolahnya yang hendak meminjam duit atau apa-apa barang. Bukan saya hendak mengajar Fathini supaya menjadi kedekut tetapi kalau kecik-kecik lagi budak-budak tu sudah menjadi pembuli, maknanya makin besar makin teruklah. Kami dah pun maklumkan hal ini pada guru kelas Fathini. Masalahnya ada ramai kanak-kanak di sekolah tersebut, cikgu pun tak sempat memantau semua murid-murid. Saya faham tentang kekangan tersebut.
Yang terbaru, rakan sekelas Fathini yang juga duduk bersebelahan dengan Fathini buat perangai lagi. Sebelum ini, memang budak tersebut selalu meminjam alat tulis Fathini dan kadang-kadang tidak dipulangkan sehinggalah Fathini meminta semula. Kali ini dia telah mengambil satu kotak pensil warna Fathini dan sudah 3 hari diambil tanpa dipulangkan semula. Bila Fathini mengadu pada kami, saya marahkan Fathini sebab dia membiarkan sahaja orang mengambil barangnya. Selepas itu, saya suruh dia meminta semula pensil warna tu dari kawannya. Bila dah beberapa belum dipulangkan, saya suruh Fathini mengadu pada guru kelas. Nampaknya guru kelas pun hanya bertanyakan pada budak tersebut tanpa membuat apa-apa tindakan lain.
Jadi apa tindakan kami selepas ini? Suami saya sudah menulis surat untuk diberikan pada guru kelas Fathini. Memang ramai yang akan berkata ini perkara remeh-temeh. Tetapi disebabkan perkara yang selalu kita terlepas pandang inilah, kita dah melahirkan pembuli-pembuli di sekolah. Ini baru sekolah rendah. Bila ke sekolah menengah, inilah budak-budak yang akan membuli budak-budak lain supaya membelikan mereka rokok dan sebagainya. Saya sendiri pernah melihat kejadian ini di sekolah saya. Saya telah melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada guru displin supaya diambil tindakan selanjutnya.
Bagi saya perkara ini sebenarnya hasil didikan ibu bapa. Kalau saya salah tolong betulkan ye. Tapi ini pandangan peribadi saya. Ada beberapa perkara yang akan menyebabkan kanak-kanak menjadi pembuli:
1- Mereka memerhatikan apa yang berlaku di rumah. Jika ada pembuli dalam rumah mereka seperti bapa yang selalu memarahi ibu mereka, mereka pun merasakan perkara tersebut tidak salah.
atau pun
2- Mereka terlalu dimanjakan dengan kebendaan. Setiap permintaan mereka dituruti. Jadi mereka tidak faham konsep kenapa mereka tidak boleh ambil barang kawan-kawan mereka.
3- Mereka sendiri pernah dibuli oleh budak-budak lain. Jadi mereka akan memilih kawan-kawan yang lebih lemah pula untuk menjadi mangsa mereka.
Setakat ini dulu yang boleh saya fikirkan. Pernah tak anak-anak anda mengalami kejadian seperti ini di sekolah?
my daughters
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Happy Teacher's Day
16th May every year, we celebrate Teacher's Day. It's a day when we show our appreciatiation to our teachers. I know that I owe a lot to my ex-teachers from kindy up to the lecturers in UKM. All of them have made some impacts in my life. They are responsible in shaping me to be who I am today. Of course my first teachers would be my parents. My late mom (ma) was a teacher (by profession) and she inspired me to choose this profession as a career. My father (abah) has played his own role too in teaching me how to use languages (BM &especially English) correctly. My aunts are also teachers and somehow they influenced me to be like them.
I love to share this quotation today:
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires". - William Arthur Ward.
I hope that I can be a great teacher in my students' eyes. To inspire other people is not an easy task but I shall try as I want to change their life like what my previous teachers have done to mine.
16th May every year, we celebrate Teacher's Day. It's a day when we show our appreciatiation to our teachers. I know that I owe a lot to my ex-teachers from kindy up to the lecturers in UKM. All of them have made some impacts in my life. They are responsible in shaping me to be who I am today. Of course my first teachers would be my parents. My late mom (ma) was a teacher (by profession) and she inspired me to choose this profession as a career. My father (abah) has played his own role too in teaching me how to use languages (BM &especially English) correctly. My aunts are also teachers and somehow they influenced me to be like them.
