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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Miss Rubbish.

One of my ex-course mates wrote something on his FB status yesterday that can cause a controversial issue. Well, it's kind of controversial only for those who know who was he referring to. He wrote something about as a teacher, he sometimes say "rubbish" to his students when he is really mad and he remembers one of his ex-teachers used to say the same word over and over again. For his safety and confidential reason, I'm not going to put up his status here nor the comments that his friends i.e. his ex-course mates(including me) had written.

My concern here is just that no matter who you are; a teacher, an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, a magistrate, eh mcm dlm filem P.Ramlee pulak, you shouldn't say something negatives to other people. WHY? Based on what most of us (my ex-course mates and I) have had experienced, other people tend to remember you according to the negative remarks or even worse is the label that you gave. We remember about one of our lecturers who love to use the word "rubbish" every time we make some mistakes. She even gave an unforgettable remark to me about my grammar by saying "Your grammar is atrocious". It really gave a huge impact on me. mungkin juga sbb sy ni kdg2 jd sensitif Most of us remember that particular lecturer as "Miss Rubbish".

I admit that we (my ex-course mates and I) were kind of cheeky and naughty too. We also gave some names or label some other lecturers with special names. However most of the labels are quite nice as we love most of our ex-lecturers. Unfortunately I can't really recall other nick names that we gave to other ex-lecturers. yelah dah habis belajar 9 thn yg lalu Maybe only one particular lecturer in UKM who love to tell stories about him being so active in taekwondo- we called him "Mr Taekwondo".  In other case, we had a senior who loved to say "Shit"(tahi) every time he was angry at us. So, we called him , "Brother Shit!"(Abg Tahi) just because we couldn't take his torturing word

My point here is not to prove anything but this is just a gentle reminder for all of us. When we give certain names or call people with some nick names and they don't like the nick names (especially if the names are bad names), someday other people will give us or call us with bad nick names TOO. It's kind of retribution.

What's your comments on this? Have you had any teachers/lecturers that called/gave bad nick names to his/her students? Or you and your course mates gave the bad nick names to other people?


Sari said...

bad nick names? masa sekolah mmg mcm2 nama ader especially cikgu disiplin yg garang gilerrr..asik bwk rotan kayu pjg..masa tu klau cikgu membebel xamik port sgt tapi masa blajar kat itm klau lecturer ckp @ sindir msti terasa ati..igt smpai skang tu..

Ummi Hanie said...

definitely correct (ur opinions)...

walauapapa pun terjadi dan siapa pun kita,kne jg maruah diri tmbh pulak d zaman berteknologi tinggi can ruin our life if we take a wrong step..nauzubillah

Unknown said...

kakyong masa sek rendah selalu jugak panggil org dgn panggilan yg tak manis ni.. yer lah, sbb depa pun brutal dgn kita panggil 'pendek or ketot' jadi kita pun balas balik la...

tp bila dah masuk asrama.. kita dah byk belajar & observe.. xde lah... memang xde lah sesuka hati nak gelor org.. tp kalo ade kwn2 yg kreatip gelor senior/junior dgn naam2 tertentu... kakyong join jugak, biasalah kan.. zaman2 tu.. nakal...

since dah ade anak2 ni.. kakyong cuba sehabis baik, supaya anak2 tak membiasakan diri marah/panggil org 'bodoh' 'jahat' 'bab*'... dulu masa adik laki yg sorg tu ade kat rumah mak, kakyong tak bg anak2 pergi sana.. sbb adik tu suka sumpah seranah panggil org bodoh/bengap/bangang.. & mcm2 lagi lah....

nampak hodoh/tercalar sikit reputasi bila kita ni direfer sbg seseorang yg suka guna bhs tak molek ni...

transformed housewife said...

K, Sari pernah kena sindir juga mcm sy ye.

transformed housewife said...

Mmg cara kita bercakap tu melambangkan maruah kita kan Hanie.

transformed housewife said...

Harap2 anak2 kita tak terpengaruh dgn budaya yg tak bagus ni.

Unknown said...


SJNathaniel said...

kakNur,i lupa la nickname utk ex-cikgu i..rasanye takde yg jahat maksud nya ..

but now,i ade lect yg babyface,ala-ala korean guy.since my frin dia pun minat sgt dgn suoer junior,so terus bagi nick

transformed housewife said...

LF- jd kita kena jaga pertuturan dan perlakuan kita.

Sati: u pun minat tengok ur lect. ke?