I know that other people are having a nice long holiday with their loved ones this weekend. For us, we are just going to a nice Hot Spring somewhere in North part of Peninsular Malaysia. For now, I don't want to reveal exactly where we are going tomorrow. All I can tell is we just want to have a good get away that doesn't require a lot of money since we are saving some money for our future house. Have fun everybody this weekend and if some of you have to go to work or have to settle some work, make sure you are paid handsomely.
Check this out!
A & N academic and scientific editing service
Contact us when you need someone to proof read or translate some documents.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Going to a nice Hot Spring.....
weekend activities
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Royal Wedding: Why do people want to watch it?
I guess most people will be glued to the television as the Royal Wedding is taking place at the Westminster Abbey. My colleagues this morning were also talking about it when we just finished our monthly meeting. There were some teachers who were also excited and claimed that it is a "must-see-event" of the year!
1- They want to see the bride's dress. (This was the first reason that my colleagues told me)
2- They don't want to be left behind with the supposedly THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR.
3- They want to witness the sort-of-fairy-tale climax.
4- They want to imagine themselves having that kind of grand wedding ceremony.
5- They want to get some ideas from the wedding that might be useful for the future wedding (?)
Those are the reasons that I can think of. Why don't you share your own personal reason. Do you know that in UK, they have predicted how long the marriage is going to last? There are many astrologers and psychic who have made their predictions too. I will just share one of the website HERE. Basically in one of predictions, one bishop predicted that the marriage will only last for 7 years. As for me, that's not really good to give that kind of prediction even before they get married. WHY DO YOU THINK?
I guess most people will be glued to the television as the Royal Wedding is taking place at the Westminster Abbey. My colleagues this morning were also talking about it when we just finished our monthly meeting. There were some teachers who were also excited and claimed that it is a "must-see-event" of the year!
1- They want to see the bride's dress. (This was the first reason that my colleagues told me)
2- They don't want to be left behind with the supposedly THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR.
3- They want to witness the sort-of-fairy-tale climax.
4- They want to imagine themselves having that kind of grand wedding ceremony.
5- They want to get some ideas from the wedding that might be useful for the future wedding (?)
Those are the reasons that I can think of. Why don't you share your own personal reason. Do you know that in UK, they have predicted how long the marriage is going to last? There are many astrologers and psychic who have made their predictions too. I will just share one of the website HERE. Basically in one of predictions, one bishop predicted that the marriage will only last for 7 years. As for me, that's not really good to give that kind of prediction even before they get married. WHY DO YOU THINK?
my ramblings
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Feeling so ancient?
Have you ever look at what the teenagers and youngsters love and wonder why on earth do they like those? Have you ever criticized their interests or look down on them?
I've asked you those questions because right now I am in charged of training my students to perform this Friday for their graduation party. As the theme is "Earth Day" this month, we have to sing a song that's related to the theme. At first my students want to sing Justin Bieber's, Akon or 50 Cents's song, BUT I told them we can't just choose any song that we like. Plus I told them that Justin Bieber's song especially "Baby, Baby" sounds so ridiculous to me. I even used the word "YUCKY"!
I know definitely my students might have thought that I sound so ancient. They would think that I'm too old for their taste. I have to agree with their thought. I'm just way past the time where you adore and admire some artists or celebrities.
At last, I've chosen "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson as that song has a loud and clear message. It's really perfect for the theme "Earth Day". So, why don't you listen to this song and understand the message. Oh, BTW I'm only the first few parts of the song for the performance as this song is quite long.
Have you ever look at what the teenagers and youngsters love and wonder why on earth do they like those? Have you ever criticized their interests or look down on them?
I've asked you those questions because right now I am in charged of training my students to perform this Friday for their graduation party. As the theme is "Earth Day" this month, we have to sing a song that's related to the theme. At first my students want to sing Justin Bieber's, Akon or 50 Cents's song, BUT I told them we can't just choose any song that we like. Plus I told them that Justin Bieber's song especially "Baby, Baby" sounds so ridiculous to me. I even used the word "YUCKY"!
I know definitely my students might have thought that I sound so ancient. They would think that I'm too old for their taste. I have to agree with their thought. I'm just way past the time where you adore and admire some artists or celebrities.
At last, I've chosen "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson as that song has a loud and clear message. It's really perfect for the theme "Earth Day". So, why don't you listen to this song and understand the message. Oh, BTW I'm only the first few parts of the song for the performance as this song is quite long.
my life experiences
Monday, April 25, 2011
Another Proof Reading job For Me- Alhamdulillah.
I had created a specific blog to promote translation & proof reading services to other people. However, after 3 posts, I was a bit clueless on what kind of entries should I post in that blog. That's why, I've decided that from now on, I'm going to use this main blog to promote those 2 services. Just like other people have been using their personal blog to promote other kinds of services.
To date, I've done some translation work for some bloggers and also helped some other bloggers by proof reading some documents. The latest proof reading job came from Dayang Balqis. She was applying for a place in one of universities in Singapore and she had to submit some essays. She had been offered a place and right now, she's busy preparing and making some new arrangements before she can change her status from WAHM to Masters Student. I wish her the very best of luck in her new venture.
Today, I've received an e-mail from one of our friends when we were in Hamilton, NZ. She has asked me to proof read her PHD thesis. It's not the first time for me but every time the challenges are so different. I'm going to deal with thesis from an Engineering Lecturer from UM. I hope that I will be able to carry out the task and help to proof read her thesis with less hiccups.
If any of you are interested to know more about the translation & proof reading services, you can pm:
I had created a specific blog to promote translation & proof reading services to other people. However, after 3 posts, I was a bit clueless on what kind of entries should I post in that blog. That's why, I've decided that from now on, I'm going to use this main blog to promote those 2 services. Just like other people have been using their personal blog to promote other kinds of services.
To date, I've done some translation work for some bloggers and also helped some other bloggers by proof reading some documents. The latest proof reading job came from Dayang Balqis. She was applying for a place in one of universities in Singapore and she had to submit some essays. She had been offered a place and right now, she's busy preparing and making some new arrangements before she can change her status from WAHM to Masters Student. I wish her the very best of luck in her new venture.
Today, I've received an e-mail from one of our friends when we were in Hamilton, NZ. She has asked me to proof read her PHD thesis. It's not the first time for me but every time the challenges are so different. I'm going to deal with thesis from an Engineering Lecturer from UM. I hope that I will be able to carry out the task and help to proof read her thesis with less hiccups.
If any of you are interested to know more about the translation & proof reading services, you can pm:
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Nauzubillah! Baca entri ini dan sebar-sebarkan. (BM ENTRY)
Saya ambil artikel ini dari FB kwn saya. Bila saya baca, saya amat takut dengan masa depan anak2 kita jika perkara ini diluluskan oleh PERLEMBANGAAN MALAYSIA. Apa kata anda semua baca dan sebar2kan perkara ini dan mari kita tentang benda ini supaya tidak dimaktubkan dalam PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA.
by Afendi Marine on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 7:15pm
Dunia akhir zaman semakin menakutkan bila berkait dgn soal akidah. Nak jadi apa dah ni?? Patut laa ada yang kata tak nak ada anak. Bukan takut nak beranak, tapi takut ada anak yang terpesong akidah.. baik tak de langsung!!
Mufti Perak, Datuk Harussani Zakaria bangkit dalam isu ini dengan membuat kenyataan akhbar bahwa umat Islam wajib isytihar perang terhadap pertubuhan IFC itu dan minta 50 ahli politik Islam yang menurunkan signature sebagai menyokong penubuhan IFC itu bertaubat kepada Allah swt kerana dibimbangi aqidah mereka sudah terbatal [3]. Datuk Harussani juga minta kepada semua penceramah, semua ustaz-ustaz yang mengajar kuliah-kuliah dan semua khatib-khatib, supaya jangan lupa cakap benda ni dalam kuliah-kuliah dan di atas mimbar-mimbar Jumaat bahwa pertubuhan IFC ini adalah musuh Islam di M`sia.
Tuan-tuan tau depa minta apa kat PM?... Depa send memorandum kepada PM meminta 15 perkara berhubung dengan Islam supaya dimasukkan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia Antaranya:
1) Setiap anak yang baru dilahirkan di Malaysia jangan dikaitkan dengan mana-mana agama sehinggalah anak itu berusia 18 tahun - Tu dia tuan-tuan. Ini apa cerita ni? Maknanya, anak-anak kita langsung tidak boleh dididikkan dengan cara Islam. Kita tak boleh bubuh nama Islam kat anak-anak. Sampai umur 18 tahun, baru boleh duduk bincang di mahkamah, tanya kat anak kita, 'Hang nak ikut ugama apa?'....Kalau dia kata nak jadi hindu, maka jadi hindulah dia. Kita tak boleh nak buat apa sebab dah digazetkan dalam Perlembagaan Negara.
2) Di dalam dokumen pengenalan mykad dan passport dihapuskan kolum identiti agama - maknanya, perkataan 'Islam' yang ada kat mykad kita itu,depa minta di'tiada' kan .
3) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam kalau nak kahwin dengan orang Islam, dia tidak perlu masuk Islam.
4) Mana-mana orang Islam yang nak kahwin dengan orang bukan Islam, mestilah dia tukar agama kepada bukan Islam.
