I don't why I'm so addicted to join contest in the blog world lately. (I've never win anything yet. huhu). I know and realize that there are others who are also well not addicted but like to join contests in the blog world. This month, I'm going to start by joining this contest organized by little mama from mombloggersplanet. (thank you so much for your huge efforts. muaaah).
Below are what we (the participants are supposed to do):
- Get a photo of your baby with his/her favorite toys (Done!)
- Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby with TOYS Contest (I'm doing it now)
- Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth. (Will do later)
- Write about the TOYS in the picture. (will do later too)
- Write your opinion about the usage of TOYS in early childhood learning (no problem)
- Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry.(won't forget about this)
- Leave a comment here with link to your blog post (sure)
Toys are part of the necessities in the early childhood learning. Here in Hamilton, New Zealand, I participate actively in the early childhood institution called Peachgrove Playcentre. I can see that how we can manipulate toys to teach children to be creative and innovative. Everyday we come out with fresh ideas and all the parents who are involved in this place contribute in the learning process of their own children. We make the playdough everyday, we set up 16 areas of play where children are encourage to choose what they are going to play. Using toys, we teach our children about the world, cultures, languages and other things as we always communicate with our children when they are using the toys. We can encourage our children to think outside the box by giving them some chance to explore toys and giving some suggestions to them. We can also make some toys on our own as we don't always have to spend so much on the toys. I've tried using whatever we have at home when I play with my daughters and we had come out with lots of interesting things. Sometimes my daughters use their toy box as an aeroplane, their blankets to make a cave, their chairs to be a bus, their writing table as a fort and cook in the bucket for keepin the small blocks. (I think this is long enough. Right?)
Now I have to mention the links to this entry. The links are:
MomBloggersPlanet contest page : http://www.mombloggersplanet.com/1312/cutest-baby-photo-contest-august-09/
PhotoBookMalaysia : http://www.photobook.com.my
AliceWonders : http://www.alicewonders.com
(thanks to PhotoBook Msia & Alice Wonders for sponsoring the prizes)
All right. Phewwww. I've done what I supposed to do. This time again I just have to wait and see (and also pray) for the result.
gd luck fizah...nanti kalu rajin, cik ti pon join dgn baby nazhan :)
salam..moga berjaya..meh ke uma..
salam..bloghoppin' from mom bloggers planet..good luck! :)
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