This is a continuation of our 5-day trip. We started the journey on 12 August and stayed at Mahia until 16 August 2009. After we went Wai-O-Tapu, we continued our journey to Mahia. The journey was a very tiring journey as the road was a challenging road. (rasa mcm nak balik dr KL ke Kelantan or dr Penang ke Kelantan). We had to travel through the mountain road and at the seaside area where there were heaps of 60, 70 or even 85 degrees corners. I felt dizzy and I puke on the way. When we reached at the nearest town; Wairoa, I thought that it won't be so long but I was wrong. We had to take another 41 km before we reached Mahia Beach Motels &Holiday Park. It was about 9.30 when we reached there and the owner was waiting for us as we had informed her earlier that we would be arrived at night time. She greeted us with her two lovely cats and showed us our motel's room. When we had finished uploading our bags and stuffs, my MIL started making simple maggi for our dinner(well, it maybe our supper as it was late). We also had some toast with Marmite and Peanut Butter.

The front view of our motel's room(upstairs)
The next day(13 August 2009), my PIL, my daughters and I went to the nearest town, Wairoa to buy some perishables. (food and stuffs). It was about 41 km away from Mahia beach but the scenery was stunning. (nampak laut, kambing biri2, & lembu yg tengah makan rumput atas gunung. heran gak sbb lembu & kambing2 tu duduk makan tepi lereng tu. dopk pikir2 tak jatuh ke). Using the GPS, we arrived at Wairoa's town but we was not sure where was "New World" (ala2 Giant kat Msia tapi lg kecik). The address said it was on Queen Street. We went to other end of Queen Street. So, we tried the other end and at last managed to find it. After we managed to buy what we wanted, we headed back without the GPS as my FIL couldn't retrieve the address of the motel. So, my MIL and I became his GPS and we managed to find the way back.
After having our lunch, most of us felt sleepy and they took a nap. However my daughters and I decided to walk around the Holiday Park and found the abandon playground, the tv room(was closed), the mini shop next to the office, the laundry room and the other motel rooms.

My daughters could only played on the swings.

The mini shop.

I asked them to pose next to the signboard.
That evening about 4.30 p.m. my hubby asked us (my daughters and I) to join him to explore the beach. It was so lovely as we walked along the beach and pick-up some shells and rocks. Fathini got a stick and she wrote her name on the sand. We also pose at a-sort -of-a-tree. Fathini took our picture. At first my hubby and I wanted to take a romantic picture at the beach. But Hafizah didn't want us to abandon her. So, we had to include her too. (susah2x takleh nak posing romantik dah skrg). We strolled along the beach until it was nearly sunset. It was one of the sweetest moment in our life, I would say.

Fathini wrote her name and tried to erase it after wards.

Hafizah was having fun.

This was supposed to be a romantic photo. huhu

Almost sunset.
I have to continue this story on the next entry as I had to go and do the household chores. So, stay tune and wait for the next entry to come.
Ka Ki Te Ano.