I love to share this quotation today:
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires". - William Arthur Ward.
I hope that I can be a great teacher in my students' eyes. To inspire other people is not an easy task but I shall try as I want to change their life like what my previous teachers have done to mine.
Received this from the management this morning. They made my day!
special news
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Abacus
I've never used abacus in my life but now I have to learn how to use or at least learn about it. WHY? My elder daughter has started to learn using abacus in school during Mathematics. She knows how to use it. The problem is sometimes she still depends on me to help her with her homework.
Have you ever used it? Do you know how to use it? Are you good at it?
On the left,
you see two abacuses (abaci is also correct). On both abacuses, we see the
number 1998. The top area of each abacus is used for fives, and the bottom area
is used for ones. Abacuses are used for doing arithmetic. When doing
arithmetic, you move the beads. The position of the beads represents the sum,
or product, so far. It is how you can remember the partial sum or product.
Experts in the use of the abacus can be very fast (and accurate), often faster
than an expert with a calculator, especially addition and subtraction. Such an
expert on the abacus is especially adept at data entry.
In the original version of this article, I mistakenly had the top area of the two abacuses upside down. To start out, the abacus registers zero, with the bottom (ones) beads all the way down, and the top (fives) beads up.
I won't get deeply into the mechanics of using an abacus. Let me just say, to add one to a number, you either move a bead (in the rightmost "ones" column) up, or move all four beads down then execute a carry into the "fives" area. This carry just involves moving the five bead down (remember that up is a zero and down is a five), or moving it up (to zero) then executing a second carry into the "tens" column.
The Japanese abacus, the soroban, is more elegant, as the Chinese abacus has redundant beads. With the Chinese abacus, you never have to use the bottom bead in each column, in both the "ones" and "fives" areas. These extra beads are apparently useful, if you use an extra step every time you carry. You notice that you have all five beads up, so then you know you should execute a carry.
Is it complicated? Do you understand how to use them now? I guess you'll be better after some practice. With the knowledge, I reckon at least I can help and have some ideas how to help Fathini in using abacus.
I've never used abacus in my life but now I have to learn how to use or at least learn about it. WHY? My elder daughter has started to learn using abacus in school during Mathematics. She knows how to use it. The problem is sometimes she still depends on me to help her with her homework.
Have you ever used it? Do you know how to use it? Are you good at it?
When I tried to find some information about abacus, I found out that the different types of abacuses. I found interesting things about the Japanese Abacus (Soroban) and Chinese Abacus. I also found how to use them. Would you like to know how to use them too?
The Abacus
© Copyright 1998, Jim Loy
In the original version of this article, I mistakenly had the top area of the two abacuses upside down. To start out, the abacus registers zero, with the bottom (ones) beads all the way down, and the top (fives) beads up.
I won't get deeply into the mechanics of using an abacus. Let me just say, to add one to a number, you either move a bead (in the rightmost "ones" column) up, or move all four beads down then execute a carry into the "fives" area. This carry just involves moving the five bead down (remember that up is a zero and down is a five), or moving it up (to zero) then executing a second carry into the "tens" column.
The Japanese abacus, the soroban, is more elegant, as the Chinese abacus has redundant beads. With the Chinese abacus, you never have to use the bottom bead in each column, in both the "ones" and "fives" areas. These extra beads are apparently useful, if you use an extra step every time you carry. You notice that you have all five beads up, so then you know you should execute a carry.
Is it complicated? Do you understand how to use them now? I guess you'll be better after some practice. With the knowledge, I reckon at least I can help and have some ideas how to help Fathini in using abacus.
sharing knowledge
Monday, May 14, 2012
Naturally gifted in handling children.
How many of you think that you are good or rather naturally gifted in handling children especially toddlers and young children? (I can see some hands. hehe)
Some people have this gift when they somehow know how to handle children even though it can get out of hands. Among my family members, my younger sister Yati and also my youngest sister are really good in handling children. I myself is not so good as sometimes I can lose my temper easily. My hubby is also good and I always turn to him whenever I think it's time for him to take over.
Last Friday, my youngest sister Amalin, came over and spent the weekends here. My daughters were so excites when they could play, learn and even sleep with their aunt. They were so attached to her and didn't even want me to hold their hands when we went out to a shopping mall. At night, they wanted to sleep with their aunt and asked her to read a bed time story. I was just happy to see the attachment as at least that night, my hubby and I had a honeymoon night just for us. hehe.