5) Sebagaimana kerajaan Malaysia menyalurkan dana kepada masjid-masjid, begitu juga kerajaan Malaysia mesti menyalurkan dana kepada semua rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam.
6) Peraturan sekolah yang mengizinkan anak orang Islam menutup aurat hendaklah dimansuhkan, kerana ia menghina agama bukan Islam.
7) Hapuskan mahkamah syariah kerana ia juga menghina agama-agama lain - mahkamah syariah kalau takdak, habih la kita tuan-tuan... Walaupun la ni bukannya perfect, tapi itulah satu-satunya mahkamah yang defence agama kita. Kalau mahkamah syariah disingkirkan, masalah faraid pusaka, masalah nikah kahwin, cerai talak apa semua tu macamana?...Kalau tak dak mahkamah syariah, maknanya, perkahwinan tidak akan berjalan di atas akad nikah, sebaliknya, perkahwinan akan dibuat secara berdaftar.
8) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam yang masuk Islam, semua hartanya dikembalikan kepada waris yang tidak beragama Islam.
9) Mana-mana pasangan yang bukan Islam, apabila masuk Islam, maka hak penjagaan anak tidak boleh diberikan kepada mereka.
10) Sebagaimana program-program di radio dan tv yang menerangkan tentang ajaran Islam dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing, begitu juga ajaran-ajaran lain daripada Islam juga perlu diberi ruang.
11) Sepertimana Quran, hendaklah kerajaan Malaysia turut mencetak bible dalam bahasa Melayu untuk diedarkan di seluruh negara.
12) Apa istimewanya Islam sehingga ditabalkan sebagai agama rasmi di Malaysia ? ...lagi 3 ana tak ingat, anta boleh refer dalam Majalah Millenium Muslim.
Ini dia tuan-tuan, Islam diludah depan mata kita sendiri, so mana sensitiviti kita terhadap agama kita sendiri?...Datuk Harussani tegur PM dan 50 ahli politik Islam yang sokong pertubuhan tersebut supaya dibatalkan pertubuhan itu. Tau 50 orang Islam tu kata apa?...Depa kata kat Mufti Perak, 'Ni lah kalau dah terlalu tua jadi mufti, tak open minded langsung!'...Datuk Harussani balas dalam majalah 'Millenium Muslim', katanya, 'Di atas sikap open-minded rakyat Malaysia yang terlampau lebih, maka inilah hadiahnya!'... Ini dia kata-kata seorang ulama di Malaysia . Yang lainnya sunyi sepi termasuklah akhbar-akhbar, macam ada benda dalam mulut sampai tak boleh nak buka!
Kata Al-Imam Ibn Kathir didalam tafsirnya: Sepertimana yang Tartar berhukum dengan berteraskan sistem pemerintahan yang diambil daripada raja mereka Genghiz Khan yang telah mencipta untuk mereka undang-undang Yasak yang merupakan sebuah buku menghimpunkan hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada syariat yang berbagai, iaitu Yahudi, Nasrani, Islam dan lain-lain.
Dalamnya juga banyak hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada fikiran dan hawa nafsunya semata, lalu dijadikan undang-undang yang diikuti oleh anak cucunya. Mereka mendahulukannya melebihi kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasulullah, sesiapa yang berbuat demkian maka dia adalah kafir dan wajib diperangi sehingga dia kembali kepada hukum Allah dan Rasulnya dan tidak berhukum selain daripadanya dalam perkara kecil ataupun besar (rujukan tafsir al-Quran al-'Azim oleh al-Imam Ibn Kathir jld. 2, m.s. 70. Cetakan Beirut)
Apa pendapat anda semua? Memang menakutkan bunyinya. Kenapa mereka terlalu berani nak masuk campur dalam hukum-hakam Islam dan akhirnya boleh memesong akidah orang2 Islam? Adakah kita sudah terlalu lemah dan selalu berbalah sesama sendiri?
Saya ambil artikel ini dari FB kwn saya. Bila saya baca, saya amat takut dengan masa depan anak2 kita jika perkara ini diluluskan oleh PERLEMBANGAAN MALAYSIA. Apa kata anda semua baca dan sebar2kan perkara ini dan mari kita tentang benda ini supaya tidak dimaktubkan dalam PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA.
by Afendi Marine on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 7:15pm
Dunia akhir zaman semakin menakutkan bila berkait dgn soal akidah. Nak jadi apa dah ni?? Patut laa ada yang kata tak nak ada anak. Bukan takut nak beranak, tapi takut ada anak yang terpesong akidah.. baik tak de langsung!!
Mufti Perak, Datuk Harussani Zakaria bangkit dalam isu ini dengan membuat kenyataan akhbar bahwa umat Islam wajib isytihar perang terhadap pertubuhan IFC itu dan minta 50 ahli politik Islam yang menurunkan signature sebagai menyokong penubuhan IFC itu bertaubat kepada Allah swt kerana dibimbangi aqidah mereka sudah terbatal [3]. Datuk Harussani juga minta kepada semua penceramah, semua ustaz-ustaz yang mengajar kuliah-kuliah dan semua khatib-khatib, supaya jangan lupa cakap benda ni dalam kuliah-kuliah dan di atas mimbar-mimbar Jumaat bahwa pertubuhan IFC ini adalah musuh Islam di M`sia.
Tuan-tuan tau depa minta apa kat PM?... Depa send memorandum kepada PM meminta 15 perkara berhubung dengan Islam supaya dimasukkan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia Antaranya:
1) Setiap anak yang baru dilahirkan di Malaysia jangan dikaitkan dengan mana-mana agama sehinggalah anak itu berusia 18 tahun - Tu dia tuan-tuan. Ini apa cerita ni? Maknanya, anak-anak kita langsung tidak boleh dididikkan dengan cara Islam. Kita tak boleh bubuh nama Islam kat anak-anak. Sampai umur 18 tahun, baru boleh duduk bincang di mahkamah, tanya kat anak kita, 'Hang nak ikut ugama apa?'....Kalau dia kata nak jadi hindu, maka jadi hindulah dia. Kita tak boleh nak buat apa sebab dah digazetkan dalam Perlembagaan Negara.
2) Di dalam dokumen pengenalan mykad dan passport dihapuskan kolum identiti agama - maknanya, perkataan 'Islam' yang ada kat mykad kita itu,depa minta di'tiada' kan .
3) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam kalau nak kahwin dengan orang Islam, dia tidak perlu masuk Islam.
4) Mana-mana orang Islam yang nak kahwin dengan orang bukan Islam, mestilah dia tukar agama kepada bukan Islam.
5) Sebagaimana kerajaan Malaysia menyalurkan dana kepada masjid-masjid, begitu juga kerajaan Malaysia mesti menyalurkan dana kepada semua rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam.
6) Peraturan sekolah yang mengizinkan anak orang Islam menutup aurat hendaklah dimansuhkan, kerana ia menghina agama bukan Islam.
7) Hapuskan mahkamah syariah kerana ia juga menghina agama-agama lain - mahkamah syariah kalau takdak, habih la kita tuan-tuan... Walaupun la ni bukannya perfect, tapi itulah satu-satunya mahkamah yang defence agama kita. Kalau mahkamah syariah disingkirkan, masalah faraid pusaka, masalah nikah kahwin, cerai talak apa semua tu macamana?...Kalau tak dak mahkamah syariah, maknanya, perkahwinan tidak akan berjalan di atas akad nikah, sebaliknya, perkahwinan akan dibuat secara berdaftar.
8) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam yang masuk Islam, semua hartanya dikembalikan kepada waris yang tidak beragama Islam.
9) Mana-mana pasangan yang bukan Islam, apabila masuk Islam, maka hak penjagaan anak tidak boleh diberikan kepada mereka.
10) Sebagaimana program-program di radio dan tv yang menerangkan tentang ajaran Islam dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing, begitu juga ajaran-ajaran lain daripada Islam juga perlu diberi ruang.
11) Sepertimana Quran, hendaklah kerajaan Malaysia turut mencetak bible dalam bahasa Melayu untuk diedarkan di seluruh negara.
12) Apa istimewanya Islam sehingga ditabalkan sebagai agama rasmi di Malaysia ? ...lagi 3 ana tak ingat, anta boleh refer dalam Majalah Millenium Muslim.
Ini dia tuan-tuan, Islam diludah depan mata kita sendiri, so mana sensitiviti kita terhadap agama kita sendiri?...Datuk Harussani tegur PM dan 50 ahli politik Islam yang sokong pertubuhan tersebut supaya dibatalkan pertubuhan itu. Tau 50 orang Islam tu kata apa?...Depa kata kat Mufti Perak, 'Ni lah kalau dah terlalu tua jadi mufti, tak open minded langsung!'...Datuk Harussani balas dalam majalah 'Millenium Muslim', katanya, 'Di atas sikap open-minded rakyat Malaysia yang terlampau lebih, maka inilah hadiahnya!'... Ini dia kata-kata seorang ulama di Malaysia . Yang lainnya sunyi sepi termasuklah akhbar-akhbar, macam ada benda dalam mulut sampai tak boleh nak buka!
Kata Al-Imam Ibn Kathir didalam tafsirnya: Sepertimana yang Tartar berhukum dengan berteraskan sistem pemerintahan yang diambil daripada raja mereka Genghiz Khan yang telah mencipta untuk mereka undang-undang Yasak yang merupakan sebuah buku menghimpunkan hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada syariat yang berbagai, iaitu Yahudi, Nasrani, Islam dan lain-lain.
