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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

To reduce the nausea.


The craving to eat the preserved fruit and sour plums are so inevitable nowadays. I can't really taste other food now unless it is too sour, spicy or hot. Everything become so tasteless. I know that I should eat more healthy food but the urge to eat the unhealthy one is imminent.

These are my "comfort" food for now:

Any other ideas for a healthier option of a good comfort food for the expecting mommy?


yatie chomeyl said...

woh sedapnyo. x sabar nok kelik make masin2 retep...nyum nyum nyum

mila.ibunajihah said...

kak nur expecting ke? happy for you, acu try makan buah-buahan segar sist, maybe it'll reduce the urge nk mkn asam2 tu :)
sy dlu mmg hampir tiap hari makan mangga masak..cedapp..

Eliss said...

coklat ? ker tak suka? me dulu suka makan coklat :)

isabelle said...

crackers. i mean biskut kering. jgn yg ada krim2 bagai.
uishhh..sedapnya layan masam2.

Lin said...


puanbee said...

meleleh , tapi jgn makan banyak2 time mengandung ni tk elok .. mencicah tk pe hehehe

Unknown said...

kakyong masa pregnant sgt2 tak suka asam.. jeruk.. semua tolak ke tepi..

my tips,1st trimester - always bring cracker yg dlm pack tu.. lebih tawar the biscuit the better...

Nadiah Sidek said...

kak nur pregnant ke? tahniah!! sori lama tak blogwalking...uhuhu..