My question for today:
Among your family members, who are naturally gifted in handling children?
How many of you think that you are good or rather naturally gifted in handling children especially toddlers and young children? (I can see some hands. hehe)
Some people have this gift when they somehow know how to handle children even though it can get out of hands. Among my family members, my younger sister Yati and also my youngest sister are really good in handling children. I myself is not so good as sometimes I can lose my temper easily. My hubby is also good and I always turn to him whenever I think it's time for him to take over.
Last Friday, my youngest sister Amalin, came over and spent the weekends here. My daughters were so excites when they could play, learn and even sleep with their aunt. They were so attached to her and didn't even want me to hold their hands when we went out to a shopping mall. At night, they wanted to sleep with their aunt and asked her to read a bed time story. I was just happy to see the attachment as at least that night, my hubby and I had a honeymoon night just for us. hehe.
My question for today:
Among your family members, who are naturally gifted in handling children?
Amalin & my daughters
Amalin & me.
(There's 16 years gap between us: Is it obvious?)
my family
Friday, May 11, 2012
Inappropriate photo on TIME magazine cover.
*I've had censored the inappropriate part
The headline reads, "Are You Mom enough?" But if that wasn't enough to fan the flames of the Mommy Wars,
there's the photo that goes with it: A pretty young woman wearing
skinny jeans and a tank top, nursing her nearly 4-year-old son. It's
meant to illustrate a story about Dr. William Sears and attachment parenting
but, given that there's more to that movement than extended
breastfeeding, it seems as if Time magazine was going for sensationalism
and shock value.
My reaction:
Come on! Even if you want to promote Breastfeeding, you don't have to have inappropriate photo just to attract readers attention. Maybe they are too liberal and there's nothing to be ashamed of. But personally, I don't see the point they are making here as the boy is already a toddler. There's nothing wrong if you choose to breastfeed your child for more than 2 years but......does it make you a greater mom than the rest of us?
Here are some of the other comments from other readers about this photo:
1-"Breast feeding is a natural thing to do, but standing on a chair and
having mom stand there like she is a water fountain isn't the way to
portray this," Yahoo! reader, San2, wrote.
2- "As a pediatrician, I believe that every mother should breastfeed her
child for at least six months, preferably a year (even longer if they
like)," KP.MD commented. "This, however, is extreme. And the photograph
-- everything about its composition - sends a message that I find
tasteless and more than a little disturbing."
"That is not the look of a loving and caring Mother, but the look of a defiant woman, daring you to tell her to cover up and/or wean her child," Yahoo! reader Can't Deny Truth added.
"That is not the look of a loving and caring Mother, but the look of a defiant woman, daring you to tell her to cover up and/or wean her child," Yahoo! reader Can't Deny Truth added.
3- "While this picture is gawk-tastic, I'm more disturbed by the title of
the article. 'Are You Mom Enough?'" Yahoo! reader Chrissy from Conroe,
Texas, commented.
"I'm sorry...'Mom Enough?' So this woman is deemed more of a 'mom'
simply because she chose to breastfeed her child until he was damn near
as tall as she is?"
Now what say you mommies? Any intake on this?
serious issues
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Hit the wife and was asked to read more!
I found this interesting news:
Wife-hitter sentenced to reading
I found this interesting news:
Wife-hitter sentenced to reading
Husband will take a test later to see what he has learned about relating
A Saudi national found guilty of hitting his wife has been sentenced to
reading two books that explain relations between spouses in Islam. He
will later sit for a test on what he learned from the books.
The husband was also told to memorise five of the 30 parts of the
Quran, and 100 sayings by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), Saudi Arabic daily Al
Madinah reported Monday.
The husband was also ordered by a
court in the Red Sea resort of Jeddah to give his wife 7,000 riyals
(Dh6,854) and to make sure to preserve women's rights.
The wife
had complained to the security authorities after her husband hit her
during an argument when she told him he should go to hospital to visit
his cousin while she sees her family.
The husband reportedly became angry over her wish to go out, hit her and caused her bruises.
My comment:
That is a good sentence since most sentences are mainly to punish but not really to make the doer realize his mistakes. I wish we can have this kind of sentence to teach instead of punishing. Most of the time, when somebody did something wrong it can be caused by his ignorance. Ignorance is not a bliss here as it might lead to serious effects.