Dalamnya juga banyak hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada fikiran dan hawa nafsunya semata, lalu dijadikan undang-undang yang diikuti oleh anak cucunya. Mereka mendahulukannya melebihi kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasulullah, sesiapa yang berbuat demkian maka dia adalah kafir dan wajib diperangi sehingga dia kembali kepada hukum Allah dan Rasulnya dan tidak berhukum selain daripadanya dalam perkara kecil ataupun besar (rujukan tafsir al-Quran al-'Azim oleh al-Imam Ibn Kathir jld. 2, m.s. 70. Cetakan Beirut)
Apa pendapat anda semua? Memang menakutkan bunyinya. Kenapa mereka terlalu berani nak masuk campur dalam hukum-hakam Islam dan akhirnya boleh memesong akidah orang2 Islam? Adakah kita sudah terlalu lemah dan selalu berbalah sesama sendiri?
serious issues
Saturday, April 23, 2011
What you write is a reflect of your emotion.
It's almost 2 years for me in this blogging world. I have to admit that I'm still a little bit clueless of what should I write everyday. I'm amazed with those who can come up with few entries per day. I find it hard to keep up even with an entry per day. Some can babble about anything but still manage to get people to leave some comments.
I love to write based on my sincere opinion. What I've shared and going to share reflect my true emotion. I reckon most of you out there fall into this category too.
Let's see about the different categories of entry:
1- Bubbly and exciting entry-
Obviously the blogger is in a good mood. The person choose to write using the positive words and the tone is a happy mode.
2- Serious and furious entry-
When we are dealing with some problems and we have decided to share it in our blog, we tend to write up about our frustrations and anger, right?
3- Heartbreaking and inviting sympathy entry-
Sometimes when we are so down, writing an entry would be a piece of cake because we will have lots of ideas. Readers who can understand the situation will feel the pain and will sympathize us.
4- Funny and witty entry-
It's not easy to entertain readers unless you have the raw talent of being funny and making jokes without being silly. The witty type would have a nice punch line at the end.
5- Informative entry-
I can't really classify the emotion for this entry but my best guess, just that the blogger is neither happy nor sad. The blogger want to share some good tips or useful information with the readers.
Now, which type/types of entries have you had in your blog? As for me, I've tried all but I guess I'm not that good in whipping up something funny and witty.
It's almost 2 years for me in this blogging world. I have to admit that I'm still a little bit clueless of what should I write everyday. I'm amazed with those who can come up with few entries per day. I find it hard to keep up even with an entry per day. Some can babble about anything but still manage to get people to leave some comments.
I love to write based on my sincere opinion. What I've shared and going to share reflect my true emotion. I reckon most of you out there fall into this category too.
Let's see about the different categories of entry:
1- Bubbly and exciting entry-
Obviously the blogger is in a good mood. The person choose to write using the positive words and the tone is a happy mode.
2- Serious and furious entry-
When we are dealing with some problems and we have decided to share it in our blog, we tend to write up about our frustrations and anger, right?
3- Heartbreaking and inviting sympathy entry-
Sometimes when we are so down, writing an entry would be a piece of cake because we will have lots of ideas. Readers who can understand the situation will feel the pain and will sympathize us.
4- Funny and witty entry-
It's not easy to entertain readers unless you have the raw talent of being funny and making jokes without being silly. The witty type would have a nice punch line at the end.
5- Informative entry-
I can't really classify the emotion for this entry but my best guess, just that the blogger is neither happy nor sad. The blogger want to share some good tips or useful information with the readers.
Now, which type/types of entries have you had in your blog? As for me, I've tried all but I guess I'm not that good in whipping up something funny and witty.
my thoughts
Friday, April 22, 2011
Black Listed: The real situation (for now).
In yesterday's entry, I shared my unfortunate fate of being black listed in one of the "famous" government agency. (I reckon you can guess which one). So, today my brother went to the headquarter in Pahang to clarify and find out about the real situation. He was actually been caught red-handed during one of the road blocks in Kuantan. The road tax had been expired for few days. So, he was guilty as charged. He understood that and he attended the court proceeding when they called him. He was penalized and had to pay RM400 on the spot! He paid the penalty as it was his obligation. He was not been informed that the owner of the car (that's ME!) was somehow responsible and must pay some penalty too! I knew about what happened because my brother told me about this. I thought it was settled back in 2007! I was residing in Hamilton, New Zealand from Mac 2007 until April 2010. Thus, I was in Malaysia when this happened and that's why I had asked my brother to take care of my car.
Now, we tried to solve this problem by asking that government agency to verify the best way to settle this. My brother was quite furious with this situation because he thought everything was settled. It's not that he forgot to renew the road tax when he was caught red-handed during the road block. He already made the payment to the bank but he didn't receive it back due to the other problems. I might have to go all the way to Pahang just to settle this but the road tax will be expired by 28th April! Arggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm so stress out because of this and I really hope that this "nightmare" will soon be over.
Please pray for me and I really hope that this thing won't be so complicated anymore.
In yesterday's entry, I shared my unfortunate fate of being black listed in one of the "famous" government agency. (I reckon you can guess which one). So, today my brother went to the headquarter in Pahang to clarify and find out about the real situation. He was actually been caught red-handed during one of the road blocks in Kuantan. The road tax had been expired for few days. So, he was guilty as charged. He understood that and he attended the court proceeding when they called him. He was penalized and had to pay RM400 on the spot! He paid the penalty as it was his obligation. He was not been informed that the owner of the car (that's ME!) was somehow responsible and must pay some penalty too! I knew about what happened because my brother told me about this. I thought it was settled back in 2007! I was residing in Hamilton, New Zealand from Mac 2007 until April 2010. Thus, I was in Malaysia when this happened and that's why I had asked my brother to take care of my car.
Now, we tried to solve this problem by asking that government agency to verify the best way to settle this. My brother was quite furious with this situation because he thought everything was settled. It's not that he forgot to renew the road tax when he was caught red-handed during the road block. He already made the payment to the bank but he didn't receive it back due to the other problems. I might have to go all the way to Pahang just to settle this but the road tax will be expired by 28th April! Arggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm so stress out because of this and I really hope that this "nightmare" will soon be over.
Please pray for me and I really hope that this thing won't be so complicated anymore.
my ramblings
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Black listed!
It's the last thing you want to have especially when your road tax is going to be expired. It's something that you want to avoid. Not to put the blame on my brother but now it's their weakness in updating status. How can something that happened and had been settled in 2007 reappeared in 2011! What else do they want us to do as my brother had attended the court proceeding and paid the penalty on spot. Now, my brother has to go back to that government agency to clarify this thing before I can renew the road tax for my car. HUH! I just don't understand this kind of hassle!
Have you encountered this kind of problem before? What did you do to solve it? How do you ask then to delete your name under the black list names?
It's the last thing you want to have especially when your road tax is going to be expired. It's something that you want to avoid. Not to put the blame on my brother but now it's their weakness in updating status. How can something that happened and had been settled in 2007 reappeared in 2011! What else do they want us to do as my brother had attended the court proceeding and paid the penalty on spot. Now, my brother has to go back to that government agency to clarify this thing before I can renew the road tax for my car. HUH! I just don't understand this kind of hassle!
Have you encountered this kind of problem before? What did you do to solve it? How do you ask then to delete your name under the black list names?
my ramblings
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: My staple diet for now.
main masok2.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Teaching with "sexy voice".
Picture this or imagine this scenario:
A female teacher walks into a class. She smiles to her students and nods her head when her students greet her. Then, she writes something on the board. These are the words on the board,- I'm having a very bad sore throat. Please bear with me today as I'm unable to teach like usual.
What do you think the response from the students? What kind of reactions that they might give?
A sore throat or throat pain is a common physical symptom usually caused by acute pharyngitis, or throat inflammation, though it also occurs in a number of other situations, such as post trauma and in diphtheria. It can cause mild to extreme pain. (source: WIKIPEDIA)
When my students knew about my condition today, they pitied me and they really cooperated. They followed to each of my instructions and participated in the lesson. I prepared the lessons whereby I reduce the teacher talking up to 25% and the rest was only the exercises and oral practices. Wonderfully, each classes really enjoyed today's lesson. It had made me to reflect on my previous approach and I reckon I should be suffering with sore throat more if I want my students to really pay attention in class. huhu
Picture this or imagine this scenario:
A female teacher walks into a class. She smiles to her students and nods her head when her students greet her. Then, she writes something on the board. These are the words on the board,- I'm having a very bad sore throat. Please bear with me today as I'm unable to teach like usual.
(image from GOOGLE)
What do you think the response from the students? What kind of reactions that they might give?
Before I tell you what really happened today, I have to tell you that I'm the teacher in the scenario. Last night, after a series of bad cough, I slept with a bad inflammation in my throat. I reckon this has been caused by the flu I've been having since last week.What is SORE THROAT?
A sore throat or throat pain is a common physical symptom usually caused by acute pharyngitis, or throat inflammation, though it also occurs in a number of other situations, such as post trauma and in diphtheria. It can cause mild to extreme pain. (source: WIKIPEDIA)
When my students knew about my condition today, they pitied me and they really cooperated. They followed to each of my instructions and participated in the lesson. I prepared the lessons whereby I reduce the teacher talking up to 25% and the rest was only the exercises and oral practices. Wonderfully, each classes really enjoyed today's lesson. It had made me to reflect on my previous approach and I reckon I should be suffering with sore throat more if I want my students to really pay attention in class. huhu
my life experiences
Monday, April 18, 2011
Why teachers have to monitor pupils' BMI Not their own parents?
My hubby and I have noticed about this OBESITY ISSUE lately. Now after our Vice PM said something and in today's newspaper, they decided to take control on this issue by implementing some drastic measures in schools. What are the measures? Let's read the article first:
The decision was reached during a cabinet committee meeting earlier this month chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
"The BMI will indicate if the child is overweight or obese.
"If the child is overweight, the teacher will advise the parents to get help from the nearest clinic.
"We have identified unhealthy food at the school canteen as one of the causes of obesity.
"Effective immediately, canteen operators will not be allowed to sell soft drinks and foods with a high sugar content.
"The food in school canteens will be regularly monitored.
"In addition, there is also a ban on hawkers selling junk food outside the school," he said after closing the 5th Health Clinic Advisory Panel national convention and launching the panel member card for 2010-2013 yesterday.
Liow said the measures were necessary because of the increase in the number of obese and overweight children.
Malaysia, he said, was currently ranked sixth among Asian countries and first in Southeast Asia for a high percentage of obese citizens.
Some 30 per cent of Malaysians were overweight, he said, while another 30 per cent were obese.
He added that the ministry estimated that some 1.7 million Malaysians aged 18 and above were obese.
Read more: Kids' report cards to carry more 'weight'
My hubby and I have noticed about this OBESITY ISSUE lately. Now after our Vice PM said something and in today's newspaper, they decided to take control on this issue by implementing some drastic measures in schools. What are the measures? Let's read the article first:
Kids' report cards to carry more 'weight'
PETALING JAYA: Effective immediately, school report cards will include the student's body mass index (BMI) as a way for teachers to monitor the student's health. Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said this was among new measures to keep parents abreast of their children's health and to know whether their children were overweight or obese.The decision was reached during a cabinet committee meeting earlier this month chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
"The BMI will indicate if the child is overweight or obese.
"If the child is overweight, the teacher will advise the parents to get help from the nearest clinic.
"We have identified unhealthy food at the school canteen as one of the causes of obesity.
"Effective immediately, canteen operators will not be allowed to sell soft drinks and foods with a high sugar content.
"The food in school canteens will be regularly monitored.
"In addition, there is also a ban on hawkers selling junk food outside the school," he said after closing the 5th Health Clinic Advisory Panel national convention and launching the panel member card for 2010-2013 yesterday.
Liow said the measures were necessary because of the increase in the number of obese and overweight children.
Malaysia, he said, was currently ranked sixth among Asian countries and first in Southeast Asia for a high percentage of obese citizens.
Some 30 per cent of Malaysians were overweight, he said, while another 30 per cent were obese.
He added that the ministry estimated that some 1.7 million Malaysians aged 18 and above were obese.
Read more: Kids' report cards to carry more 'weight'
I also read some insights from a primary school teacher about this issue as she's one of the teachers who will be in charged on this. Go to THIS LINK to see her opinion about this.
Does it sound scary? We might have to have "THE BIGGEST LOSERS" every year in Malaysia if the number is still increasing. I strongly reckon we should start on monitoring and controlling our children diet and also be the good role models to them. It''s not fair if we blame on the teachers as we as parents who don't really pay attention or we are the one giving the unhealthy food because we are too busy with our jobs.
serious issues
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Mind Your Language: Chill out time guys.
I remember this very old sitcom back in 70's called "Mind Your Language". I used to watch the series on TV2. My abah was the one who introduced us to this hilarious sitcom. Even though I couldn't understand the whole jokes, I still love to watch each episode to learn and at the same time challenge myself to try to understand about the jokes. Some jokes might be ambiguous (or have double meaning) but it was one of the best reference for me.
This is what I copied from WIKIPEDIA:
Mind Your Language is a British comedy television series, that premiered on ITV in late 1977. Produced by LWT and directed by Stuart Allen, it is set in a school for adult students in London, focusing on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Mr. Jeremy Brown, portrayed by Barry Evans, who had to deal with a motley crew of foreigners. Three series were made by LWT between 1977–79, and the show was briefly revived in 1986 with Six of the original cast.
Why don't you sit back and relax and enjoy watching this first episode from the first season of MIND YOUR LANGUAGE:
I remember this very old sitcom back in 70's called "Mind Your Language". I used to watch the series on TV2. My abah was the one who introduced us to this hilarious sitcom. Even though I couldn't understand the whole jokes, I still love to watch each episode to learn and at the same time challenge myself to try to understand about the jokes. Some jokes might be ambiguous (or have double meaning) but it was one of the best reference for me.
This is what I copied from WIKIPEDIA:
Mind Your Language is a British comedy television series, that premiered on ITV in late 1977. Produced by LWT and directed by Stuart Allen, it is set in a school for adult students in London, focusing on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Mr. Jeremy Brown, portrayed by Barry Evans, who had to deal with a motley crew of foreigners. Three series were made by LWT between 1977–79, and the show was briefly revived in 1986 with Six of the original cast.
Why don't you sit back and relax and enjoy watching this first episode from the first season of MIND YOUR LANGUAGE:
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ben Ashaari Gegar Lagi....
Terasa nak menggedikkan diri masuk segmen En. Ben ni. Pernah masuk juga segmen lain tapi ada yang saya buat sekerat jalan sbb tak sempat ikut segmen2 dia yg banyak soalan2 tu. Anyway, kena tempek banner Ben ni:
Terasa nak menggedikkan diri masuk segmen En. Ben ni. Pernah masuk juga segmen lain tapi ada yang saya buat sekerat jalan sbb tak sempat ikut segmen2 dia yg banyak soalan2 tu. Anyway, kena tempek banner Ben ni:
link BEN ASHAARI tekan kat nama dia tu)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Siapa suka tersalah kira?HANYA UNTUK BACAAN KAUM HAWA YE! (BM ENTRY)
Saya nak mengaku sesuatu yang selalu saya buat. Ini sebenarnya mcm menceritakan keburukan sendiri tapi ada peringatannya untuk kaum Hawa yang sudah berumahtangga. Apa ke bendanya? (Mugo gapo gak ni?). Alah, pasal kalau haid kita tetap tiap2 bulan, mesti kita boleh agak bila kedatangan haid seterusnya kan? Masalah saya ialah saya ni suka tersalah kira kitaran haid saya. Akibatnya- sudah banyak kali macam tertanya-tanya kot2 sya berisi. Lepas tu tak pasal2 kena beli alat untuk menguji kehamilan. huhu. Setiap kali juga sebenarnya keputusan tu negatif. Suami saya selalu marahkan saya asal hal ni sbb macam tak tahu benda penting macam ni. Tak tahula kenapa saya macam tak ambil berat pasal hal ni. Kalau orang lain, ada yang sedang berharap dan menunggu keputusan positif. Saya dan suami pula tak kisah sekarang. Kalau ada rezeki......alhamdulillah. Kalau belum, mungkin lain kali.
Ada yang pernah mengalami keadaan yang sama? Atau mungkin saya seorang je yang pemalas nak ambil tahu hal penting macam ni?
Saya nak mengaku sesuatu yang selalu saya buat. Ini sebenarnya mcm menceritakan keburukan sendiri tapi ada peringatannya untuk kaum Hawa yang sudah berumahtangga. Apa ke bendanya? (Mugo gapo gak ni?). Alah, pasal kalau haid kita tetap tiap2 bulan, mesti kita boleh agak bila kedatangan haid seterusnya kan? Masalah saya ialah saya ni suka tersalah kira kitaran haid saya. Akibatnya- sudah banyak kali macam tertanya-tanya kot2 sya berisi. Lepas tu tak pasal2 kena beli alat untuk menguji kehamilan. huhu. Setiap kali juga sebenarnya keputusan tu negatif. Suami saya selalu marahkan saya asal hal ni sbb macam tak tahu benda penting macam ni. Tak tahula kenapa saya macam tak ambil berat pasal hal ni. Kalau orang lain, ada yang sedang berharap dan menunggu keputusan positif. Saya dan suami pula tak kisah sekarang. Kalau ada rezeki......alhamdulillah. Kalau belum, mungkin lain kali.
Ada yang pernah mengalami keadaan yang sama? Atau mungkin saya seorang je yang pemalas nak ambil tahu hal penting macam ni?
my ramblings
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Using puzzles as a family activity.
I wasn't feeling well yesterday and today I'm on leave. So, I'm spending this quality time with my daughters at home since both of them are also suffering from flu. This morning, we were so lazy that we woke up late and only had our breakfast at 8 o'clock.
Right now, they are playing with their jigsaw puzzles. They love putting together jigsaw puzzles since they were in Peachgrove Playcentre. I also love to buy them new puzzles. When they try to put the jigsaw puzzle pieces together, they can focus so much and they are also able to work together.
These are some of the benefits of using puzzle as a family activity:
At the moment, my daughters already have wooden puzzles, some cheap puzzles from night market (pasar malam yg dijual RM2 satu), princesses puzzles and Dora puzzles from a supermarket. I'm planning to buy some more challenging puzzles for them. Have you ever tried to use jigsaw puzzles as a fun learning tool?