What say you?
Monday, May 7, 2012
Happy mode!
I just want to share a good news that I just received from my aunt (actually she's my uncle's wife). My cousin has received an offer to further her study in TESL in UiTM. I'm so happy for her because she called me to get some advice before she attended the test and interview. Another reason is she has the same interest like mine and I can always help her in the her study as well. She's like a sister to me. I used to stay at her house during weekends when I was in university. My uncle's house (Ayoh Man) used to be my second house and his kids were very closed to me.
I hope that Nailah (my cousin) will study hard and become a successful English teacher in the future. I know she has got what it takes and of course the passion too.
P/S: my own youngest sister, Amalin has received an offer too but she is still waiting for another offer before she can make up her mind.
I just want to share a good news that I just received from my aunt (actually she's my uncle's wife). My cousin has received an offer to further her study in TESL in UiTM. I'm so happy for her because she called me to get some advice before she attended the test and interview. Another reason is she has the same interest like mine and I can always help her in the her study as well. She's like a sister to me. I used to stay at her house during weekends when I was in university. My uncle's house (Ayoh Man) used to be my second house and his kids were very closed to me.
I hope that Nailah (my cousin) will study hard and become a successful English teacher in the future. I know she has got what it takes and of course the passion too.
P/S: my own youngest sister, Amalin has received an offer too but she is still waiting for another offer before she can make up her mind.
my life experiences
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Allergic to grammatical errors.
Just want to share these cartoon strips that I found through FB. Have a happy and fruitful weekend.
Just want to share these cartoon strips that I found through FB. Have a happy and fruitful weekend.
use English correctly series
Friday, May 4, 2012
Kenapalah nak makan duit haram? (BM entry)
Tak pernah lagi asyik buat entry dlm BM je berturut2. Hr ni nak pecahkan tradisi sbb dlm perjalanan balik dari kerja tadi ada kawan bagitahu apa yang terjadi di tempat kerja bulan lepas. Kira mmgla kami mengumpat (aah dah buat dosa di hari Jumaat-huhu).
Ceritanya adala beberapa orang guru di tempat kami (pusat yg menawarkan kursus BI) yang ambil mudah je bila mengajar. Diaorg ni bila masuk kelas biasanya tak mengajar sgt. Apa yang dibuat tak tahula. Tapi bila dah hampir dgn periksa akhir bulan, diaorg ni akan membocorkan tajuk2 karangan yang akan keluar. Siap bg idea atau bagi ayat2 yang boleh digunakan. Bila ada guru lain (kita namakan guru Y) yang perasan perbuatan diaorg ni, guru Y ni mengadu pada bos. Jadi bos ambil tindakan menukar soalan2 periksa di saat-saat akhir. Bila dioarg nampak kertas soalan yg ditukar, mulalah diaorg ni menggelabah. Yelah diaorg takut pelajar-pelajar diaorg tak tahu macammana nak buat karangan. Bila diaorg masuk kelas, sepatutnya diaorg bagi kertas2 periksa terus pada pelajar. Tapi apa yang dibuat? Diaorg bincangkan pulak soalan2 tu dan bagi idea lagi pelajar2 supaya diaorg tahu apa yang patut ditulis. Guru Y sekali lagi tahu tindakan tidak professional dioarg tu. Guru Y sekali lagi mengadu pada bos dan memberitahu yang dia malu nak mengaku guru2 tadi rakan sekerja disebabkan perbuatan tidak professional mereka.
Kisah tadi bukanla kisah benar yang pertama kali saya lihat dalam profesion sebagai seorang guru. Tak kira di mana pun saya mengajar ada sahaja guru-guru yang mencemarkan pekerjaan seorang guru ni. Mereka tak sedar yang perbuatan mereka tu akan menyebabkan mereka makan gaji buta dan duit gaji mereka akan jadi duit haram. Bukan saya nak mendabik dada mengatakan saya guru yang baikla sangat. Tapi saya takut kalau tak amanah dalam bekerja. Kalau dah kita diamanahkan untuk mengajar, kenalah ajar betul2. Barulah berkat duit gaji yang diterima.