I wasn't feeling well yesterday and today I'm on leave. So, I'm spending this quality time with my daughters at home since both of them are also suffering from flu. This morning, we were so lazy that we woke up late and only had our breakfast at 8 o'clock.
These are some of the benefits of using puzzle as a family activity:
- it's a quality time that we can share as a family,
- it's a good time to know what they like. (when they choose which puzzle they want to do)
- children can improve their hand to eye coordination
- improves how they think logically
- it helps them to recognizes shapes and colours
- they can become independent as they know how to do the puzzle, they love to claim that they can do it “all by themselves”
- it can help to increase their confidence
- they can feel the different textures
At the moment, my daughters already have wooden puzzles, some cheap puzzles from night market (pasar malam yg dijual RM2 satu), princesses puzzles and Dora puzzles from a supermarket. I'm planning to buy some more challenging puzzles for them. Have you ever tried to use jigsaw puzzles as a fun learning tool?
my thoughts
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Toilet Training is easy when the toddler is ready?
Toilet Training is definitely the least favourite task of mine since I always want to see the result as soon as possible. There are so many tips and methods that parents have shared in blogs, parenting forums, books and magazines. As usual, the only determining factor is whether our toddler is ready or not ready for it.
Most parents know to look at the symptoms like:
Before this she just refused to sit on the toilet seat and didn't even want to tell even when her diaper was so soggy. (especially in the nursery. huhu) Now, the drama is over, we can focus on other things. To the other parents out there, good luck with the toilet training and just make sure your toddler is ready. If he/she is not ready, we can't really force him/her.
Toilet Training is definitely the least favourite task of mine since I always want to see the result as soon as possible. There are so many tips and methods that parents have shared in blogs, parenting forums, books and magazines. As usual, the only determining factor is whether our toddler is ready or not ready for it.
Most parents know to look at the symptoms like:
- a dried nappy after more than 3 hours.
- he/she is interested to sit on the toilet seat.
- he/she can speak and communicate well.
- he/she feels uncomfortable in a wet, soggy nappy.
Before this she just refused to sit on the toilet seat and didn't even want to tell even when her diaper was so soggy. (especially in the nursery. huhu) Now, the drama is over, we can focus on other things. To the other parents out there, good luck with the toilet training and just make sure your toddler is ready. If he/she is not ready, we can't really force him/her.
My little Hafizah is not so "little" anymore.
my daughters
Monday, April 11, 2011
Don't beat around/about the bush!
As the non-native speakers of English, we always find it difficult to really follow and understand the structure in English. Most of the time, our L1 (first language) is the common language that we use everyday. Thus, we tend to think and construct sentences in our first language then translate them literally into English. When my students ask for some tips especially in writing, I couldn't just give any shortcuts to them. Would you like to know the tips too? Yes? Okay- let's see.................................................
Tips in using English without any literal translation from L1.
1- Start with simple sentences in English.
Using simple sentences can avoid you from committing too many grammatical errors. Only when you are familiar with compound sentences, then you can start experimenting and venture in them.
2- Make sure the words that you are using are in the correct context.
Some words have so any meanings. That's why it's important to check which meaning that you intend to say in your sentence. Wrong context can caused misunderstanding.
3- Read and apply sentences that you've read or heard somewhere.
It's always handy when you are an avid reader because you'll be so familiar with some expressions or quotations used by other people. This is the best way to write a good piece of writing provided that you quote it by acknowledging the source.
4- Stop thinking in your L1 structure.
What will happen when you are still thinking in your L1? You'll write sentences that have weird context and may sound funny.
5- Last but not least; Don't beat around/about the bush.
English is pretty simple language. You can just tell what you want to tell in few words. Some other languages like Bahasa Melayu, we have to beat around/about the bush before we can say what we want to say. So, next time you want to write something in English; just go straight to your point.
I hope these tips can help those who still doubt that they can write something in English. I would say the best method is also just keep trying until you get there. Don't ever give-up because it's never too late to start learning and applying your skills.
As the non-native speakers of English, we always find it difficult to really follow and understand the structure in English. Most of the time, our L1 (first language) is the common language that we use everyday. Thus, we tend to think and construct sentences in our first language then translate them literally into English. When my students ask for some tips especially in writing, I couldn't just give any shortcuts to them. Would you like to know the tips too? Yes? Okay- let's see.................................................
Tips in using English without any literal translation from L1.
1- Start with simple sentences in English.
Using simple sentences can avoid you from committing too many grammatical errors. Only when you are familiar with compound sentences, then you can start experimenting and venture in them.
2- Make sure the words that you are using are in the correct context.
Some words have so any meanings. That's why it's important to check which meaning that you intend to say in your sentence. Wrong context can caused misunderstanding.
3- Read and apply sentences that you've read or heard somewhere.
It's always handy when you are an avid reader because you'll be so familiar with some expressions or quotations used by other people. This is the best way to write a good piece of writing provided that you quote it by acknowledging the source.
4- Stop thinking in your L1 structure.
What will happen when you are still thinking in your L1? You'll write sentences that have weird context and may sound funny.
5- Last but not least; Don't beat around/about the bush.
English is pretty simple language. You can just tell what you want to tell in few words. Some other languages like Bahasa Melayu, we have to beat around/about the bush before we can say what we want to say. So, next time you want to write something in English; just go straight to your point.
I hope these tips can help those who still doubt that they can write something in English. I would say the best method is also just keep trying until you get there. Don't ever give-up because it's never too late to start learning and applying your skills.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
This customized t-shirt looks attractive!
I'm thinking about buying this customized t-shirt from HB. If you want to know more just click on the Heartbeat banner. The offer is so attractive and I would like to buy 2 t-shirts so that, my hubby and I can have the same t-shirts. Has anyone bought the t-shirt? I would like to know about your opinion if you've bought it. I would highly appreciate your feedback about this.
I'm thinking about buying this customized t-shirt from HB. If you want to know more just click on the Heartbeat banner. The offer is so attractive and I would like to buy 2 t-shirts so that, my hubby and I can have the same t-shirts. Has anyone bought the t-shirt? I would like to know about your opinion if you've bought it. I would highly appreciate your feedback about this.
my ramblings
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Setiap bulan nafsu ini mendesakku. (BM ENTRY)
Kalau ada sesiapa yg cepat2 buka sebab tajuk di atas, mesti ada yg fikir yg bukan2 kan? hehhehe. Saya cuma nak cakap pasal nafsu membeli belah ye. Yg lain2 saya tak suka kongsikan di sini. Mungkin dah lumrah untuk wanita yang ada keinginan untuk memiliki dan membeli pelbagai barangan keperluan diri dan juga aksesori diri setiap bulan. Seboleh-bolehnya saya kawal juga nafsu tu dengan mengikut belanjawan setiap bulan supaya sebelum gaji seterusnya saya masih ada baki duit.
Yang jadi masalahnya, ada je duit lebih tangan mesti gatal je nak beli 3 benda ni:
1- Blouse panjang untuk dipakai ke tempat kerja dan juga berjalan2.
Dah habis dah saya mengaku kelemahan saya kat sini hari ni. Orang2 yg baca ni, tak nak ke kongsi apakah antara barang2 yg mesti nak dibeli setiap bulan? Brang2 yg bukan keperluan tapi hanya kerna NAFSU!
Kalau ada sesiapa yg cepat2 buka sebab tajuk di atas, mesti ada yg fikir yg bukan2 kan? hehhehe. Saya cuma nak cakap pasal nafsu membeli belah ye. Yg lain2 saya tak suka kongsikan di sini. Mungkin dah lumrah untuk wanita yang ada keinginan untuk memiliki dan membeli pelbagai barangan keperluan diri dan juga aksesori diri setiap bulan. Seboleh-bolehnya saya kawal juga nafsu tu dengan mengikut belanjawan setiap bulan supaya sebelum gaji seterusnya saya masih ada baki duit.
Yang jadi masalahnya, ada je duit lebih tangan mesti gatal je nak beli 3 benda ni:
1- Blouse panjang untuk dipakai ke tempat kerja dan juga berjalan2.
gambar ehsan GOOGLE.
Rasanya mungkin bukan saya sorang yang selalu nak pakai baju baru kan. hehe. Kalau setiap minggu pakai baju yg sama, selalu perasan yang orang lain mesti fikir "Dia ni dah tak de baju lain ke?". Padahal orang tak pernah perasan pun apa yang kita pakai. Suami saya selalu tegur yang almari tu dah nak meletup sbb baju saya dah banyak sangat! huhuu :P
2- Beg tangan.
sekali lagi diambil dari GOOGLE.
Ya! Memang dah ada banyak jugak beg tangan. Yang tak bagusnya, setiap kali keluar pun pakai yang sama je. Yg lain duduk diam2 dalam almari buat kutip debu. huhu. Ada yang dah anak-anak pinjam untuk diaorg berangan dan main konon-kononya jadi mak-mak. haha!
3- Tudung, tudung dan tudung lagi.
Sekarang ada macam-macam jenis tudung di pasaran. Macam-macam nama juga. Yg belit, yg bersimpul, ada macam Gypsy, berbunga, berbatu-batu dan tak tahula apa jenis lagi. Kalau ikut hati mesti nak ada satu almari tudung je. huhu. Sekali lagi suami saya marah sbb memang tempat nak simpan tudung pun dah penuh sangat. Tudung yang lama2 dah buat kain lapik meja. hehehe. Kalau mak mertua saya nak, mungkin boleh bagi tudung2 lama untuk balut buah nangka kat atas pokok nangka belakang rumah! hehehe
Dah habis dah saya mengaku kelemahan saya kat sini hari ni. Orang2 yg baca ni, tak nak ke kongsi apakah antara barang2 yg mesti nak dibeli setiap bulan? Brang2 yg bukan keperluan tapi hanya kerna NAFSU!
my ramblings
Friday, April 8, 2011
Relax and be patient.
Jumm'ah Mubarak- that's what my Arab students always wish me on Friday. I was not really sure what can I share today but I'm trying to talk abt something.
Relax & Be patient- I used to a hot-tempered person. However, since I gave birth to Fathini, I've learned to reduce the temperament. I'm even better after Hafizah was born. They have taught me to control my anger and to feel relax because "every little things is going to be all right". I also feel calmer whenever I remind myself about these two words. As Muslim, we know that "Assobru minal iman". It means; patience is part of our faith. So, let's try to remind ourselves to always BE PATIENT.
Jumm'ah Mubarak- that's what my Arab students always wish me on Friday. I was not really sure what can I share today but I'm trying to talk abt something.
Relax & Be patient- I used to a hot-tempered person. However, since I gave birth to Fathini, I've learned to reduce the temperament. I'm even better after Hafizah was born. They have taught me to control my anger and to feel relax because "every little things is going to be all right". I also feel calmer whenever I remind myself about these two words. As Muslim, we know that "Assobru minal iman". It means; patience is part of our faith. So, let's try to remind ourselves to always BE PATIENT.
my ramblings
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Siblings Rivalry: Fathini VS Hafizah.
Siblings rivalry is so common among siblings especially if the age gap is so close. I remember when I was small, I had some arguments and misunderstanding with my younger sis YATIE CHOMEYL. Even though the age gap is about 4 years, we were the only girls before our youngest sister was born in 1994. Basically, we grew up together and bickering, fighting over something and the jealousy feeling were so inevitable.
My daughters; Fathini and Hafizah also have experienced some inevitable symptoms of siblings rivalry. One second, they can play nicely with each other. The next second, Fathini shouts at her Hafizah. Hafizah who is more boisterous, loves to hit Fathini. They really remind me about what happened to me long time ago.
I always use the normal methods of-
FIRST: Ignore the incident.
SECOND: Check if they still can't resolve the problem.
THIRD: Never choose any side. Ask them to apologize to each other.
FOURTH: Take away their privileges like watching tv or playing with toys (and etc) if they don't want to apologize.
FIFTH: Put them in a separate place for a while as "THE TIME OUT" punishment.
Sometimes those methods are easier said than done, right? My daughters know there's a soft spot in me that can make them escape from any kind of punishments. If I think at that moment, I'm not able to handle the situation, I'll hand over the task to my hubby! Well, it's good to have someone else to help you out especially when you yourself are so stressed up.
The last thing I want to share today is about what happened to 2 of my brothers years ago:
My brother P was so mad at his younger brother E who was always rude. They got into a serious fight like a scene in a boxing match. E almost punched P. Fortunately P, managed to avoid. When my late mom saw what happened. She immediately asked them to stop and sit. Then, she went back to the kitchen. When she came back, she ask P & E to sit next to each other while facing backward. She tied them together and asked them to continue with their fight. GUESS what happened after that? Both of them were so quiet and totally forgot what they were fighting about.
Siblings rivalry is so common among siblings especially if the age gap is so close. I remember when I was small, I had some arguments and misunderstanding with my younger sis YATIE CHOMEYL. Even though the age gap is about 4 years, we were the only girls before our youngest sister was born in 1994. Basically, we grew up together and bickering, fighting over something and the jealousy feeling were so inevitable.
I always use the normal methods of-
FIRST: Ignore the incident.
SECOND: Check if they still can't resolve the problem.
THIRD: Never choose any side. Ask them to apologize to each other.
FOURTH: Take away their privileges like watching tv or playing with toys (and etc) if they don't want to apologize.
FIFTH: Put them in a separate place for a while as "THE TIME OUT" punishment.
Sometimes those methods are easier said than done, right? My daughters know there's a soft spot in me that can make them escape from any kind of punishments. If I think at that moment, I'm not able to handle the situation, I'll hand over the task to my hubby! Well, it's good to have someone else to help you out especially when you yourself are so stressed up.
The last thing I want to share today is about what happened to 2 of my brothers years ago:
My brother P was so mad at his younger brother E who was always rude. They got into a serious fight like a scene in a boxing match. E almost punched P. Fortunately P, managed to avoid. When my late mom saw what happened. She immediately asked them to stop and sit. Then, she went back to the kitchen. When she came back, she ask P & E to sit next to each other while facing backward. She tied them together and asked them to continue with their fight. GUESS what happened after that? Both of them were so quiet and totally forgot what they were fighting about.
my daughters
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Why English Grammar is FUNNY?
Everyday when I go to class to teach Structure & Speaking Practice Component, my students ask so many questions. They won't stop until they are totally satisfied with my explanations. Most of the time,answering questions from 20 students at a time is so overwhelming. It's hard to explain when there are so many exceptions and irregularity in English grammar.
SO, that's why I always tell them, "English Grammar is FUNNY!". WHY? They won't accept the irregularity and the weird rules without knowing where do they come from. I just don't want to lecture them on the origin of English language since I learned about it for 2 semesters (equals to almost a year!).
Let me just give you the explanation of English Grammar that I've copied from WIKIPEDIA. Why don't you try to understand about the explanation too and tell me what do you reckon?:
English grammar is the body of rules describing the properties of the English language. A language is such that its elements must be combined according to certain patterns. This article is concerned with (and restricted to) morphology, the building blocks of language; and syntax, the construction of meaningful phrases, clauses and sentences with the use of morphemes and words.
The grammar of any language is commonly approached in two different ways: descriptive, usually based on a systematic analysis of a large text corpus and describing grammatical structures thereupon; and prescriptive, which attempts to use the identified rules of a given language as a tool to govern the linguistic behaviour of speakers (see Descriptive linguistics and Linguistic prescription). Prescriptive grammar further concerns itself with several open disputes in English grammar, often representing changes in usage over time. This article predominantly concerns itself with descriptive grammar.
There are historical, social and regional variations of English. For example, British English and American English have several lexical differences; however, the grammatical differences are not equally conspicuous, and will be mentioned only when appropriate. Further, the many dialects of English have divergences from the grammar described here; they are only cursorily mentioned. This article describes a generalized present-day Standard English, the form of speech found in types of public discourse including broadcasting, education, entertainment, government, and news reporting. Standard English includes both formal and informal speech.
Everyday when I go to class to teach Structure & Speaking Practice Component, my students ask so many questions. They won't stop until they are totally satisfied with my explanations. Most of the time,answering questions from 20 students at a time is so overwhelming. It's hard to explain when there are so many exceptions and irregularity in English grammar.
SO, that's why I always tell them, "English Grammar is FUNNY!". WHY? They won't accept the irregularity and the weird rules without knowing where do they come from. I just don't want to lecture them on the origin of English language since I learned about it for 2 semesters (equals to almost a year!).
Let me just give you the explanation of English Grammar that I've copied from WIKIPEDIA. Why don't you try to understand about the explanation too and tell me what do you reckon?:
English grammar is the body of rules describing the properties of the English language. A language is such that its elements must be combined according to certain patterns. This article is concerned with (and restricted to) morphology, the building blocks of language; and syntax, the construction of meaningful phrases, clauses and sentences with the use of morphemes and words.
The grammar of any language is commonly approached in two different ways: descriptive, usually based on a systematic analysis of a large text corpus and describing grammatical structures thereupon; and prescriptive, which attempts to use the identified rules of a given language as a tool to govern the linguistic behaviour of speakers (see Descriptive linguistics and Linguistic prescription). Prescriptive grammar further concerns itself with several open disputes in English grammar, often representing changes in usage over time. This article predominantly concerns itself with descriptive grammar.
There are historical, social and regional variations of English. For example, British English and American English have several lexical differences; however, the grammatical differences are not equally conspicuous, and will be mentioned only when appropriate. Further, the many dialects of English have divergences from the grammar described here; they are only cursorily mentioned. This article describes a generalized present-day Standard English, the form of speech found in types of public discourse including broadcasting, education, entertainment, government, and news reporting. Standard English includes both formal and informal speech.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Rain, rain.......
Rain,rain don't go away,
We need you now,
because of ray,
Hot and humid so how?,
Please just come again,
Another day.
Monday, April 4, 2011
If you are a big fan of cooking game show on television, you might recognize this logo:
If you are a big fan of cooking game show on television, you might recognize this logo:
Well, guess what? If you think you have what it takes to compete in this interesting cooking game show, you'll have your chance to show your talent. Just go HERE to get the application form. To make it easier, if you click HERE, you can download the form. You have to email the application form before 6.00 a.m. 18th April. You also have to send your photo too!