Benda ni bukan dalam perguruan je. Dalam pekerjaan lain pun sama. Isu yang masih hangat sekarang pasal polis pukul orang masa perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 tu pun sama. Saya rasa memang ada segelintir yang bertindak ganas dan orang ramai pun ada yang bertindak serupa. Kalau semua orang tu amanah, tak akan terjadi perkara-perkara yang tidak diingini. Jangan kerana segelintir yang kurang professional, kita katakan semua pun bersikap begitu. Saya percaya masih ramai yang amanak dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab masing-masing kan tak kiralah siapa pun anda.
Tak pernah lagi asyik buat entry dlm BM je berturut2. Hr ni nak pecahkan tradisi sbb dlm perjalanan balik dari kerja tadi ada kawan bagitahu apa yang terjadi di tempat kerja bulan lepas. Kira mmgla kami mengumpat (aah dah buat dosa di hari Jumaat-huhu).
Ceritanya adala beberapa orang guru di tempat kami (pusat yg menawarkan kursus BI) yang ambil mudah je bila mengajar. Diaorg ni bila masuk kelas biasanya tak mengajar sgt. Apa yang dibuat tak tahula. Tapi bila dah hampir dgn periksa akhir bulan, diaorg ni akan membocorkan tajuk2 karangan yang akan keluar. Siap bg idea atau bagi ayat2 yang boleh digunakan. Bila ada guru lain (kita namakan guru Y) yang perasan perbuatan diaorg ni, guru Y ni mengadu pada bos. Jadi bos ambil tindakan menukar soalan2 periksa di saat-saat akhir. Bila dioarg nampak kertas soalan yg ditukar, mulalah diaorg ni menggelabah. Yelah diaorg takut pelajar-pelajar diaorg tak tahu macammana nak buat karangan. Bila diaorg masuk kelas, sepatutnya diaorg bagi kertas2 periksa terus pada pelajar. Tapi apa yang dibuat? Diaorg bincangkan pulak soalan2 tu dan bagi idea lagi pelajar2 supaya diaorg tahu apa yang patut ditulis. Guru Y sekali lagi tahu tindakan tidak professional dioarg tu. Guru Y sekali lagi mengadu pada bos dan memberitahu yang dia malu nak mengaku guru2 tadi rakan sekerja disebabkan perbuatan tidak professional mereka.
Kisah tadi bukanla kisah benar yang pertama kali saya lihat dalam profesion sebagai seorang guru. Tak kira di mana pun saya mengajar ada sahaja guru-guru yang mencemarkan pekerjaan seorang guru ni. Mereka tak sedar yang perbuatan mereka tu akan menyebabkan mereka makan gaji buta dan duit gaji mereka akan jadi duit haram. Bukan saya nak mendabik dada mengatakan saya guru yang baikla sangat. Tapi saya takut kalau tak amanah dalam bekerja. Kalau dah kita diamanahkan untuk mengajar, kenalah ajar betul2. Barulah berkat duit gaji yang diterima.
Benda ni bukan dalam perguruan je. Dalam pekerjaan lain pun sama. Isu yang masih hangat sekarang pasal polis pukul orang masa perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 tu pun sama. Saya rasa memang ada segelintir yang bertindak ganas dan orang ramai pun ada yang bertindak serupa. Kalau semua orang tu amanah, tak akan terjadi perkara-perkara yang tidak diingini. Jangan kerana segelintir yang kurang professional, kita katakan semua pun bersikap begitu. Saya percaya masih ramai yang amanak dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab masing-masing kan tak kiralah siapa pun anda.
my ramblings
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Belajarlah..................... (BM entry)
Saya terjumpa kata2 ni yang betul2 mengingatkan kita bila kita selalu mengeluh tentang orang lain. Kita selalu mengharapkan orang lain berbuat baik pada kita tapi kita sendiri bagaimana? Kita selalu mengharapkan ada yang akan suka pada kita tapi kita sendiri pun memilih hanya orang-orang yang kita suka. Jika nak berubah, lebih baik kita mulakan dulu perubahan tu. Betul tak?
Saya terjumpa kata2 ni yang betul2 mengingatkan kita bila kita selalu mengeluh tentang orang lain. Kita selalu mengharapkan orang lain berbuat baik pada kita tapi kita sendiri bagaimana? Kita selalu mengharapkan ada yang akan suka pada kita tapi kita sendiri pun memilih hanya orang-orang yang kita suka. Jika nak berubah, lebih baik kita mulakan dulu perubahan tu. Betul tak?
motivational entries
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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