Why am I so excited to give this FREE promotion? I'm so glad to see that finally this cooking game show is here in Malaysia! I'm sure we have a lot of talented amateur chef all around Malaysia. My eldest daughter, Fathini has asked me to also try my luck BUT I have to admit that I'm not so good in decorating and garnishing my dish. Plus, I know I'll be so stress up and maybe become so clueless when there are some people shouting, "You only have 10 minutes to finish your dish!". I definitely will be so unorganized and then I might just present the worst dish of the day! hahah.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Jange Maroh Deh, Jange Deki ko Ambo sbb ni. (BM ENTRY)
Kalu demo baco ni mesti demo kato ambo bersifat "assabiyah". hehe. Tapi doh ambo bulih mugo ni dari FB marin, raso mace nokla tepek sini. Kalu tok setuju pong, royak jahla bakpo. hehe. Sajo jah letok sini untuk suko2.
11 Keistimewaan orang kelantan
1. Kelantanese use a proper Malay word.
Tidak seperti negeri-negeri lain di malaysia, orang kelantan tidak merosakkan perkataan yang terdapat didalam bahasa melayu standard. seperti contoh:
Ulau - Melaka
Ulaq - Kedah
Ulor - Johor
Ular - Kelantan ( ooo-laaa)
dan banyak lagi…
2. Kelantanese don’t ‘cakap kelantan’.
Orang kelantan tidak cakap kelantan, mereka ‘kechek kelate’. Bahasa kelantan mungkin merupakan bahasa yang paling sukar untuk difahami diantara kebanyakkan dialek yang ada di malaysia (selepas bahasa sarawak, dan sabah).
Bahasa kelantan tidak menggunakan imbuhan dihadapan sesuatu perkataan tetapi lebih kepada menggunakan sabdu, dan ayat didalam bahasa kelantan tidak dimatikan dihujungnya. contoh:
betina - tino (Ttee-nor)
berjalan - jale (Jjaa-ley)
bermain - maing (Mmaa-eng)
perbualan - buale (Bbua- ley)
pemerintahan - meritohe (Mme-ghi-toh-he)
contoh ayat:
“Toksoh buak peghanga po kegho, tokleh napok Ttino lalu” - Tak usah buat perangai serupa kera, tak boleh nampak perempuan lalu
“Maghi kito gi Jjale ghumoh pok peng, che buleh duik Ghhayo” - Mari kita pergi berjalan rumah pak arifin, ada ‘chance’ boleh duit raya
3. Kelantanese have their own currency.
Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu tapi orang kelantan tidak menggunakan matawang RM atau ringgit malaysia. Mereka mempunya matawang mereka sendiri iaitu Riyal atau sebutan nya lebih berbunyi ‘ghiya’. Walaupun ‘ghiya’ kelantan tidak diniagakan di pasaran antarabangsa dan exchange rate antara ‘ghiya’ dan RM adalah sama, malah wang yang digunakan adalah sama. Tetapi Ringgit adalah lebih kecil sekiranya digunakan di kelantan. Contoh:
Situasi seseorang menggunakan Ringgit di pasar Siti Khadijah Kota Bharu:
“Makcik, sayur ni berapa ringgit selonggok?”
“oohh, sayur kakung nih 2 Ringgik selonggok”
Situasi yang sama, tetapi menggunakan ‘ghiya’
“Mokcik, sayur kakung nih brapo ghiya slonggok ..?”
“slonggok tigo amah*, kalu nok ambik duo longgok, 2
perhatikan harga selonggok kangkung meningkat 50 sen dari harga dalam ‘ghiya’, malah dijualnya pulak dengan harga 2 longgok 2 ‘ghiya’ (atau 2 ringgit)
4. Kelantanese and ‘Budu’
Orang kelantan yang tipikal, amat gemar memakan budu dan ulam. Budu merupakan lebih dari sos untuk menyedapkan makanan, applikasi budu didalam makanan tiba ketahap ianya dijadikan kuah bagi mereka yang berdarah kelantan tulin.
saiful: “aduh nampak gaya makan nasi ngan ikan rebus jelah kita malam ni” (sambil berwajah sedih) shazmin: “perrgghh, ni kalau ada budu ngan limau nipis, kena pulak ulam raja…” (sambil meleleh air liur)
So, kita dapat tahu dari situasi ini, shazmin adalah orang kelantan. (pergghh… budu ngan ulam raja)
5. Kelantanese are soft.
Orang kelantan adalah terkenal dengan sifat lembut mereka. Sifat sederhana dan pemalu merupakan sifat yang paling jelas. Tetapi sekiranya mereka berada didalam kelompok yang mereka berasa selesa, mereka merupakan orang paling friendly dan kuat berseloka.
6. Kelantanese doesn’t hold to ‘adat’ rules.
Bagi mereka yang tidak tahu, orang kelantan merupakan masyarakat yang paling mudah dibandingkan dengan masyarakat dinegeri lain apabila masuk kedalam bab adat resam dan perkahwinan. Ini adalah mereka kurang atau hampir tidak berpegang kepada sebarang adat. Tidak seperti masyarakat di Negeri Sembilan yang kuat dengan Adat Pepatih dan berbagai-bagai lagi adat-adat di malaysia. Orang kelantan lebih kepada memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan didalam islam.
Masyarakat kelantan tidak ada pantun (minang), bayar tol (bagi orang johor), bersanding, kenduri 3 hari 3 malam, pulut kuning dan sebagainya. Ia bergantung kepada pasangan pengantin dan keluarga sekiranya ingin mengadakan adat-adat berikut tetapi ianya adalah tidak wajib, dan masyarakat kelantan kebanyakkan lebih gemar kepada kesederhanaan. Ayat yang biasa didengari adalah:
“buak gapo buak bendo-bendo lagu tuh, Bbazir pitih”
(buat apa nak buat benda-benda macam tuh, membazir duit) . Jika ada yang ingin mencari bakal isteri, bolehlah cari orang kelantan.
7. Kelantanese and Nik Aziz
Orang kelantan lebih gemar dikenali sebagai anak murid Nik Aziz. Orang kelantan tidak melihat Nik Aziz sebagai menteri besar tetapi lebih kepada seorang tuan guru. Ini adalah kerana tuan guru Nik Aziz sendiri adalah seorang guru agama dan masyarakat kelantan menghormati beliau lebih sebagai seorang guru agama lebih daripada seorang menteri besar.
8. Moon Kite (wau bulan)
Wau bulan merupakan permainan traditional orang kelantan, tetapi lebih kepada mereka yang tinggal di pesisiran pantai. Ini adalah kerana angin yang kuat dan dahulunya ketika angin kuat mereka tidak boleh pergi menangkap ikan oleh itu mereka mengisi masa lapang dengan bermain wau.
9. Wayang kulit
Masyarakat kelantan merupakan pelopor didalam bidang perfileman, sebelum wujudnya Tanjong Golden Village (TGV) dan Golden Screen Cinema (GSC) masyarakat kelantan sudah lama ada Ketereh Village Cinema (KVC) dan Kedai Lalat Village Cinema. Malah wayang kulit terdapat dimana-mana kampung di kelantan (sebab itu kota bharu tak ada panggung wayang).
10. Thailand (golok)
Orang kelantan gemar membeli-belah di golok, ini adalah terdapat bermacam-macam barangan yang boleh didapati di golok, dari baju-baju, barangan elektrik, barangan dapur hingga ke mercun boleh didapati di golok. Oleh itu orang kelantan tidak memerlukan shopping complex yang besar-besar seperti di negeri-negeri lain yang hanya akan menimbulkan masalah jalan raya, dan menjadi tempat muda-mudi berpeleseran. Di golok, kanak-kanak, remaja, makcik-makcik dan nenek-nenek semuanya boleh membeli belah bersama-sama.
11. orang kelantan mempunyai berbagai kata ganti nama mengikut keadaan tertentu
‘kito’ digunakan bila bercakap dengan orang lebih tua
‘ambo’ untuk menunjukkan humbleness
‘kawe’ dengan kenalan biasa
‘aku’ dengan member2 rapat
‘oghe’ dengan family
’sayo’ untuk formality
Kalu demo baco ni mesti demo kato ambo bersifat "assabiyah". hehe. Tapi doh ambo bulih mugo ni dari FB marin, raso mace nokla tepek sini. Kalu tok setuju pong, royak jahla bakpo. hehe. Sajo jah letok sini untuk suko2.
11 Keistimewaan orang kelantan
1. Kelantanese use a proper Malay word.
Tidak seperti negeri-negeri lain di malaysia, orang kelantan tidak merosakkan perkataan yang terdapat didalam bahasa melayu standard. seperti contoh:
Ulau - Melaka
Ulaq - Kedah
Ulor - Johor
Ular - Kelantan ( ooo-laaa)
dan banyak lagi…
2. Kelantanese don’t ‘cakap kelantan’.
Orang kelantan tidak cakap kelantan, mereka ‘kechek kelate’. Bahasa kelantan mungkin merupakan bahasa yang paling sukar untuk difahami diantara kebanyakkan dialek yang ada di malaysia (selepas bahasa sarawak, dan sabah).
Bahasa kelantan tidak menggunakan imbuhan dihadapan sesuatu perkataan tetapi lebih kepada menggunakan sabdu, dan ayat didalam bahasa kelantan tidak dimatikan dihujungnya. contoh:
betina - tino (Ttee-nor)
berjalan - jale (Jjaa-ley)
bermain - maing (Mmaa-eng)
perbualan - buale (Bbua- ley)
pemerintahan - meritohe (Mme-ghi-toh-he)
contoh ayat:
“Toksoh buak peghanga po kegho, tokleh napok Ttino lalu” - Tak usah buat perangai serupa kera, tak boleh nampak perempuan lalu
“Maghi kito gi Jjale ghumoh pok peng, che buleh duik Ghhayo” - Mari kita pergi berjalan rumah pak arifin, ada ‘chance’ boleh duit raya
3. Kelantanese have their own currency.
Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu tapi orang kelantan tidak menggunakan matawang RM atau ringgit malaysia. Mereka mempunya matawang mereka sendiri iaitu Riyal atau sebutan nya lebih berbunyi ‘ghiya’. Walaupun ‘ghiya’ kelantan tidak diniagakan di pasaran antarabangsa dan exchange rate antara ‘ghiya’ dan RM adalah sama, malah wang yang digunakan adalah sama. Tetapi Ringgit adalah lebih kecil sekiranya digunakan di kelantan. Contoh:
Situasi seseorang menggunakan Ringgit di pasar Siti Khadijah Kota Bharu:
“Makcik, sayur ni berapa ringgit selonggok?”
“oohh, sayur kakung nih 2 Ringgik selonggok”
Situasi yang sama, tetapi menggunakan ‘ghiya’
“Mokcik, sayur kakung nih brapo ghiya slonggok ..?”
“slonggok tigo amah*, kalu nok ambik duo longgok, 2
perhatikan harga selonggok kangkung meningkat 50 sen dari harga dalam ‘ghiya’, malah dijualnya pulak dengan harga 2 longgok 2 ‘ghiya’ (atau 2 ringgit)
4. Kelantanese and ‘Budu’
Orang kelantan yang tipikal, amat gemar memakan budu dan ulam. Budu merupakan lebih dari sos untuk menyedapkan makanan, applikasi budu didalam makanan tiba ketahap ianya dijadikan kuah bagi mereka yang berdarah kelantan tulin.
saiful: “aduh nampak gaya makan nasi ngan ikan rebus jelah kita malam ni” (sambil berwajah sedih) shazmin: “perrgghh, ni kalau ada budu ngan limau nipis, kena pulak ulam raja…” (sambil meleleh air liur)
So, kita dapat tahu dari situasi ini, shazmin adalah orang kelantan. (pergghh… budu ngan ulam raja)
5. Kelantanese are soft.
Orang kelantan adalah terkenal dengan sifat lembut mereka. Sifat sederhana dan pemalu merupakan sifat yang paling jelas. Tetapi sekiranya mereka berada didalam kelompok yang mereka berasa selesa, mereka merupakan orang paling friendly dan kuat berseloka.
6. Kelantanese doesn’t hold to ‘adat’ rules.
Bagi mereka yang tidak tahu, orang kelantan merupakan masyarakat yang paling mudah dibandingkan dengan masyarakat dinegeri lain apabila masuk kedalam bab adat resam dan perkahwinan. Ini adalah mereka kurang atau hampir tidak berpegang kepada sebarang adat. Tidak seperti masyarakat di Negeri Sembilan yang kuat dengan Adat Pepatih dan berbagai-bagai lagi adat-adat di malaysia. Orang kelantan lebih kepada memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan didalam islam.
Masyarakat kelantan tidak ada pantun (minang), bayar tol (bagi orang johor), bersanding, kenduri 3 hari 3 malam, pulut kuning dan sebagainya. Ia bergantung kepada pasangan pengantin dan keluarga sekiranya ingin mengadakan adat-adat berikut tetapi ianya adalah tidak wajib, dan masyarakat kelantan kebanyakkan lebih gemar kepada kesederhanaan. Ayat yang biasa didengari adalah:
“buak gapo buak bendo-bendo lagu tuh, Bbazir pitih”
(buat apa nak buat benda-benda macam tuh, membazir duit) . Jika ada yang ingin mencari bakal isteri, bolehlah cari orang kelantan.
7. Kelantanese and Nik Aziz
Orang kelantan lebih gemar dikenali sebagai anak murid Nik Aziz. Orang kelantan tidak melihat Nik Aziz sebagai menteri besar tetapi lebih kepada seorang tuan guru. Ini adalah kerana tuan guru Nik Aziz sendiri adalah seorang guru agama dan masyarakat kelantan menghormati beliau lebih sebagai seorang guru agama lebih daripada seorang menteri besar.
8. Moon Kite (wau bulan)
Wau bulan merupakan permainan traditional orang kelantan, tetapi lebih kepada mereka yang tinggal di pesisiran pantai. Ini adalah kerana angin yang kuat dan dahulunya ketika angin kuat mereka tidak boleh pergi menangkap ikan oleh itu mereka mengisi masa lapang dengan bermain wau.
9. Wayang kulit
Masyarakat kelantan merupakan pelopor didalam bidang perfileman, sebelum wujudnya Tanjong Golden Village (TGV) dan Golden Screen Cinema (GSC) masyarakat kelantan sudah lama ada Ketereh Village Cinema (KVC) dan Kedai Lalat Village Cinema. Malah wayang kulit terdapat dimana-mana kampung di kelantan (sebab itu kota bharu tak ada panggung wayang).
10. Thailand (golok)
Orang kelantan gemar membeli-belah di golok, ini adalah terdapat bermacam-macam barangan yang boleh didapati di golok, dari baju-baju, barangan elektrik, barangan dapur hingga ke mercun boleh didapati di golok. Oleh itu orang kelantan tidak memerlukan shopping complex yang besar-besar seperti di negeri-negeri lain yang hanya akan menimbulkan masalah jalan raya, dan menjadi tempat muda-mudi berpeleseran. Di golok, kanak-kanak, remaja, makcik-makcik dan nenek-nenek semuanya boleh membeli belah bersama-sama.
11. orang kelantan mempunyai berbagai kata ganti nama mengikut keadaan tertentu
‘kito’ digunakan bila bercakap dengan orang lebih tua
‘ambo’ untuk menunjukkan humbleness
‘kawe’ dengan kenalan biasa
‘aku’ dengan member2 rapat
‘oghe’ dengan family
’sayo’ untuk formality
languages and cultures
Saturday, April 2, 2011
I love this special salad from Thailand. When I was small, our Thai neighbour taught us this Papaya Salad. Since then, we always try to prepare this salad especially when we can find all the ingredients. The neighbour that we called "CIk Leha" is a very soft-spoken and kind lady. I also learned some words and phrases in Thai language from her.
If some of you don't know what is SOMTAM, why don't you read the explanation from WIKIPEDIA:
Som tam or som tum (Thai: ส้มตำ, pronounced [sôm tam]) also known as tam bak hung (Isan: ตำบักหุ่ง, pronounced [tam bàk hùŋ]) is a spicy salad made from shredded unripened papaya. Som tam is similar to the Laotian dish tam mak hoong and the Cambodian dish bok l'hong.
The picture of the dish? Okay, here they are:
The recipe? Well, maybe next time I can share the recipe that I've learned from my neighbour. But, I just want to introduce to those who are not familiar with this dish. I had eaten this salad today when we went to GIANT to buy our weekly grocery. I bought it from a temporary thai stall inside GIANT. It's for the special Thai Festival & Food promotion there.
I love this special salad from Thailand. When I was small, our Thai neighbour taught us this Papaya Salad. Since then, we always try to prepare this salad especially when we can find all the ingredients. The neighbour that we called "CIk Leha" is a very soft-spoken and kind lady. I also learned some words and phrases in Thai language from her.
If some of you don't know what is SOMTAM, why don't you read the explanation from WIKIPEDIA:
Som tam or som tum (Thai: ส้มตำ, pronounced [sôm tam]) also known as tam bak hung (Isan: ตำบักหุ่ง, pronounced [tam bàk hùŋ]) is a spicy salad made from shredded unripened papaya. Som tam is similar to the Laotian dish tam mak hoong and the Cambodian dish bok l'hong.
The picture of the dish? Okay, here they are:
The recipe? Well, maybe next time I can share the recipe that I've learned from my neighbour. But, I just want to introduce to those who are not familiar with this dish. I had eaten this salad today when we went to GIANT to buy our weekly grocery. I bought it from a temporary thai stall inside GIANT. It's for the special Thai Festival & Food promotion there.
weekend activities
Friday, April 1, 2011
Want to Win Disney School Skills workbooks?
I came across this interesting announcement in FB on Parent Thots page. It's a good opportunity to parents with young kids to try their luck. What you have to do is just send and e-mail to What should you write in your e-mail? Well, they just want to know how do we teach our young kids how to read.
The best (most creative, inspiring, unique) email per month wins 1 set of Disney School Skills workbooks, thanks to Scholastic.
This promotion goes on from April 1 (no, this isn't an April Fool's joke) right up till Sept 30 as we have 6 sets of workbooks to give away.
Each set of workbooks is valued at RM159.20.
For more info, please click HERE
P/S: I've just sent my e-mail to them. What about you? What are you waiting for?
The best (most creative, inspiring, unique) email per month wins 1 set of Disney School Skills workbooks, thanks to Scholastic.
This promotion goes on from April 1 (no, this isn't an April Fool's joke) right up till Sept 30 as we have 6 sets of workbooks to give away.
Each set of workbooks is valued at RM159.20.
For more info, please click HERE
P/S: I've just sent my e-mail to them. What about you? What are you waiting for?
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